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Messages - TomT

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11-28-16 KZSB SBAU radio show 4th Monday of month, 830am-10am,  cropped radio audio attached to this post, download and play with your audio player program:

00:00.000  Baron mentions AU coming in
00.11.228  song Soldier Boy, AU mention
01:47.963  ChuckMcP in, Big Bank Theory, meet Fri night, Black Hole talk see variations using small telescope.
02:52.191  Ben Hayes, Earth Sky, human blood, worlds oldest, ice man's.  victim of oldest know crime.  song.  B-this shows topic? CM-James Webb.
05:08.341 JerryW Sudoku
05:53.646 TomW James Webb, CM-reaction wheels failing

08:41.047  B-read screen, Univ of Space, top 5 most well known galaxies.  2-toms 1 jerry 1 chuck + Bruce. T-slate of officers for approval; T-Jerry to do Eclipse talk.  Bruce organ.  JPL trips.  Chuck-outreaches. BM-out last night, high altitude winds make for wiggly mess, clear, but not good seeing.  B-Q?  Air transparent, why bad seeing?  CM-  JW-refractive index of air varies with temperature variations and wind density changes.  B-compensate for that?  adaptive optics.  SBIG used to make a tip tilt device for amateur telescopes. T-adaptive optics.  TW-Westmont end of year.

20:14.442  "5 planetary bodies that can sustain life"  B-we're on one, CM-if we do not mess it up.  JW-presentation Eclipse CM black hole oscillation.  B-Tt did good job as pres.  TW-James Webb, up 2018, JW-mirror assembled.  18 segments, TW-opens like a flower.  TW-7 times the collecting space, infrared.  info from back in universe shifted to infrared.  B-all photons the EM? JW-visible is 550nm, radio at 7m, infrared 5microns wavelength.  TW-sits at Lagrange 2, 1M miles away, so it has to work.  5 lagrange sites.  B-one in front of earth? T-Discovr mission.  JW-Hubble will not be serviced anymore. BM-gryoscopes, reaction wheels.  JW-also gives axis you can push against.  B-not synchronous at 23K miles? JW-higher than ISS, hard to reach.  James Webb to get away from Earth infrared heat BM-shielded from sun.  B-infrared below red, also ultraviolet? JW-some animals can see into infrared: rattlesnake pits, and misquito TW-bumblebees see into UV.  BM-yellow patio lights do not attract mosquitos, but bug trap lights do.  B-infrared sees galaxies going away from us BM also visible like Hubble used.  TW-6 shift. CM-space expansion for far away galaxies shifting into infrared.  TW-may be looking at first stars created, Pop 3 stars, low metal.  B-are we seeing stuff we are made of?  CM-1st 10-36sec...

34:09.405  B-youtube video background.  B-NY Times article on James Webb, 18 hex segments.  JW-little positioners on each mirror.  B-explosive bolts?  BM-not good for debris.  CM-testing positioning the first month.  JW-a lot of risk management. B-housed in tube?  CM-fits inside a bullet shaped shroud.  B-Keri Bean talk on Dawn Mission to asteroids, big solar panel, how do they roll it up?  CM-some roll, some fold.  TW-James Webb has heat shields that fold out.  B-is Hubble protected by earth mag field?  JW-van allen belt.  CM-sometimes pockets of mag field traps particles.  JW-Jupiter has bigger magnetic field.  BM-Cosmos 24 episodes, evolution occurs even bottom of ocean or thermal vents at Yellowstone.  B-life could start there?  CM-Europa water. B-needs sunlight? CM-no just energy and different. B-size CM-21ft across to fold up.  B-18 flat mirrors?  BM-sections of a curve.  "thanks to this the Kepler space telescop, the most powerful planet hunter ever built"

43:48.320  "twin planets emerged"  B-AU BruceM on line, BM-open console is this Saturday, anyone can play.  B-requested Bach's contata.  9-11am.  B-SBAU meeting?  JW-iron gate to Museum, sign to Farrand hall.  B-Westmont Obs? TW-ken Kilstrom chair of physics.  Finals. TT-what are some of the Q's you will be asking?  TW-absolute mag, properties of stars, optics, kids have been doing research on variable stars.  TT-nova in sagittarius visible? CM-bunch of fun stuff out there.  B-of billions of stars in Milky Way, only a supernova rarely. CM-Eta Carina maybe next.  JW-Other galaxies have supernovas going off.  CM-1604 was last in our galaxy.  BM-M81 lasted 2 wks.  B-Kepler supernova 1604.  CM-some reflections maybe Tycho supernova remnant.  B-diff btw super and hypernova  CM-beam of radiation from Hypernova.  B-our sun white? JW-it defines white.  JW-used to refer to it as a yellow dwarf, but so many now just in the middle.  TW-mean light is 504nm yellow green wavelength.  TT-bigger than 88% of stars.  B-red dwarfs have more goldilocks zones?  CM-easier to find, but not always a good star to have a planet around.  BM-Drake equation.  B-all these conditions for life.  Neil degrass tyson say no place on earth is as hostile as Mars.  "as we have gazed upon the stars..."

54:41.749 end

161114 KZSB SBAU hour scrap Notes, see attachment to listen to program, cropped of commercials:

00:00.000 JerryW entering studio B-does big telescope help see Supermoon?  Eta Carina Hypernova?  watching Cosmos.  Steelers lost to Cowboys.  Son might say science stuff is not too bad TT-science of football.  B- lots of stuff in space, sun mission going within 4M miles.  B-carbon foam? titanium.  JW-SR-71 used that. Blastoff of rocket? JW-heard it from backyard.
03:26.207  Earth Sky wound cells flocking
04:56.618  Chuck entering Denise in Germany worried about election, science will be in trouble w Trump B-he is a puppy dog, lots of space missions going on.
07:04.001 rocket
07:16.922 weather
07:49.365 supermoon, BruceM on phone
13:16.460 1.  Holst Mars music B-space the final frontier, Venus next, TT-enuf fuel to get to both. B-Mars program Nat Geo Tv tonight.  BM-not using Cox mini boxes, no commercials on Netflix B-no news, BM-lots of docs. TT-Westmont this friday, JW-solar observing Thursday? CM-daytime event. BM-I did not realize solar event. TT-did not want to mention to public. Wed AOTSB by Las Cumbres Obs, like science pub, no charge, bad acoustics.  B-filter in front of telescope, JW reflects the light, BM-has to be optically correct. Griffith has Coelostat solar scope http://www.griffithobservatory.org/exhibits/telescopes.html sometimes not aluminized, but Griffith probably is.  Risk of damage to eyes and telescope due to heat. TW-eyepiece CM-if opaque.  B-Camino Real outreach? CM-next year 1st Tuesday. B-filters, buy?  1/100,000 of light gets thru, 10^-5, BM-bader filter, glass is best. TW-when I was a kid, the filters would break inside and kids eyes could be damaged.  JW-they were like welder's glass.  TT-JW you can talk about scopes, pinhole style. CM-tinfoil gives clean edge. TW-cardboard box on shoulders, light from behind you.  B-sunspots visible?  CM-not very many at the moment.  B-you teach kids at Carp St beach?  CM-PTA organized.  B-you had two outings same night? Pat could do it?  TT-Pat is smart, makes CM do all the work.

24:21.885 2.  B-believe it or not there is music here (Holst Venus), how to do another phone call, press buttons twice? B-how do you guys rank all the things going on, what is most important to you?  JW-ESA trying to figure out Schaperelli Mars landing problem.  B-space agencies cooperate? JW-JPL makes a lot of space vehicles.  B-Jupiter got hit by comet, but had to wait for spots, would there be an explosion?  CM-yes.  B-ESA Mars mission why problem? CM-software glitch. JW-parachute let go too soon BM-to err is human, to really screw up it takes a computer.  B-large parachute? JW-largest yet.  Russian launch. CM-they have launched from Australia. JW-Depends so can launch over water to avoid population.  B-anyone see launch on Friday? JW-heard it, BM-saw it, but only steam from rocket, so it dissipates quickly.  _____ JW-Keri Bean JPL talk on Dawn Mission was very good talk.  B-JPL on Caltech campus? JW-no.  B-occultations if own a telescope? CM-all kinds of citizen science you can do.  JW-get credit.  CM-report to Intern Occult Timing Assoc.  Usually the picket fence person that did not see anything.  TT-how big a path on earth?  CM-30 to 60Km.  B-see star diameters? Tom use Youtube to see comparison of star sizes? TT-see this in planetarium.  B-shows at Museum?  CM-do every other Sun, TT-do school shows during week.  [Alice projector, now Digistar]

36:26.999  3. Holst music Jupiter B-saw planet radio waves and turned them into audible sound, JW-they have done that for the whole universe, colors and sound.  CM-shift frequencies.  JW-Hartle did LIGO gravitational waves into sound. BM-LIGO is about 100Hz.  B-only 2 black holes do this?  BM-measuring a fraction of a proton. JW-interferometer CM-WA, LA locations.  B-how do they know it is 2 black holes?  JW-they model what to expect.  BM-huge energy, 40M suns. CM-like on edge of pond seeing waves of pebble tossed in from other side.  B-waves from hypernova? CM-light and radiant energy. BM-coupling between gravity and ordinary matter is 10^-43 .  B-speed of light? JW-yes, space-time oscillates, like waving hand in room.  DARPA request for proposal SBIR, for grav wave radio. CM-thinking ahead. JW-grav wave go thru everything.  B-neutrinos go thru everything, from Big Bang.  CM-proof sun is thermonuclear.

44:17.628  4. Holst music Saturn.  B-2nd, 4th Mon of month.  Amazing, how to keep up on this?  What excites you?  TT-Cassini mission around Saturn.  Cassini, scientist.  Titan probe.  TW-teaching at Westmont about size of space, sense of scale, Alberio is 430LY away, 34.3 arc-sec apart,  so 4500AU.  Saying 26 days to have light go between the binary stars, the Cub Scout stars.  light around earth 7x in sec.  Ask students to close eyes and clap hands 3 sec apart to show light time to go to moon and back.  B-Juno mission, probe to Sun, camera btw Earth Sun looking at Earth (discovery mission). JW-correction: Blue Yellow star name is UCLA star.

50:31.210  5. Holst music Uranus  B-BM,JW,CM,TW,TT Westmont 30yr tradition.  B-what is TT going to bring for SBAU food?  TT-Milky Way bar, Mars bar. CM-just get others to bring food.  JW-James Webb telescope? Infrared, far from earth, B-look thru dust? see BH?  JW-my career was involved with instruments for space missions.  Had one launch from Vandenberg, but shroud did not eject, so it sleeps with fishes.  I like to image with telescope, but marine layer.  CM-Kepler spacecraft, took 30yrs to get launched for exoplanet detection.  Determined planets are very common.  TT-not able to do from earth?  CM-too much atmospheric interference.  B-Bruce?  BM-LIGO system for grav wave detection.  2 arms 90 deg apart, 1.4Km long, laser beam 280 times bounce, 239mile optical path for detecting small movements from grav wave.  shed to protect from sun.  mirror suspension to avoid noise.  B- JW-will talk about solar eclipse 8-21, first across US since Carly Simon sang "you're so vain".  Moon pass in front of sun, get dark, chickens lay eggs, cows will go home.

57:52.064 end

161024 KZSB SBAU hour+ notes  ~8:40am start.  Download attached file to play back show w/o commercials!

00:00.000  Earth-Sky: New Horizons approaching Pluto 2015, new moons, >30K mph, collision w/ pebble could destroy it.  Just 10 days before reaching planet may change path.  B-You two guys can talk while I talk to Donny.

01:37.239  B-what is on the agenda? JerryW-1951, I was 7 yrs old, the Hit Parade was on. [KZSB blurb]

02:58.436  AU hour coming up after 9am:

03:12.490  1.  Galileo song 1609 telescope. B-what drugs are you on McP? B-Jerry you suggested? Big Bang Theory, by Bare Naked Ladies. B-JW was guest at "Judge for Yourself" Friday. B-everything is happening in space. used to be months between events.  Now missions to Mars, Pluto, Jupiter.  JW-Saturn Cassini.  CM-will kick bucket, crash it into Saturn to protect. [TW arrives] B-Q: are rings of Saturn like Star Wars scenes?  CM-pretty dense, smoke particles to mobile homes. B-shepard moons. B-TomW what is diff btw General & Special Relativity. TW-Special Relativity involves inertial frames, constant velocity frames; general involves accelerated frames. B-TomT out due to cold.  SBAU members 180.  Farrand holds? 80. Planetarium 45. TW-used to have seats in a circle CM-Spitz projector. B-seems like half the audience would see things upside down?  CM-special effects can only be shown on one side, so that is why the seats are facing one side.  B-used to put a grid on the sky? CM-that can still show coord systems.  B-what is next? CM-SBAU campout this weekend will help generate rain, Saturday potluck.  B-TomW bringing bread?  TW-no, but camp alot, grew up camping learn history around pennsylvania.  B-how is the seeing at Cachuma?  CM-dark skies.  B-how late staying up?  CM-Doing six occultations during the night.  B-asteroid belt has big? CM-Ceres, 1/3 mass of entire asteroid belt. B-gas come together to make planets? JW-still a research topic, how to get things to stick together to make asteroids. B-Juno slow for Jupiter, do they know rocks in advance? CM-usually in sleep mode for most of the trip.  B-want to ask about Juno and ExoMars, Chaperilli crash. 564-1290 song: Faith of the Heart, Star Trek Enterprise TV show theme song.

14:51.898  2.  Gato Baberari song: Earth cry, Heaven smile.  B-talking with friends from SBAU, TW, JW, CM, just a software weiny, computer nerd.  B-many competing space agencies.  Nasa almost out of it? CM-Insight mission to Mars. JW-we buy Russian rockets.  B-Mars ownership? JW-they have agreement not to.  CM-They coordinate missions to not overlap. B-usually land on flat areas, not Olympus Mons? CM-not that steep. JW-if there is something interesting, they will find a way to get there.  B-could land in a flat crater and be surrounded by mountains?  B-Europeans taking off from Guyana?  B-Russia seems in charge of everything now.  Shuttle mission was for 20 years? CM-terminated due to cost JW-and higher risk, not a quick reusable rocket.  JW-China making hypersonic plane to use runway takeoff.  B-Shuttle fuel?  JW-inside just for retro rockets. [ https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070522153505AA1LBdi ] CM-fuel tanks were considered for space station.  B-moneyed people Musk, Bezos, making reuseable rockets.  JW-Russian millionaire, Yuri Milner, launching little satellites w solar sail. Phil Lubin, prof UCSB. Nanosats, push w/ laser light (directed energy). B-photon JW-wave/particle duality.  B-photon in star takes? CM-100K-300K years. TomW-random walk out, higher energy to lower, gamma ray to visible.  TW-16M Kelvin, in innner 30% of sun core.  TW-only outer 100km is seen of Sun rest is opaque. B-what is Sun making? H-He? TW-30% of radius is core.  TW-chemistry vs plasma states. B-He to Li? JW-Carbon B-why Samsung phones getting hot? Lithium?
song: "Black Hole...sucks to have gravity"

27:36.605  3.  song: "fragile ship begins to stretch out thin, without a word was a little closer to a black hole". Adrian taking over VP from Secretary.  Peter Olmos call in, Trekkie from way back, can not help but stare out into space, phenominal show, B you are very knowledgeable.  Q-Are there any recent discoveries up in space, is there a light shining up in space, 50x brighter than galaxy? 10mi across? CM-Quasar, PO-Q: BH emits GW? PO-what are new discoveries?  CM-exoplanets 4000, B-4 day orbit, CM-hot jupiter.  B-set off frenzy.  CM-then planet found around a pulsar, neutron star. size of a city. B-something that bright?  JW-Supernovas and also a HyperNova.  JW-Speaker for 1st friday, Nov 4 meeting will talk about Dawn Mission.  Salt on Ceres reflects light, ice mountain.  Keri Bean of JPL.  Another terrible song: "once i had enough mass, i became a star of gas"

35:04.612  4.  song: B-get well TomT and BruceM. B-CM you are a wizard. Meet at Westmont 3rd Friday.  B-how long to do Rock from Space talk?  CM-took a few years and now it is fixed.  5# rock.  B-Omer Blaes, Novae.  so many things, dark matter, energy. cannot explain.  wish it would not have happened. B-what were we covering? JW-diff space programs, Japan launches south island.  B-Chinese, Russians CM-ESA, both Guyana (heavy payloads) and Russia JW-also launch from platforms from ocean. Musk landing on ocean platform. CM-like wind in atmosphere.  B-trip to Proxima Centauri? JW-next few years. JW-also India is another space program.  Launch sites set to minimize energy to space and not go over population center. B-can't get together?  JW-International Space Station.  B-what is priority of these?  Juno?  JW-Problems: camera and safe mode, valve problems.  preprogrammed diagnositics will take place. Juno till 2018.  B-Cassini into Saturn recording? CM-collecting data as it goes in.  B-strange north pole clouds on Saturn.  B-strange shapes on comet, Philea mission? JW-lots of volatiles on comet. B-more water on outer solar system objects?  CM-Ceres, Europa.  song: Gato

43:47.145  5.  song:  "it was a calm and cloudless night...summmertime 1609, when Galileo used his telescope for the very first time"  B-our own version of the Big Bang Theory show.  TomW from Westmont, JerryW SBRS VP, ChuckMcP-outreach coord.  B-200x/yr must get tired?  CM-has not happened yet. JW-i have way too many telescopes, according to my wife. Tues evening workshop.  B-what is coming up?  CM-Nov 4 meeting, Camino Tele Tues Nov 8, 2nd Sat Nov 12 Star party, 3rd Fri Nov 18 Westmont; bacara nov 26.  SBAU.org  show up at any of the outreaches, no telescope needed.  B-Cachuma busy?  CM-yes even w/o water. several campers.  B-camp? telescope cover?  fire allowed?  Cm-technically ok.  TW-Stevens park no open fires anymore.  B-see you 2nd Mon in Nov.  next meeting:  Keri Bean of Dawn Mission, JPL.  song:  faith of the heart song playing over the news!

161010 KZSB SBAU radio show quick notes...see attached file to play back cropped show
00:00.000  B-"brains are arriving" JerryW in
00:20.821  Vandenberg fire, TT-reminds me of my smoking days
00:30.392  Traffic, bicycles, AU guys here, Tony agog at AU meeting Prof Blaes
02:04.086  B-Prof UCSB come on show? JW-they are busy, ideas at 4am; ChuckMcP did good.
03:02.184  B-Stephen Hawking Santa Barbara?
04:36.843  stand by
04:50.864  Omer Blaes, novas
06:04.367  1.  B-intros, AU vs. Local Group, Andromeda galaxy approaching, TT-Vera Rubin, dark matter, JW-our solar system may be thrown out of new galaxy; our Sun 1 Billion years will be red drawf; Prof Blaes talk on pulsating novas, accretion disk heats up; Sun gas vs. plasma?  B-Q to Blaes, how we get higher elements, TW-some data was given by a kid in AVS, American Variable Star group, TomW had to check if he had data from his past as well on SS Cygni; some data from 1880, cycle of 120 days,  CM-V404 Cygni black hole flickering
18:11.254  2.  Beatles, Across the Universe, star classification, dimming tracking, light curves; CM-I do short blibs of asteroids occulting stars; TT-Prof. Blaes said our Sun varies?  TW-5 minutes; CM-solar cycle, sunspots lower temperature.  B-blasts? CM-CME's  B-cycle CM-22 years magnetic B-star sizes? CM-Sun in middle B-blow up? ours? TW-above 1.4 solar masses get novas.  CM-above 8-12 neutron star, above 12 solar mass, get black hole.  TT-why did not SS Cygni go to 1.4 solar mass and go Type 1A supernova?  JW-temp reaches fusion before 1.4 and cools again.  CM-Globular Clusters have blue stragglers, B-how close are stars in GC's? CM-light days apart.  B-proof of stars going around each other? CM-Yes multiple star systems,  JW-stars can separate in telescopes over time.  CM-Herschel measured  B-Alpha Centauri?  CM-three stars, Proxima orbits other two. B-never collide? B-send nano satellites? TW-61 Cygni, Piazzi's flying star, discovered early 1800's, CM-see it move against background stars.  B-stars occult?  CM-Algol, eye of Medusa, eclipsing binary, fast orbit.  JW-dust disks w binary star change greatly.  B-have we found a rogue planet?  CM-brown drawfs.  Fuzzy definition, about 13 Jupiter size, has heat, but not fusion anymore.  JW-Jupiter does have heat.  B-2010 movie? JW-obilisks added mass to turn on as a star.  Arthur C Clarke
28:43.103  3.  B-5 members here, sometimes BruceM, see all 180 members?  CM-some members far away.  B-contest on music?  T-just use YouTube and Astronomy.  Saturday? T-plan meet and Star Party.  B-Tony impressed with planetarium show.  T-Telescope Tuesday, Westmont Saturday, T-Oct 16 talk by LCO, Robert Krishner, Dark Energy. CM-great speaker, Jay Leno like, in 1998 he spoke to SBAU and hinted at Dark Energy findings.  CM-DE space expands, but has same pressure.  JW-property of space.  B-vs. Regular energy/matter? JW-unfortunate naming, just see effects.  B-Dark matter has mass, Dark energy spreading us? JW-if no Dark Energy, universe would collapse CM-gnabgib = Big Bang backwards.  B-Omer Blaes will come up with theory CM-unified theory JW-theory of everything.  B-preists should get into this...CM-they do not deal in facts.  JW-for good discussions you need beer.
36:36.277  4.  AU hour, dinner for members coming up, TT-campout for members coming up end of October. JW-CalStar, 80 campsites and telescopes, near Lake San Antonio.  JW-taking pictures thru scope, but M33 galaxy naked eye visible. CM-naked eye limited magnitude. B-Prof Blaes, supernova more light than whole galaxy?  CM-three weeks.  B-nebulas? JW-star guts. B-elements? JW-supernova, 118 elements TW-ferris wheel is iron.  CM-higher elements made at supernova iron taking more neutrons.  B-layers in stars?  CM-Sun has one layer.  JW-higher elements made, then degrade to lighter elements.  B-Lithium?
TW-3rd, B-4, Be-5 JW-satellites made from Beryllium, toxic when machined to BeO, gets in lungs.  B-Radon?  JW-is radioactive and bad for lungs.  B-Blaes electrons throw out x-rays?  0-186,000mi/sec in no time.  JW-"when they stop on a dime, the dime gets real hot" TW-x-rays assoc w/ inner shell electrons.  B-electrons neg? JW-photons neutral. B-Lysol alpha blobs?
45:44.171  5.  B-SBAU.org website for more info.  B-Google Astronomy, Europa skipping...TT-darn, want to see if fish are there, B-water shooting off Europa, "colder than polar bear snot", B-deep ocean? CM-20km ice, then water, then core.  B-why water blast off?  CM-temp/psi.  B-how to land on ice? T-very carefully.  JW-JIMO program was going to Europa w/ nuke reactor to melt thru ice and trail wire behind to send signal. Then Prometheus mission, Now Juno mission.  CM-pathogens survived
B-how to join AU? TT-sbau.org.  Maker's Faire at Marymount school coming up.  B-I'm the only signal one here, TT-but also cats.
52:03.161 end

see attached audio file for cropped playback of show (incl a little pre-show talk)
160912 KZSB SBAU radio show notes (9am actual show start 11:18.377)
00:00.000  Baron talks w TomT; tells story of nice lady from Ventura in planetarium that he did not get a chance to talk to.
04:52.377  Earth Sky on star eating planet, B w TT
06:43.969  Donnie-car accident review "spit up?" TT-split? OOF?  TimC TomW ChuckMcP coming in
08:05.050  CM, TC in, BruceM on phone
09:14.560  TomW in
09:30.607  B-TW instructor at Westmont, admires Maureen at Dr. Spann, TW-TimC wants to talk about Hale telescope, BruceM was instructor EE at UCSB
11:18.377  1.  TT mentions Docent meeting at Museum, intros attendees, BruceM theater organ society program coming up.  Refugio outreach discussed.  B-Alpha Centauri?  CM-cannot see it from here.  Proxima small red dwarf.  Alpha means?  CM-term can be confusing, alpha should be brightest.  TimC Telescope workshop Tuesday evenings, TomW started 2003, JerryW also, TT takes photos.  Jurgen put together 13" telescope on a shoestring.  Amateur Telescope Makers are creative.  BM-MikeC using sonotube, cardboard tube.  B-grinding glass?  coat w/ aluminum back?  CM-front surface TC-1st surface. TW-instruct how to start a mirror thru testing, then aluminized somewhere.  Alcoat.net for a song.  10" about $50.  evaporation process. TC-the astrovaganza demonstrating mirror grinding, have to explain reflector vs refractor, used to be metal surfaces not glass.  Silver coating, CM-can be explosive!  TC-1st glass mirrors were silvered. BM-bath mirrors are silvered.
26:11.408  2.  music: up on the rooftop.  TimC roof was like bed of nails, steady binoculars with thumbs on eye sockets.  CM-prism used.  TT-what is advantage of using two eyes?  BM-more info to brain.  TT-light loss due to prism? CM-Yes, story of outhouse binoculars.  TimC- Hale telescopes 5800ft.  B-pickled okra in Julian.  TC-want to do a presentation on telescopes someday.  Another Hale on Mt. Wilson, cast from Champagne bottles.  Richie argued with Hale, so became a Cassegrain.  Hubble sat up in primary position.  1918 start thru WWII and dedicated in 1948.  TC-born 4 days earlier.  B-Hubble known for expansion of universe? CM-Yes.  TC-adaptive optics is latest improvement on telescopes.  TW-Sodium in atmosphere that laser hits, CM-from meteorites. 
35:48.477  3.  music: Bolero  B-occultating right now.  AU name history.  CM-bird eggs on front of museum with wings.  Dr. Whittemore, B-wants to hear conversations. TimC-telescope workshop, did Food Dud for Star B Q.  CM-Come to Cachuma Oct 29 w/o need to sleep over.  B-banks of empty lake.  B-save money making own telescope?  TimC-buy separate parts, grind own mirror, $230 with a coating.  CM-most precise thing made by hands.  TC-if I can do it, any one can.  TomW said surface is so fine, surface if one mile wide, bumps only 17 thousandths high.  TC-Hale 2/1,000,000s of an inch.  CM-making a bowl.  TC-walk around a barrel to randomize surface.  Controlled chaos, like dealing with kids.  TW-tumbling garnet in water.  TC-cerium oxide on pitch, like a tree sap.  Polish glass, smearing glass around.  B-only one at a time at the Museum? Broder.  Potluck at MacVeagh house...probably lived in by the MacVeagh's.
44.59.152  4.  2001 music.  intros...B-speakers?  TT-LCOGT Street, Greenstreet, Pluto.  B-occultation is an eclipse.  CM-occultations, small asteroid in front of a point source of star light.  IOTA.  TC-I know very little, these guys correct me all the time.  CM-you are wrong, you know a lot!  CM-1M miles ave distance btw asteroids.  B-Saturn rings? CM-very close. B-rings common?  CM-asteroid very had one.  BM-outer planets have rings CM-found by occulations also.  B-aluminum is used for coating mirrors?  BM-silver tarnishes, SiO coating aluminum.  TC-high vacuum chamber needed.  BM-Alcoat prices $75 for 10" mirror.  B-refracting? problems BM-glass bends various freq of light differently.  CM-refractors 2-300ft long.  TW-Newton solved problem with reflector.  B-Quartz crystals?  BM-Cadillac of mirrors.  TC-Hale telescope was going to be fused quartz, but went to Pyrex Corning NY.
54:07.968  5.  music: Thus Spach Zarathustra?  B-DQ commerc using this music  BM-1975 telescope.  B-bigger the better?  BM-mixed bag  CM-quality goes up by the square of size.  B-LCOGT?  1M telescopes CM-watch something continuously.  TimC Chuck does so much for outreaches and IOTA.  B-  TT-Westmont this Friday.
57:25.350  end

Attached is the cropped radio show.  Here are my quick notes on what was discussed:

0:00.000  AU coming in need to select music
0:53.162  Earth Sky Cassini mission shallow lakes on Titan, methane, poles and tropics, 1M deep, methane cycle, not methane rainfall, but methane aquifers for tropical lakes.
2:23.493  music, Totton, dew
2:44.802  cut off donny a little early, gasoline octane, Jerry, Tom comments, Bruce ping detection, retarding spark, percentage of cost, oct meeting omer blaes, oct 7, waiting for TomW, associate prof?  [Adjunct Prof]
7:53.407  AU hour coming up
8:28.050  1.  Big Bang Theory music by Bare Naked Ladies, recap Wed, Las Cumbres Obs, Center Stage theater, B612, asteroid name from Little Prince book, TomT NASA to find 140M asteroids, new telescopes, Synoptic LSST, NeoWise, BruceM training, Q'd "do smaller telescopes work to find asteroids", need to be outside atmosphere; ChuckMcP occultations of stars by asteroids; Dr. Ed Lu, get them early enough to deflect them.  B-little asteroid around Earth?  CM-appears to wobble around earth.  B-dangerous?  TT- insects of StormTroopers could deflect into Earth.  2013 Chebylinisk, 1908 Siberia damages.  JerryW-studies done, CM-just bits left.  CM-meteorite from Australia.  Lowdermilk asteroids.  JW-some fall into dust.  Amino acids on some.  JW-right/left twisted molecules. BM-mars meteorites, CM-antarctica found, Mars uphill, JW-upcoming speaker project to find life on earth.  B-Mars Opportunity and Spirit finding theses?  JW-part of the spectra of things found.
20:16.521  2.  JW-offline, that was my best stuff!  Stayed in Dormy, England, like to hike w/ wife.  Chuck wife could do Mission impossible talk.  Cezanne is TT wife.  BM has Bonnie supporting him.  B-NASA news conference on TT-Europa.  BM-radiation 25K times earth.  B-getting Juno right orbit?  JW-math to get Juno into orbit around Jupiter discovered in 1600's.  BM talked to Ed Lu about orbits and Nasa uses more details like Sun heat on Earth.  Mercury resonance 3:2.  B-tidally locked is facing planet.  CM-moon libration.  B-losing sec every year?  CM-angular momentum transfer to moon and slows down earth rotation rate and eventually both will be tidally locked. JW-Moon moving away from Earth; if perfect spheres, would not happen.  B-initial dust cloud that formed planets all within ecliptic, wonder if strange asteroids in that ecliptic?  JW-Oort cloud not, Kuiper belt is mostly in ecliptic.  CM-some inclined orbits.  TT-planet nine may be odd orbit? CM-the Kuiper object are, but not that far off for IX.   [Pluto 17deg, IX~30deg from ecliptic]  .  JW-Milky way has halo of globular clusters.  BM-light from cluster never have night. JW-would make people cranky. B-MW galaxy is bigger?  CM-measuring better. JW-I was feeling constrained.  B-Proxima Centauri planet?  TT-grew up w/ only Alpha Centauri, now three stars.  B-star dims? {See http://lcogt.net/blog/proxima-centauri-b/ for details] CM-planet in liquid water range.  B-spectral to detect water? Not in line with Proxima.  JW-Proxima does not dim.  [TT-Doppler shift of color, not occultation].  JW-orbit long term stability.
34:01.062  3.  JW returned from Cotswald.  B-I want to see Sherwood Forest and Nottingham... TT-there is a Totton village. BM-map shows Sherwood and Nottingham.  B-Robin Hood? JW-debated. Was a King Arthur.  B-Julian Nott British?  At B612 talk. TT-Oct 7 talk SBAU 1st Friday Omer Blaes Dark Energy and Supernovas. JW-"Physics is the science of everything, and everything else is just stamp collecting".  Sept 29 JW going to CalStars JW-Whisper campground, used to be at Lake San Antonio.  Lake Lopez.  TT-Also Wed Oct 5 LCO putting on a talk at M8RX bar.  Oct 16, LCO talk Robert Kirshner  CM-great speaker, announced new discovery found, was Dark Energy 1998 at SBAU meeting.  TT-see SBAU.org for events.  CM-October quiet, a couple of schools. JW-order of science in high school physics, chem, bio different...nonsense!
42:12.632  4.  Thus spoke Zara...Strauss  TT-Second Tuesday, BM-telescope workshops. B-aluminum on mirror, why glass?  CM-thermal properties, JW-support.  Mt wilson scope French wine glass. B-no bulging lenses? TT-reflectors vs. refractors.  JW-telescope workshop mirrors can be better than professional units.  BM-Foucault test.  CM-old 10" attempt
48:13.424  5.  B-phone buttons  Tim Crawford call in...getting to be an expert on scratching mirrors.  May take up stamp collecting.  The right way is to grind your own mirror.  B-aluminum coating?  JW-not in town.  B-stuck on side watching at Tues night workshop?  TC-no you can see testing going on.  B-what screwed up Hubble?  CM-1st mirror perfect, set aside, and second one had a pin wrongly inserted, so spherical abberation and that is the one they sent up.  TC-I heard different version.  JW-Hubble takes hours/days to send a picture sometimes.  TomT-"we are not passengers on Spaceship Earth, we are the Crew!" a quote from Rusty Schweickart, B612 Foundation co-founder.

Please listen to the attached file for all the fun.  Quick notes below:

0.0.000 pre-show talk, rings of saturn, cassini, new horizons, kuiper belt, ceres

10.32.824 Show start ~9:05am Chuck Black Hole song (In the Ghetto take-off), intros, Big Bang Theory, B-4 dim in begin? JW-Yes, + more; B-expansion of the Univ? CM-everywhere is the center of the Big Bang.  B-ant on a balloon?  JW-just a 2D ant.  B-all crammed and will fade away? JW-Dark Matter, WIMPs, 4 fund forces, united before Big Bang.  B-maybe a 5th? JW-no proof yet. CM-Higgs, proof by looking and testing hypotheses.  TT-primordial black holes maybe?  JW-LIGO experiment saw some right away, indicating a lot of them out there.  B-Interstellar movie, BH, grav lensing?  JW-Sun does this, star positions move, TW-1919 experiment proved Einstein's theory.  B-everything distorted?  JW-just a pattern we look at.  CM-you are grav lensing!  BM-Stephen Hawking says same numb of BH as stars.  TW-earth BH would have event horizon of 1cm.  TT-small BH from Type 1A supernova?  CM-no, just explodes, need 8-12 solar mass star core collapse to get neutron star formed.  Song Copericus was right

22:33.096 "guysers on Saturn's icy moon" Glasses are Bigger Now song B-paid my dues?  TT-overpaid B-legs were tired from Griffith.  B-telescope workshop? JW B-mirrors getting bigger?  BM-if you live long enough you get interested in many things. Dark Energy Unknowium per JW. CM-Dark Matter vs. Dark Energy pressure in empty space.  JW-property of space, not something in space.  B-explain for laypersons, 5th force?  B-E/M, Grav, weak, strong; JW-electro-weak are same, so only 3 fund forces now.  B-describ atom parts  JW-electron, proton attraction, also have quantum mech effect of probab of where they are.  B-if we shrink down? JW CM-atomic force microscope, see valence shells.  B-quantum mech? JW-particles are for our visualization, both particle and wave like, not orbit around. TW-Neils Bohr said "if you think you know QM, you probably do not".  Entanglement bothered Einstein.  Theory did not seem complete.  JW-Grav & QM not linked yet. B-strong force? JW-proton held together.  BM-Arlington organ SBTOS.org open house next month. Gato Barbieri jazz Europa music

35:38.401  same music. BM-pres of TOS for 5yr.  JW-VP opening up. TT-what is international call in line? We are lonely.  B-866-564-1290. B-Juno mission? CM-looking into Jupiter clouds.  B-Methane? CM-little oxygen for burning.  B-Saturn hexagon? poles.  TT-Great Red spot on Jupiter, what is that? CM-phosphene TT-Jup 90%H, 10%He? CM-like sun.  spot may go away in next 50yrs.  B-Saturn, Neptune storms? B-Juno will determine interior? CM-solution or metallic H in center. B-life? CM-whale floating in upper atmos. BM-intriqued by metallic H possible in center.  Superconductor. B-what is metal?  JW-above He. Gato song....back to #1 "on a cloudless night, summer 1609, Galileo"

43:57.837  Is there a James Taylor version. SBAU club one of the biggest? T-160 members Berlin call: Denise Fritz from Germany, Baroness.  Just bought an electric car, Nissan, does it make me more attractive?  NV-2000 like delivery van for farm.  Nissan do not have answers yet for any problems I have.  trailer hitch available?  took days for answers.  was able to pull over a hay bale with a car tow hook.  TT-can you see Milky Way from your farm? D-yes.  With all this energy out there, moon, Tides, can we harness this?  B-do tides act in the Mediterrean similarly?  Quick by Gibraltar?  CM-depends on topology. D-Ireland coastal tides are large.  JW-raise dam to capture. But expensive to deal with salt water corrosion.  B-teacher? D-yes, english, ethics, drama.  commute to city. they said electric car would not work, but it does!  B-Denise, 5th force.

52:22.642 "been a long road, getting fr there to here, been a long time" song.  B-4 horses of the cosmos.  Astronomy is more dynamic than other sciences?  JW-other sciences moving too.  meta-materials.  B-Denise has electric car, CM-220V charge more quickly in europe.  JW-100-250V for tablets ok.  TT-Jupiter/Venus getting close?  CM-.15 degrees apart B-Neil Tyson wish upon a star may be a planet.  TW-next monday class start.  JW-back by Sept 20.     end 56:42.837

Outreach & Events / 160808 KZSB 2nd Mon Baron, CM, JW, TW, TT radio show
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:50:43 PM »
download and play attached audio file from 8-14 Sunday 3pm replay of the 8-8 Monday 9am show, 1290AM, KZSB

Notes on show topics.
00:00  Baron -intros, Tyson flying thru universe, LCOGT Todd Boroson talk, JW-previously on radio.  Where do they put the telescopes?  CM-if you were on high mountain on equator, you could see everything.  B-do you all have telescopes?  Yes.  What is coming up?  TT-2nd Sat. Star Party SBMNH Palmer Observatory, 3rd Fri..Westmont  CM-plus Tue Telescopes, Wed, Thur, Fri...
B-T-Rex?  TT-$10 SBAU memb fee if Museum member.  Griffith trip was great.  JW-article in Astro News.  Richard Dupree call in about not seeing the Milky Way from the harbor.  Camino Cielo better. B-dark areas in Milky Way, we are in CM-Orion Spur, JW-glob star cluster would be really bright.  B-if two stars collide or around/around, but Nova? CM/JW-depends on size CM-Blue stragglers in Globular Clusters made from old stars coming together.  B-multiple star systems TT-call Jup/Saturn failed stars.  CM-Juno orbiting Jupiter.  New Horizons past Pluto.  B-comet fell into Sun? CM- Kreutz sungrazer 

10:10  B-planet dream, just plannt life?  CM-sounds like New Zealand.
B-Bennu asteroid? CM-Near Earth Object.  B-what is it?  CM-carbon rich, so NASA picked it to visit.
B-next speaker? TT-McPartlin Asteroid occultations. 
B-JW orbits of 2 golf balls article in SBAU newsletter.  17K mph, B reads article.  JW-if tethered, they would act like one.  Hard to shoot ball down to earth, must shoot backward to slow it down.  Astronaut could not throw hard enough to escape Earth, just goes to another orbit.  B-limit of distance between 2 objects that are tethered?  JW-space elevator is tether.  But no material will work yet, maybe Graphene.  B-Arthur C Clarke proposed? 23K miles up geosync orbit? (~22,236mi up).  What else is graphene used for?...gap in radio....B-golf ball on moon, how far did it go? TW-6 times as far (1/6 gravity of earth) 

22:42  B-Starman music, Jeff Bridges waking up.  TW-story of alien taking on body of deceased husband of widow (Karen Allen), Lazarus story comparison.  T-last speaker was Todd Boroson, LCOGT.net, about telescopes around the world and remote data collection. TW-interesting that are non typical proposals for study time on the telescopes.  CM-Goleta Valley Junior High locally. B-locations?  Australia, Chile, Texas, etc.  B-why these locations?  TW-usually established sites, good weather.  B-sizes? 2M, 1M, .4M.  CM-looks like one big telescope to observer from around the world.  TW-70 projects at once going on. JW-fogged over last night after 90min for me.  B-Starman, like Naked and Afraid.   

30:42  CM-asteroid occultation, star winks out, asteroid shadow left on earth so size shape can be determined. 
Star types, smallest one, life of star.  B-conservation of energy, where will energy go?  CM-expanding universe, material spread apart.  B-solar wind at speed of light? No, particles vs. photons.  B-steve martin said he is getting smoke detector when Sun expands towards earth. 

37:41  B-barely hanging on w/ tomT.  Exoplanets? detecting by spectrum the atmospheres?  CM-star spectrum vs. added/subtracted planet spectrum.  CM-fiber optics to match each star viewed its spectra.  JW-set of lines.  B-how many elements? 92 reg, but 118 total, short half lives.  B-we are made of CM-Star barf.  TW-spectra of hot sun, exoplanets cool atmosphere absorb.
3489 exoplanets confirmed. B-gas bag planet JW-takeaway light of star.  CM-close planets might reflect light from the star.  B-track dimming of light?  CM-maybe even moons of exoplanets.  JW-flower disk in space to block star light to directly see exoplanet.  45:16 end

160711 KZSB SBAU radio program...listen to attached...download file and play 57min w/o commercials!
0.000 mention of sbau guys entering studio
11.485  disco sucks etc, JW and TT talk w/ B
5.08.579 Earth Sky fireball above Siberia Tunguska event
6.38.379 B talk w/ JW, TT, mention BruceM, Arlington organ, Hal Conklin, CM enters
9.24.662 JW bubble lady
9.54.473  TT elections Dec members ph# 564-1290
11.06.028 Start 9am show:  Strauss, stratosphere, intros, telescope workshop discussion, making mirrors, JW explains telescopes to get light into the eye, Broder building, Sue the Dino, we help folks with their telescopes. B-telesopes w/o tubes?  CM-truss structure. $167 telescope?  CM-probably flimsy telscope, maybe ok optics.  JW-telescope not needed to join the SBAU.  B-binocs, CM see Andronmeda.
20.03.444 2nd Section: B-Milt Larson, Magic Castle Founder Buys Former Cafe del Sol, 4 horsemen of the asteroid belt, SB Star Cluster, B-update books all the time for astronomy?  Science in general?  JW-all the time.  B-Arlington organ w/ BM.  Conklin announcement run for mayor.  lady police chief bet w/ John Palminteri.  Griffith trip, James Dean movie there.  B-Pluto flyby  TT-described some discoveries Tholins, speed of Juno vs. New Horizons; CM-Pluto king of Kuiper Belt, B-discovery of Pluto?  CM- Clyde Tombaugh, Percival Lowell calculations of large planet; so found by accident.  Other dwarf planets?  Ceres + others in Kuiper Belt.  CM-1850's 18 planets, like rats out there, so demoted to minor planets.  B-Pluto has moons, Charon.  CM- 1 million miles ave distance between asteroids.  B-Comets from Oort Cloud?  JW-comets from other areas as well, Kuiper, outer solar system.  Harry Hausen did T-Rex stop motion and asteroid.  1 atom per cubic meter.  JW-It Doesn't Matter.  B-out to reach us TT-564-1290, become a member? wwwwwww.sbau.Org. B-AU? JW- Earth to Sun
33.19.102 Strauss...3rd Section: Hindmann Collating machine for comparing documents.  B-parallax view  CM-using triganometry, Hubble can go out 300M Light Years;  Kepler?  smaller (55" mirror) to find exoplanets.  CM-solar psi to stabilize failed reaction motors on Kepler.  B-most stars are binaries? CM-yes.  B-go to google news, technology section, free, found gas planet going around 3 stars.  CM-naming
of Pluto, by Virginia, but include Percival Lovell initials.  B-dogs all fours, upright? CM- Disney cosmology.  B-Jupiter, Juno? CM-Juno can look thru clouds.  Moons? Io, closest?  Galilean moons. BM-97% of the mass of Jupiter moons.  67 moons around Jupiter.  Moon descriptions. Sci-Fi fans, did Arthur C Clarke write 2010?  "Something wonderful" "stay away from Europa"  CM-icy crust, liquid salt water underneath.  B-recap when we come back, Pluto discoveries.  CM-drive by shooting.  Pluto diet.
42.54.433 4th Section: B-dancing in space, prof haywood floyd, 2001, scientists coop, except HAL. BM-Jupiter moons cutaways Az site.  Size of moons, Pluto.  B-exoplanets wobble around their suns.  our sun also wobbles. BM shift in spectrums. B-why Oort cloud not flat in the solar system disk?  CM-far away.  B-Uranus on side?  CM-possibly hit.  B-our Moon is heavier on Earth side?
50.50.679 5th section: B-who? Richard: do all countries agree on names of solar system stuff?  CM-IAU has naming committee. B-BM, could have come in.  Tablet takes pictures?  BM-no downloaded to it.  B-new Jupiter info not in yet? CM-right.  TT-30-50AU.  Planet Nine objects...CM-calculating.  Icy.  TNOs, B-finding more?  yes.  B-how to planets get moons?  CM-collisions and initial eddies.  JW-the big Splat.  B-more rogue planets... BM-9-11 at arlington, B-see you at telescope workshop
57.05.722 stop

Audio file cropped of advertising attached below this bad transcript!

00.00:000 KZSB Baron SBAU day guys coming in, talk on dark matter
00.18:251 jason stiff ch12 has a telescope
00.30.770 talk w JW, TT, movie lengths
04.02.450 Earth Sky Saturn Titan changes w seasons, Cassini mission, N vs S vortexes
05.33.064 talk about skipping Fridays at colleges
07.23.527 kzsb
07.48.526 TW entering the studio, 2min, CK golf joke?, TW Astro challenge earliest sunrise, not at solstice, and latest sunset times; solstice parade, rolling sex rack, got in trouble; kzsb id
10.20.881 1st section SBAU show, B- salute Carl Sagan's cemetary plot, CM intros of guys, TW is great baker, 36 min bake time sourdough overnite proofing, CM universe expanding like the universe, TW love Bacara outreach, CM-every Thurs during summer; TW Q is for public, quoting data for 40deg N latitude, one wk bef solstice is earliest sunrise, why?  B-tilt 23deg? CM-nutation, TW-earth is spinning top, B-iron in center.  B-mag poles changing position? JW-many little magnets, TW-Lewis/Clark data shows change over 200 years.  TW-declination to true N depends on position on earth.  BruceM calling, talking this Wed about organs; answer for sunset/sunrise times,lemniscate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemniscate , on a sundial can correct it.  CM analemma, figure 8 on globes. JW set camera  take photo over a year and see pattern.
21.08.020 2nd section SBAU show: docking PanAm 2001 space station, CM, TW, TT Steve Edberg Pluto July 8 meeting; Karl Blasius Mars mentioned; B-food again potluck? TT-2nd Sat Palmer Obs, BM-bday today, JW-mine too, TT-last week, TW-July 17!  Bacara, Westmont, JW-big 24" hard for old folks to bend to use; B-Saturn in CM telescope; CM-events, TT-use website sbau.org B-Question: dark matter? would it form gillions of black orbs?  JW-clumps, no charge, but gravity; CM-pieces do not stick, so hard to clump; B-dark matter vs. dark energy ?  JW-fundamental nature not known for dark energy.  B-conservation of mass/energy?  BM-percentages of dark matter 28% vs baryonic 4% of universe
33.45.143 3rd section: B-866-564-1290 for international calls, BM still here, virtual particles? JW-not entanglement, virtual are fields, pop in/out of existance, but can become real, JW-physics takes words and gives diff precise meaning; JW-dark energy "expanownium", TW-solstice more interesting to me...need closure; JW-science is one thing you can know, vs. a belief system.  B-long day on equator?  CM-much less variation on day length. TW-earth moves faster at different times of the year around the sun, closest Jan 4-5, farthest Jul 4-5, CM-angle of ecliptic,
41.22.966 4th section: B-going to SBAU events, TT lunchmate, TW-Westmont campus, BruceM-Pres Theatre Organ Society, SBAU Secretaries, Adrians. CM-young Quasars at SBMNH. B-need to solve TW problem: diff more dramatic with latitude; B-sun at arctic is always low, coriolis effect diff in S. Hemisphere? toilets?  no, just large climate patterns.  JW-need my son to call in. 
48.33.873 5th section: JW-each equation in a book, you lose audience, CM-angle of ecliptic rel to horizon and spd of earth orbit causes various sunrises and sunsets vs solstice day.  BM-earth's orbit is not circular.  TW-get the analemma, JW-Jan goes so fast; CM-smaller analemma lobe at top because earth moving slower.  Sun's orbits tilted 60deg from plane of Milky Way.  JW-random tilts of stars and limits the exoplanets we can see.  Stars in our neighborhood going towards Hercules.  B-we are in spur of Milky Way?  JW-barred spiral. B-why? CM-dark matter. TW-MikeDilley said Sun bobbing up/down 100ly, 4x as we go around center of Milky Way, over 220M years.  JW-galaxy has a goldie locks zone as well. 
56.15.00 end

"Subject: Griffith Observatory SBAU Member trip, July 26, 2016 Tuesday, 12 noon - 10pm

7/24/16:  Total so far signed up:  40; +1 maybe,  total paid/rec'd: 35 as of 7-23-2016.
Reservations: date, names, seats, paid x $20 (28.50)?  *=member
--6/27/2016, *Tom & CezanneTotton, 2, paid cash $40 to TT
--6/29/2016, *IbrahimKhogeer, 1, paid w/ check
--6/29/2016, *RubenGutierrez, 1, paid w/ check
--6/29/2016, *Bruce & BonnieMurdock, 2, paid cash to TT
--6/29/2016, *EldonChapman + GF, 2, paid w/ check
--6/30/2016, *Chuck & PatMcPartlin, 2, paid cash $40 to TT
--6/30/2016, *JimWilliams, 1, paid w/ check
--6/30/2016, *AdrianConrad, 1, paid cash to TT
--6/30/2016, *AdrianLopez, 1, paid cash to TT
--6/30/2016, *Chris & GrettaUlivo, 2, Check $40 rec'd
--6/30/2016, *Eugene (Rick) Hibbs, 1, paid w/ check
--7/1/2016, *RonHerron, 1, paid cash to TT
--7/2/2016, *Richard (Dick) Tracey, 1, paid w/ check
--7/3/2016, *TomWhittemore, 1, paid cash to TT
--7/5/2016, *Janet & MartinMeza, 2, Check $40 rec'd
--7/5/2016, *Joan & JohnJamieson, 2, paid w/ check
--7/8/2016,    *MichelleProfant, 1, paid cash to TT
--7/8/2016,    *JohnEdkins & SusanJackson, 2, paid cash to TT
--7/8/2016, *AlanPiltz, 1, paid w/ check
--7/8/2016,    *BobBrown & nephew, 2, paid w/ check
--7/13/2016, *ChrisDavis, 1, $atMuseum? see Javier?____
--7/14/2016, DougGalati (carpinteria), 1, paid w/ check
--7/15/2016, RogerLagerquist (BruceM friend), 1, chk to TT soon
--7/18/2016, *DavidSalvia, 1, paid w/ check
--7/18/2016, LindaMelsher (docent), 1, paid w/ check
--7/19/2016, *MikeDilley & Pamela, 2, paid w/ check to TT
--7/22/2016, *AlecSherwin +?, 1 + 1 maybe, cash at bus
--7/23/2016, AidanBarbieux (AdrianC friend), 1, cash+membership at bus
--7/24/2016, *WarrenBitters, 1, cash at bus
--7/24/2016, Chonnie (Chapman friend), 1, cash at bus

Update 7/24/16:
Hello all SBAU Griffith Observatory & Museum trippers!
Thoughts and considerations:
-Aim to arrive early, about 1130am, at the Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol.  This will give you a chance to use the restroom at the museum or buy a drink or snack from the machines there.  Visit the Museum store if you have an early minute.  By arriving early, this should eliminate any fear of being left behind.  We need to leave at 12 noon sharp to get in a full day at the Griffith and get back to Santa Barbara by 10pm before the museum parking lot needs to close at 1030pm.  We can lift the chains to get out if we need to, but late evenings at the museum are frowned on by the neighbors.  Please keep the noise down (no tire burnouts or honking or that type of thing!).
-Park in handicapped spots if you need to, otherwise for the shortest walk to the bus, park in front of the museum on either side of the one-way street.  Parking in the Museum main lot may be a bit filled with lots of summer museum visitors and kids camp related folks, but hopefully between that area and the nearby streets our cars should have a spot near the museum.
-Leaving extra bags or jackets on the bus while we visit the Griffith should be OK, the bus driver will lock up the bus if he is not there, but valuable items left there would not be wise.  The driver will probably be parking just down the hill and I hope the driver walks up to get a look at the Griffith displays.
-Eat lunch before getting on the bus?  That is something to consider.  Yes you can bring snacks and drinks on the bus, but be responsible for cleaning up any crumbs or mess.  Bring napkins to wipe up with.  If you need to use the bus restroom, leave it clean.  No alcohol on board unless you pay the $500 security deposit!  https://www.sbairbus.com/page/display/charter_FAQ  .
-There is Wi-Fi on the bus for an internet connection.  If so, consider using a Virtual Private Network like PrivateInternetAccess or some free one on the Google Chrome browser for a more secure connection.
-Ear plugs might be a good idea to cut out excessive noise, or an mp3 music/news player with earphones might your thing if a few hours of conversation is not.  Perhaps you will need to catch up on some sleep.  However, I hope you consider taking some time reach out to those you may not know and talk to fellow SBAU members and friends.  Everyone on this trip has an interest in the sciences!
-The weather in Hollywood will be quite warm (94F? at 2pm) but we will be in an air-conditioned bus and inside an air-conditioned building most of the time.  Maybe a very light jacket, if the a/c gets to you, over a light shirt will be enough?  Wear some pants, too!  Wide brimmed hat or sun umbrella for wandering about the outside of the building for some great views?
-Review the Griffith Observatory web pages for more on its history.  Evidently it was renovated from 2002-2006 using a $93Milion Los Angeles bond issue.  http://www.griffithobservatory.org/visiting/faq.html  .
-Do not forget your charged camera, lens, and extra batteries, cell phone and extra power, binoculars perhaps, and cash/credit for food/drink/shows at the Observatory.
-Plan your time at the Griffith Observatory...or play it by ear.  I am going to try to watch all three planetarium shows, at $5/ea for seniors, because I have seen the exhibits and outer areas before and the presentations are very professional, unlike mine.  I will need to take a break in-between for food and to catch a bit of everything again.  However, will tickets still be available for the show at 245pm?  The tickets start selling at 12 Noon and we do not get there until 2pm.   Here is a page with planetarium shows and times:  http://www.griffithobservatory.org/programs/soplanetarium.html#buyticket  .  Maybe I will see you around the displays or at the cafe, but feel free to do what you want until we board the bus at 8pm in front of the Observatory.  They might have a couple of telescopes out front by that time, but sunset is not until 8pm as well.  Also, I am not sure if the 12 inch refractor on the roof will be available for a quick view.
-If you do not see a friend who is going email address above, please forward this message on to them.

Guaranteed to be a great time, and you will be leaving with a tired smile on your face...but no refunds!  Please let me know if you cannot make it to the bus so we will not worry about you.

Tom Totton, President, Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit
562-8795, home;  805-980-7832, cell

Update 7/22/16:
On 7/22/2016 6:31 PM, Secretary Adrian Lopez wrote:
> A last-minute message regarding the upcoming SBAU trip to Griffith Observatory:
> Dear SBAU members,
> re: Griffith Observatory Trip, Tuesday, July 26, 2016, leaving at noon sharp from Museum Natural History
> To those who are going on the trip (and for consideration of those who are not), we still have a few seats available on the SB Airbus.  We have 36 folks signed up (incl. 9 couples) with a goal of having 40 on board.  The bus can handle 47 max.  So if you want to convince a friend to come along, we should have the room unless there is a last minute rush!  Please contact me, Tom Totton (562-8795 or email), to reserve a seat and I can collect your check or cash at the time of boarding on the bus.  Returning by 10 PM, SBAU Members will pay only $20 each.  Non-members are at $28.50 each (immediately join to save $?...especially a family membership if two).  Checks will need to be made out to the SBMNH, noting the Griffith SBAU trip below.  Last chance to leave the driving to someone else to a great museum of exhibits, etc. etc.  http://sbau.org/sbauforum/index.php?topic=223.0
> Thanks for considering,
> Tom, President, Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit

Hello SBAU members:
Thanks to Past President Ruben Gutierrez, the Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit has scheduled a bus trip to the fantastic Griffith Observatory on Tuesday, July 26, 2016.  The club's last visit was four years ago and there was barely enough time to visit all the exhibits, see a planetarium show, and enjoy the area with us arriving at about 2pm and staying for about 6 hours.  Check out the possibilities here: http://griffithobservatory.org/  .  There is a lot of walking that can be done, so prepare yourself for that.  They have a food service there (see the Wolfgang Puck Cafe at the End of the Universe webpage), but you may wish to bring your own lunch/dinner/snacks.  The bus will drop us off at the front of the Observatory, but it will not be available again until we are picked up at 8pm to go home.  It is great to have someone else doing the driving and for a very reasonable price, although planetarium shows, food, and gifts are not included!

We will leave the Museum of Natural History front bus stop at 12 Noon Sharp and return by 10pm.  The 47 passenger Santa Barbara Airbus has a great price of $28.50 per person based on 40 passengers signing up, including a tip.  However, SBAU Members (as determined by latest member list maintained by the Secretary) will pay only $20 each!!, as a benefit from your dues and some successful donation sales boosting our treasury.  Non-members may be considered at $28.50 each after the July 8th meeting (2nd Friday! latest JPL on Pluto!) if space is still available, so please email me (President@sbau.org) or call me & leave a message (Tom, 562-8795) on or before July 8 if you plan on going to reserve your spot(s).  I will then need cash or a check made out to the SB Museum of Natural History, by July 15 (snail mail to: Astronomical Unit, c/o SBMNH, 2559 Puesta Del Sol Road,Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2998) to guarantee your seats.

I will notify you back (make sure I have your email address) that I have received your reservation & money.  I think I will limit the bus to 45 passengers to leave a couple of seats open for flexibility.  If less than 40 SBAU members reserve by July 8, we will open seats up to other Museum members & the SBCC Astronomy Club.  I may list the names of those who have reservations and those who have paid in a topic on the SBAU Forum, Outreach & Events:  http://sbau.org/sbauforum/index.php?PHPSESSID=08ed705197149fc8cc3ddc08d9e2e835&board=4.0 as another form of confirmation.

This will be first come, first served, with any ties or miscommunication or confusion (based on date of notification) to the last seat available decided by a flip of the coin or random number generator or personal bias by your President.  Hey, we do not claim to be perfect so help me out with early reservations and early payment.

This may be the trip of a lifetime for some of us who rarely get down to Los Angeles.  This may be a yearly adventure for others, because it is such a great place.  I hope you get a chance to join your fellow astronomy buffs to enjoy this trip to the Griffith Observatory.  Please notify me soon and I will see you there for sure!  SB Airbus charter contract #45611 $1140, incl $100 tip.

Tom Totton, President, Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit

Lastest Astronomy News / test image into topic
« on: June 14, 2016, 12:27:39 PM »

Club Miscellaneous / June 2016 planning meeting notes attached
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:48:24 AM »
Please review the attached June 2016 planning meeting notes Word doc and comment.  Let us know how you can help the club!
Thanks, Tom Totton

Let's see what happens when I paste the text from the Word doc into this message (color text does not show):

June 11, 2016 SBAU Planning Meeting (2nd Sat) NOTES 6-730pm by TT [new information in red]
Attendees:  Pres:TomT, AstroMan:JavierR, VP:JerryW, Treas:ColinT, Sec:Adrians:Lopez/Conrad PastP:MikeF,RubenG,PatM,JimW,TimW Newsletter:TomW, Webmaster:PaulW, Equip:ArtH, Outr/PastP:ChuckM, TeleW:TimC, PastO:EdgarO, Refreshments:Martin/JanetM;Other:BruceM ChrisL, Victoria, ZakD, BobR,; Facebook: Sonja Rodriquez; Twitter:TomT. "Astronomy Service club" Please join Forum! ---Museum CEO: keep noise down for neighbors…out of parking lot by 10:30pm (11pm May-Aug?). 

Past Major Events review since last Planning Meeting:
(2nd/4th Mon) KZSB Show http://morenews.newspress.com/kzsb/radio.html CM,JW,TW (TT Forum notes)
-April 16, 2016, Sat 11a-7p: SB Earth Day $150 10x10 awning (or RG) Solar scopes (CM,TT). 400 folks!
-April 23, 2016, Sat 11a-2p: Earth Day Santa Maria Solar scopes (JW,CM,TT). 80 folks?
-May 6, 2016, 1st Friday: Karl Blasius, retired SBRS, Mars Rover missions.
-May 9, 2016, Monday, Transit of Mercury across Sun, Camino Real, Shoreline? 8-11am? (KZSB). Fog!
-May 14, 2016, Saturday, Astro Day @ Camino w/ raffle? 3p Plan Meet. Eve Star Party session at Museum.
Did not use all 60 prizes, cloudy day to start, good used telescope had 108 sign ups.
-Jun 10, 2016, 1st Friday: 630p: Potluck-34+? ~8p: Planetarium-15?, ~9p: Palmer Observatory-10?

Upcoming Major Events (see Outreach calendars, website, google, NightSkyNetwork, SBMNH):
-July 1, 2016, 1st Friday: Stephen J. Edberg, JPL, Pluto.
-July 26, 2016, Tues. RubenG planning trip Griffith Obs, SB Airbus, Quick: open immed. to Museum, SBCC.
-Aug 5, 2016, 1st Friday:  Todd Boroson, LCOGT network of telescopes.
-Sept. 2, 2016, 1st Friday:
-Sept 17, 2016: Sat Astrovaganza at Museum.
-Oct 7, 2016, 1st Friday:
Oct 28,29, 2016: SBAU campout at Cachuma, new moon.
-Nov 3, 2016, 1st Friday:
-Nov, 2016, Los Prietos Boys Camp, organized by RubenG
--Aug 21, 2017: Total Solar Eclipse; 10:20am E.Oregon? SB: start 9a, 0%,12deg; 10a max. 80%,45deg.

Past Presidents’ (MF,RG,TW,CM,PM,GB,TG,WB,CM,BB,JW):
MF-How to encourage more membership, more to outreaches, and more to volunteer as officers?
MF-Working on club promo video: Chuck and UFO’s. Logo Video done?  TT-see Minnesota club video.

President (TomT):  Retiring after 2016…plan 2017 officers!  Future Q: 7p meet; 9p planetarium or Obs?
TT-SBAU-mission statement?  “Service Club for Astronomy SB”? MM-“Entertain, Inform, Inspire all ages”
TT-Any contracts w/ SBMNH?  See past constitutions, MOU. Share $ w/ museum? Liability insurance?
TT-review officer/appointee duties, update/organize w/ current person, make monthly duty check/lists.
CM-Museum provides rooms, accting, and insurance while club provides volunteers. Other clubs pay $X?

Astronomy Manager (JavierR):  TT-JR to update AU summer monthly meetings for SBNature.org.
-SBAU shed removal by Oct 1 YES. JR-CRC area for rolling units only (4+UC2) was promised to him. 
-Obs status? JR- Rosing 100mm solar donation-not yet. JR to list equip & donor names; JW-Sky Model needed after lower shutter opening.  ADA=cameras only? JR-2 teles, 1 w/ camera will work.
-Javier says CEO-LukeS wants Astronomy to be poster child of the museum.  Need MOU w/ SBAU w/ insurance issues, background checks covered, certification on new obs & telescopes, etc. Q’s: AH-what if SBMNH gets bossy? PM-bad AstroMan? TT-Equip. donations? CM-bad SBAU Pres? TT-Vote 1/yr, recall?  JR-give him call and we can start working on it.
-Astrophoto class planned w/ JerryW, need T-rings. SBAU: make T-scope use proposals, any time.
-Planetarium show w/ Star Party $6/$3? Website says Free? JR-future pay at door.  CT-put out donation box.
JR-Near future: Daily Obs visits 2pm w/ Solar or CM-bright planets.
JR-MOXI thinking Star Party (but bouncy roof area); Museum partnership?, partial solar eclipse?.

VP-Programs (JerryW):  -see spreadsheet for upcoming speakers and honorarium gifts to be given.
-speaker bio/topic advertising to webmaster, newsletter, no later than 20th of month, but earlier better.
JW-several requests for speakers, but “No” from JHJones, Polchinsky, Howell, Todd Hurt
Possible Speakers: JR-Mike Bennett, PhD A-P.  CM-Dr. Rus Belikov, Moffitt SF, past SBAU member.  TT-RTMC speakers?  [Board OK’d up to $200/speaker (depends on factors). TT-offer tax write-off receipt?]

Secretarys (Adrian: Conrad&Lopez):  TT-Facebook access? Contact w/ JR-will provide pw.
JimW- https://www.facebook.com/Wheelchair-Accessible-Telescope-207735975936051/
-number of members & paid?  AL-159 members CT-(31 free), +2life +4 comp. 4-5 do not have email. 20 free outreachers, ~30 due, review periodically. 50 friends/past speakers get meeting notifications only. 
MM-Have club issue Year (5,10, etc.) pins? Need cost estimate. $3ea? Maybe modify existing SBAU pin? CT-will ask / determine “join” date first (see old lists?).  May add special interest column for members (photo, etc)
TT- Historian events/meetings? Who can add to history of club? CM-past newsletters—who has <2007?
TT-SBAU Lanyard w/ 2-sided nametags instead of monthly sticker printing?  JR-$ Museum?, see photo.

Treasurer (ColinT):  Fed Grand Jury duty 1/wk next 6 months
Acct:  $2600, 4/1/16 per museum sheet.  --Are we 501(C)3 w/ Museum?  JW-SBAU budget worksheet?
TT-monthly spreadsheet? SBMNH bookkeeper, 24th of month. copy to President. JR- ask Pam Beckely.
TW-will see if Museum can reduce number of acct #s from 3 to 2 or 1.  Is Bacara money being rec’d?
TT-need Treasurer to pass on SBAU Store item request sheet w/ stuff to sell at meetings?
TT-need to do monthly Store inventory.  Get costs and Offer other color clothing items, long sleeve shirts, polos, etc.  15oz Coffee mugs; 3”&1” Color logo Stickers (give to members), Patches, Pins?
TT-Museum membership# ($65, incl: 25 CA museums free) =$10 disc for SBAU 2017. Approved!
TT-Astro Day dinner receipt $227 OK?

Outreach (ChuckM): 
-Set monthly dark sky get-togethers?  Gun Club#changes, call CMcP; Figueroa?  TT>google SBAU calendar.
-Astro on Tap SB, usually 1st Wed 409 State M8RX, LCOGT per Iair Arcavi. July 27 next one.
CM-June-Sept Thur(Bacara), Fri(Westmont+Refugio), Sat(Parks) all taken.    CM-Audubon raffle winner has not claimed a $300 outreach yet.

Webmaster (PaulW) issues (pages, forum, email):  PW-teach VP/Pres how to modify webpages using the free MS Expression Web 4.
TT-see telescope articles http://www.centralcoastastronomy.org/catagory/ourmembers/ .
TT-SBAU Forum can be used for articles like this.  We should write ourselves up and post there.

Newsletter (TomW/Chuck):  newsletters out before 1st of month for Secretary copying/ addressing/ mailing.
TT-need other writers: constellation of month, star hopping, meeting summaries.
PW: use forum to post longer versions of articles that do not fit newsletter! 
42 32 mailed = $21 16/mo, + 100 printed (b/w) = $30/mo. 4 members w/o email. Rest > outreaches.
TT-Add telescope workshop, TimC contact info to newsletter and calendar.

Equipment manager (ArtH) & Sales Coordinator (PaulW):  Need more shed large telescope operators!
TT-Shed must be cleared by OCT 1; start ASAP to clear unused items; make list w/ AH. Broken C8?
PW-donated stuff usually has 2wk leeway for >1yr members, 10-20% off est. street $s. 
-What is sold, for sale, & prices?  Meade 2080? 2120? Eyepieces? Big Red Odessey 13” Dobsonian? JW friend, George Chapman, C8 and SBIG ST-7 camera donation?  TT will ask Paul for pricing & sales status.
JR-Shipman 29” mirror. TT-SBAU Facebook inquiry 6-11-16.  Is museum putting $ into SBAU accts?
-UC2/NexStar 8SE: needs levelers w/ tires.  Check if Cig lighter cord & A/C adapter? JimW made h/c signs.
JR-Celestron 11” w/ Museum sticker by Steve Schmidt but donated to SBAU. Museum does not use.

Telescope (& Astrophoto, etc.) workshop (TimC,TomW,JerryW):
-Nearly every Tuesday 730-9p, Broder Building.  Future: Obs practice & using large SBAU rolling telescopes?

Refreshment Coord (Janet/MartinM): retiring from duty by Jan, 2017
Providers= July: PatMcP?  Aug:___?  Janet wants rest of year..NO!  Please ask for volunteers!
TT-Suggested snack list (cookies, cake, etc.) for providers? Remind of $25 refund. Museum kitchen is off-limits, snacks must be easy to clean up.  -JM/MM listed Holiday Dinner venues, prices:  High Sierra Grill chosen for Dec 8, 6pm open menu, seating, no advance$.  TT-no gift exchange: Astro gifts (or +$20?) to Unity House, Toys for Tots? Recognition of community service?                             Excellent work by everyone!

Attached is June 13, 2016 SBAU radio show on 1290AM KZSB 835-10am approx, cropped of advertisements...Good fun discussing dark matter, energy, and black holes.

0:00.000 kzsb
0:07.513 earth sky homicides like flu spread in a community, medical geography
1:37.514 Baron music mention AU day
2:10.645 Baron AU day mention
2:19.060 Baron we will return muddled up or clarified, Earth/Sky ring like Saturn 420lt-yrs away, not sure planet or solar system, seen by light variation over 54 days, eclipse, but complex
4:03.411 KZSB names of people
4:33.762 Baron
5:12.677 1st section:   Start of SBAU show AU hour, symbol for gold, intros, Museum like Disneyland, story of Sue T-Rex skeleton; CM at Refugio; TT how to contact SBAU, go to meetings; TW teaching times and subjects; folding space; black holes vs dark matter;
16:32.649 2nd section:   B-names, BruceM call in on gamma ray bursts around black holes and galaxies; sizes of black holes event horizons; TW-crazy trajectories of stars around black holes; BM-infrared shows stuff blowing away from galaxy center, M1 crab nebula shows jet CM-neutron star; JW-1057 seen by chinese, CM-july 4, 1054; B-what came first, stars or black holes?  CM-still discussed;
27:09.799 3rd section:   B-2001 movie Hal sings once or twice? BM coming in to talk about Arlington organ, B-get Hal Conklin, JW-Fritz Zwicky dark matter theory started, "missing mass", TW-Vera Rubin should have Nobel prize for finding it at Kit Peak in 70's noticed velocity of stars around galaxies; BM-looking at pie chart of makeup of universe .4% stars 3.6% gases, 28% dark matter, 68% dark energy; CM-does not interact w/ itself or baryonic matter; B-Dark Energy? expansion of space determined in 90's; JW-looked at age of universe; Einstein came up w/ cosmological constant, Lamda, but tried to make static universe; TW-baryonic matter, JW-Italy large source of neutrinos;
36:09.584 4th section:   B-try instructor's TomW baked sourdough (had dark matter in it); JW-lots of stuff that can fry you at event horizon; TW-every other yr teach astrophysics; teach from Jim Hartle's book; JW-generally located LIGO black holes from gravitational waves; BM only know on a certain line CM-next LIGO in India; JW-dark energy particles popping in/out CM-pressure in space pushing out; JW-event horizon, B-time stops? JW-for viewer of person at event horizon; CM
43:54.994 last section:  B-hanging on to a event horizon to stop from being swallowed up; CM-4hrs sleep due to asteroid occultation; BM-$500K organ, CM-do you ask for organ donations? BM described Arlington organ parts, B-couple of Wed away; web of universe between galaxies; TT-universe expanding 9% faster than thought before; B-will univ collapse CM-Gnab Gib B-will time go backwards?; BM sent JPG of picture of matter vs energy; B-New Horizons; TT-Westmont this Fri, CM-Tele tuesday, etc. TT-LCOGT AoTSB, trip to Griffith
51:21.022 end

00:00 Baron comments "role in the Universe is to Q the universe"; 01:38 news: Shuttle External tank; 02:42 Earth-Sky on Mars beat up 635K impact craters; 04:17 SBAU guys in talk to Donny; 04:49 gabbing; 06:49   ; 06:55 names; 07:24 AU day; 07:32 KZSB;
07:41 Start SBAU show, TomW B-does Westmont have pastors from physics classes?; JerryW SBRS history; TomT SBAU potluck, NEO asteroid 2016 HO;
16:51 Earth orbiting asteroid, Mars retrograde, Antares, Jupiter, red, TW double stars, TT-if Jupiter bigger, B-see 2010 movie; 2016 HO asteroid, Nemesis legend, orbits, Kuiper belt, Pluto, Saturn rings, shepard moons;
29:26 NASA flight to Mars, soil on Mars for growing?, Mars tsunami, land spacecraft on Mars, Karl Blasius (teaches biology of aging), frozen water on Mars.
38:42 Twitter for SBAU @SantaBarbaraAU, TW-astrophysics background on detectors, sounding rockets, JW-preferred applied research, SBRS, Cyan Systems, clean room.
46:38 Richard Dupree, what was HAL's first song? [maybe Happy Birthday?] SBAU outreaches reviewed by ChuckMcP, 2nd Sat at Museum, 3rd Fri at Westmont, Bacara; Potluck with planetarium show; Mercury transit.
53:38 finish

Outreach & Events / Re: raffle for 2016 May 14 Astronomy Day?
« on: May 09, 2016, 07:38:15 PM »
Prize status is this, 60 prizes over the 300 minutes: 20 $4 kids space reading booklets, 10 $10 Audubon constellation guide books, 10 $20 free SBAU memberships, 20 SBAU items (mugs, shirts, pins).  Javier has tickets numbered from 6548 to 8000 and I have generated 60 random numbers from that range.  We will hand out tickets from SBAU members at various tables and telescopes and kids/folks can go to the prize table and see if they won. 

They can choose from any of the items, but  I will instruct prize awarders to only put out one more expensive prize (constellation book, clothing) out every 30 minutes.  If Paul donates an astrophoto, we will keep that on display but not put it out as a prize until the last half hour to show it off.  Hope to push kids into choosing the little books that way.  Should be able to hand out 300 tickets per hour, which is 5 tickets per minute, so lots of chances if visitors check out several areas.  Crowd density will go up and down, but hope it averages out to dispose of the tickets and prizes by the end.

The Star Party 7-10 at the museum, we plan to have another giveaway, a Meade ETX-60AT w/ tripod that will be more tickets drawn from those attending by 9pm.   Will 100 people visiting stick around for that?  Maybe we need to have people list their name, email address, phone #, on a registration sheet so we can contact them for pickup of the telescope in case the early folks leave and the late folks have a chance? 

I better make up a numbered star party sign up sheet.  Could send everyone on that sheet a thank you note for attending if they do not win.  This is good social outreach to stay in contact.

Attached is cropped audio file from May 9, 2016 SBAU Astronomy radio show on KZSB with the Baron.

0:00 JerryW arrives & talks w/ Baron Ron Herron KZSB, 1290AM
1:32 start of Earth-Sky light pillars info
3:02 Donny talks to JerryW interferometers in solar telescopes for Mercury transit
4:32 AU mention
4:40 Tom Oswald with TomW, his scope under awning & JerryW, Chuck call-in from Camino Real loitering
8:17 KZSB id
8:31 SBAU program start TomW teacher, JerryW stuff on Mars, Tom Oswald music dulcimer, Science Program?, Camino has Hydrogen Alpha telescopes, refractors, JW interferometer filter vs. neutral density filter, Baron stuff dangerous to be by Sun; TomW-OK to go at night by the Sun!  Camino food court is location. Tom Oswald did science presentations 10yr ago saw TO and wife at late Gary Woods + wife Honeybunny, classical, TO wife played viola & cello.  TomW & TomO play at Alice Keck Park daylight savings, Wed eve 5pm, raised area old time music.  TomO did professional development for science teachers during summer breaks.  Post-doc in Toronto cell membrane, SF, SB to teach 1982.  JerryW not at SBAU meet Fri night house un-warming.  Potluck shifted to June 10 McVeigh.  TomW Westmont electronic course.  Mercury transit to discuss
18:31 B:"pls stand for AU pledge" Ricard Strauss music from 2001 movie.  TomW electronic circuits upper level, Baron Q: Taser volts 50K, doesn't kill, but 120Vac does?  JW-10ma current ac can kill.  Batteries 1.5V, how to get to 50KV?  JW-circuit in Taser and transformer to change voltage.  Need current to kill.  5000V from static.  JW-high frequency stays on outside of body.  Baron nothing in body / nature has electrical...TomO: the nervous system!  JW-energy from ATP chemical process.  B-Nature, no square waves?  TomO crystals, Saturn 6 sided pattern, JW-Mandelbrot sets geometry, TomW grew 6 sided crystals; JW now they have 5 sided crystals also.  TomO: make sugar crystals, or salt crystals.  B: no electricity channeling in nature?  Lightning!  conductive path.  B: but TomW class is circuits, breadboarding, OrCAD software without physically building.  Arduino modules, FPGA, raspberry Pi, program using code.  Superconducting.  B: circuit used to light bulb TW: now computer control.  Llamas say Ohm.  Watts rate of energy. B:spot future Neil Degrass Tyson? TomW: sure, one had perfect score.  B: lecture vs lab?  TomW: overlap.  B:make a light work...sometimes failure? TomW sure we troubleshoot.  B:Engineer vs Science? JerryW-both teach, corp depts have both.  JW-condensed matter physics degree.
33:04 AU has 149 members?  JerryW: ~170.  Farrand holds 85.  B:Aliens see Mercury and transit?  JW-see as Sun light output drop.  TW-testing sensitivity of some spacecraft today with the Mercury transit.  B: odds of planet being in line?  JW-odds low, but alot of planets.  B:closest star Polaris? JW-Alpha Centuri.  TomO: sci mags on extraterrestial searches.  TomW used to be star wobble to see exoplanets. TomO: gases in exoplanet atmospheres will be measured by next telescopes...even life on other objects in our solar system.  B: comets dirty water to earth; JW-everything from space.  B:water in accretion disk? JW-hot planets would initially vaporize water. Spacecraft to Mars has to be sterilized.  JW-Extremophiles.  Richard Dupree.
39:53 call from TomT from Camino, lots of visitors shown Arizona Slooh view on laptop.  JW-cost of H-Alpha scope $4300, B: what seen? Arizona online, rock from space.  TomW-photons take 1M years to escape from Sun core + 8 min to get to Earth.  TomT-Neutrinos. B:Cosmic rays
46:58  Richard Dupree, Mex guy digging up asteroid in Yucatan? TomO yes.. equipment offshore drilling. 65M yrs ago.  B: Iridium?  JW-more common in asteroids. B:metal?  trigger metal detector?  TomO found around earth in layer.  TW-Italians, Alvarez, found 1980.  Gold on earth.  RD-Iridium satellites.  B- Sun coming out after transit? TW-Mercury tipped orbit 11deg? 2/3 resonance of orbit to revolution on axis.  TomO will work w/ schools, US edu is poor. 
54:30 end

Outreach & Events / Re: raffle for 2016 May 14 Astronomy Day?
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:10:02 PM »
Art rec'd a nice Meade ETX-60AT with a tripod that is almost new in a box.  This could be the major prize at Astronomy Day that would necessitate a photo to document the winner.  I have a good used 4" newtonian, manually operated that might be assigned to a winner as well.  Hard to carry all this stuff with my telescope to the event.  Maybe I will let others do the telescope stuff while hanging out with Max at the raffle table?  I need to put out the list of typical event tables and see if we have the awnings as well.  Hope the Museum will carry the tables for us...need to contact everyone to line up volunteers, but hopefully will get this info from all at the May 6 meeting?

I hope you enjoy the attached file that has been cropped of commercials

00:00 Baron welcomes JW and TT and comments on the SBAU bookmark
00:52 Earth/Sky program discusses the interstellar medium
03:18 BruceM's milky way picture on the SBAU bookmark is discussed; where is the black hole?
04:19 SBAU at Earth Day, Tesla cars, gamma rays wiggle more like they are on caffeine
06:21 Strass's 2001 movie theme music; B-are people more interested in astronomy now compared to the past?  Endeavor [down at Calif Science Center] will be getting its fuel tank (filled? soda dispenser? restaurant inside?); Earth Day started after 1969 oil spill; TomW doing make-up lab classes this week, got free Orcad software for lab to work with before actually breadboarding electronics; Sam Goodwin made a Theremin [patented in 1928 by Russian Leon T] in one lab class, Bernard Herman made some movie music [1951 in his score for The Day the Earth Stood Still] using that electronic instrument.  TT-400 bookmarks given out at Earth Day.
16:34 B-Meteor showers listed on SBAU bookmark, from comets? TW-we are all made from dirty comets, or CM-sky barf.  92 natural elements plus Unobtainium [see http://neoencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_fictional_elements,_materials,_isotopes_and_atomic_particles for references to Bullwinkle, Avatar, The Core].  B-electrons spin around an atom like a pea compared to size of Texas?  Standard Model, Higgs, Anti-matter discussed.  25:00 Gravitational waves at sound wave frequency; recently [Fermi satellite] found gamma rays that may be associated with that event, possibly from accretion disks surrounding them.  No escape vs. Hawking radiation like astronaut fingernail dirt?
29:22 B-why not circular space stations like 2001?  JW says idea from Willy Ley book [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willy_Ley] but too expensive. Russia added Zvezda (TW=star) module to ISS [http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/structure/elements/sm.html#.Vx6JLXqlcVQ].  B-AU distances on bookmark used for exo-planets?  Recent discovery 16LY away Gliese 832C earth size? (CM-Gliese was nearby star cataloger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Gliese.)  B-Hawking dinky satellites? JW-solar sails and laser communication.  Voyager 1 RTG, radioisotope thermal generator, power fading.  B-Pink Moon?  TT-read list of full moon names from http://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/moon/full-moon-names.html.  Peter Olmos wrote book explaining Chumash calendar.
37:42 Shostakovitch Ballet suite used with 2001 movie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWKN98cNDxo  TW-Alfred North walked out after his music would not be used [see explanation http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062622/trivia].  Phone call from Barbara asking about the Blue Moon.  B-moon height in sky vs. Sun?  Moon phases discussed [http://www.moonconnection.com/moon_phases.phtml].  Sun, moon, planets and gods...CM-7 planets account for days of week.  564-1290...remember to call in. 
45:04 CM-Transit of Mercury May 9, Camino Real Marketplace.  Life on other planets? JW-Carl Sagan complex life was difficult 2nd step.  TW-Tim Ferris, book Life Beyond Earth, Fermi question, lobster video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK0vmOCHiDs .  B-Four Forces?  Gravity, E-M, Strong, & Weak nuclear forces; isotope decay...
52:22 end

Outreach & Events / 160411 KZSB Astro radio show 2nd Monday CM,JW,TW
« on: April 13, 2016, 05:56:12 PM »
1290AM, 9am, 2nd Monday April, 2016:
Pre-show about 835am had JerryW talking with the Baron on Newton's 3rd Law and rockets.  Earth-Sky has a bit on whether city lights might be detectable on exo-planets.
7:20 in, 9:05am or so, show starts with Baron intros, TomW Westmont labs he teaches and says kids tend not to wear bikinis to class there.  May 6 SBAU speaker is mentioned, Karl Blasius will talk on Mars mission findings.
18:04 TomW talks about playing the banjo; Baron wants to understand the Sun and Moon positions in the sky if you were at the Arctic Circle.  I did not know that the Full Moon is higher than the Sun in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere Winter (does that mean the New Moon is lower than the Sun in the sky in Winter?). Tidally locked moons discussed, Apollo landing site visibility, 2001 movie jumping thru space without a helmet, and Westmont 3rd Friday outreach is mentioned with Dr. Ken Kilstrom helping TomW.  Show call in number is 564-1290 by the way.
33:11 A character called Elmer Davis talks in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still to start this section of the show. Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of spin stabilized geosynchronous satellites, and Neaderthals are 5% of our DNA per JerryW.
40:15 more movies: War of the Worlds scared everyone, Invader from Mars is liked by TomW, Baron wrote Revenge of the Ant Monsters, and The Thing just will not go away.  Richard Dupree calls in with a couple of questions, one answered, the red light blue light photography maybe not.
46:42 concluding with Top 10 movie Apocalypses like a Trump presidency.  Westmont and SBCC classes discussed, Chuck outreaches, Jupiter red spot color cycle, and JerryW says Black hole stretching depends on point of view, frame or proper.  Earth Day outreach also mentioned.

Enjoy attached audio file! TomT

Outreach & Events / Re: raffle for 2016 May 14 Astronomy Day?
« on: April 13, 2016, 05:37:13 PM »
Yes, an 8 inch Dob is the smallest telescope to give away and $400 ain't bad for that.  However, I think there has been one winner (that John Boyd knew?) that started getting into astronomy after winning in the last 10 years, but no one local that became a member of the SBAU.  Maybe we should require a $20 new membership to get in on a big telescope raffle so we guarantee a new astronomer will be born and stay local?  However, I do not think we can ask for monetary donations at Camino Real Marketplace, so as not to be competing with the stores there.  And I think Art just gave all the 4" small telescopes to RubenG for tonight's Norte Dame elementary school Astro night, so nothing reasonable in the shed left to bring to Astronomy Day.

On the other hand, I think a lot of little prizes gets our club name into more people's minds.  Our SBAU coffee mugs are highly prized and would be used on a regular basis, but only is seen in the home.  SBAU shirts/jackets are a good prize if a person can get the right size. That would be worn outside and spread our club name farther.  We could hand out any of those every hour, or even half hour, from 10-3pm.  How to pick the winner?  First one to answer an astronomy related question?  Sometimes only allow a kid to answer?

Seems easiest (and more fair to early arrivals vs. only 3pm folk) to let folks get one ticket out of a bowl and look at a sheet of what prize they won out of a chance at 30 different prizes.  If we get 300 people pulling raffle tickets, that is a 1 in 10 chance for a nice prize, Paul Winn astrophotography as well, better odds than the lottery!  Must take a photo of winners to make the prizes seem even more special.  And everyone wins a SBAU bookmark!  I think small prizes make Astronomy Day fun enough and give more people warm feelings about the club and astronomy.

Might be nice to have prizes in the evening at the Astronomy Day Museum Star Party (7-10p) as well?

It is always easy to say what to do, but getting members time to handle the details (gathering prizes, getting tickets, handing them out, preventing cheating, etc) is the key to making it work smoothly.

Outreach & Events / raffle for 2016 May 14 Astronomy Day?
« on: April 12, 2016, 04:23:35 PM »
Treasurer, Equipment Manager, Outreach Coordinator, and all,

Do we raffle anything off for Astronomy Day at Camino Real Marketplace?  Or just have handouts?
Raffling usually involves handing out tickets and having a 3pm prize announcement gathering for those present.

I think we could do this "drawing" style, where we have a fixed number (what total $$ value?) of small giveaways, SBAU patches, shirts, and ?, and assign raffle ticket numbers to them (need to get raffle tickets...maybe Javier still has some?), then let folks grab from a bucket of 300 to see if they win anything on the spot so early folks are treated as well as those who come by at the end.  Everyone wins a 4cent bookmark! We just need to put the effort in to tear up the tickets ahead of time and assign numbers to prizes.

How does this sound?

On 4/12/2016 3:28 PM, Paul Winn wrote:
> Also I need a listing of any the raffle items for Astronomy day

>     From: President SBAU [mailto:president@sbau.org]
>     Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:35 PM
>     Subject: SBAU planning meeting notes April 9, 2016
>     Upcoming Major Events (see Outreach calendars, website, google, NightSkyNetwork, SBMNH):
>     -May 14, 2016, Saturday, Astro Day @ Camino w/ raffle? 3p Plan Meet. Eve Star Party session at Museum.
>     Excellent work by everyone!

Club Miscellaneous / April 2016 planning meeting notes
« on: April 12, 2016, 02:35:30 PM »
April 9, 2016 SBAU Planning Meeting (2nd Sat) NOTES 5-630pm by TT [new information in red]

Attendees:  Pres:TomT, AstroMan:JavierR, VP:JerryW, Treas/PastP:ColinT, Sec:Adrians:Lopez/Conrad PastP:MikeF,RubenG,PatM,JimW,TimW Newsletter:TomW, Webmaster:PaulW, Equip:ArtH, Outr/PastP:ChuckM, TeleW:TimC, PastO:EdgarO, Refreshments:Martin/JanetM;Other: BruceM ChrisL,, Victoria, ZakD, BobR,; Facebook: Sonja Rodriquez, Secretary. "Astronomy Service club" Please join Forum!
---Museum CEO: keep parking lot noise down for neighbors.

Past Major Events review since last Planning Meeting:
(2nd/4th Mon) KZSB Show http://morenews.newspress.com/kzsb/radio.html CM,JW,TW (TT Forum notes)
-April 1, 2016, 1st Friday:  Sarah Greenstreet, LCOGT, NEO’s, Pluto latest 44 attendees

Upcoming Major Events (see Outreach calendars, website, google, NightSkyNetwork, SBMNH):
-April 16, 2016, Sat 11a-7p: SB Earth Day $150 10x10 awning (RG) Solar scopes (JW,CM,TT+?).
-April 23, 2016, Sat 11a-2p: Earth Day Santa Maria Solar scopes (JW,CM,TT+?).
-May 6, 2016, 1st Friday: Karl Blasius, retired SB Remote Sensing, Mars latest & Rover missions.
-May 9, 2016, Monday, Transit of Mercury across Sun, Camino Real, Shoreline? 8-11am? (KZSB day also).
-May 14, 2016, Saturday, Astro Day @ Camino w/ raffle? 3p Plan Meet. Eve Star Party session at Museum.
-Jun 3, 2016, 1st Friday: 630p: Potluck, 8p: 45min Planetarium show, 9p: Palmer Observatory.
-July 1, 2016, 1st Friday: Stephen J. Edberg, JPL, Pluto
-July 26, 2016, Tues. RubenG planning trip to Griffith Obs, SB Airbus (a desire of PPres Tony Galvan).
-Aug 5, 2016, 1st Friday:
-Sept. 2, 2016, 1st Friday:
-Sept 17, 2016: Sat Astrovaganza at Museum.
-Nov, 2016, Los Prietos Boys Camp, organized by RubenG
--Aug 21, 2017: Total Solar Eclipse; 10:20am E.Oregon? SB: start 9a, 0%,12deg; 10a max. 80%,45deg.
Past Presidents’ (MF,RG,TW,CM,PM,GB,TG,WB,CM,BB,JW):
MF-How to encourage more membership, more to outreaches, and more to volunteer as officers?
MF-Working on club promo video: Chuck and UFO’s. Logo Video done?  TT-see Minnesota club video.

President (TomT):
TT-SBAU-mission statement?  “Service Club for Astronomy SB”? MM-“Entertain, Inform, Inspire all ages”
TT-Any contracts w/ SBMNH?  See past constitutions, MOU. Share $ w/ museum? Liability insurance?
TT-review officer/appointee duties, update/organize w/ current person, make monthly duty check/lists.
TT-Museum membership ($65, w/ 25 CA museums free!) gives you $10 disc for SBAU 2017. Approved!
CM-Museum provides rooms, accting, and insurance while club provides volunteers. Other clubs pay x?

Astronomy Manager (JavierR): 
-SBAU shed removal by Oct 1. JR-CRC area for rolling units only (4+UC2) was promised to him.
-Obs status? JR- Rosing 100mm solar donation-not yet. JR to list equip & donor names; JW-Sky Model needed after lower shutter opening.  --Mount is too short to get under telescope eyepiece.
-Javier says CEO-LukeS wants Astronomy to be poster child of the museum.  Need MOU w/ SBAU w/ insurance issues, background checks covered, certification on new obs & telescopes, etc.
-Astrophoto class planned w/ JerryW, need T-rings. SBAU: make T-scope use proposals, any time.
-Planetarium shows again on Star Party Saturdays $6/$3.  Wed, Fri, weekend Obs visits 11am, 2pm? Solar?
JR-MOXI Museum thinking of Star Party (vibrating roof area); wants Museum partnership, solar eclipse.

VP-Programs (JerryW):  -see spreadsheet for upcoming speakers and honorarium gifts to be given.
-speaker bio/topic advertising to webmaster, newsletter, no later than 20th of month, but earlier better.
Possible Speakers: JR-Mike Bennett, PhD A-P.  CM-Dr. Rus Belikov, Moffitt SF, past SBAU member.
TT-Checked SBMNH reserving dates on 2016 calendar. -Board OK up to $200/speaker (depends on factors).

Secretarys (Adrian: Conrad&Lopez):  TT-Facebook access? 4-9-16 not accessible, JR-will provide pw.
JimW-please link to Facebook Wheelchair accessible telescope page: https://www.facebook.com/Wheelchair-Accessible-Telescope-207735975936051/
-number of members & paid?  AL-175 members CT-(31 free), +2life +4 comp. 4-5 do not have email. 20 free outreachers, ~30 due, review periodically. 50 friends/past speakers get meeting notifications only.
MM-Have club issue Year (5,10, etc.) pins? Need cost estimate. $3ea? Maybe modify existing SBAU pin? CT-will ask / determine “join” date first (see old lists?).  May add special interest column for members (photo, etc)
TT- Historian events/meetings? Who can add to history of club? CM-past newsletters—who has <2007?
CM-Chatt Aiton, Sam Goodwin Westmont helpers-issue free member status + NSN pin?  Still need emails.

Treasurer (ColinT): 
Acct:  $2600, 4/1/16 per museum sheet.  Shed removal impact?    --Are we 501(C)3 w/ Museum?
TT-monthly spreadsheet? SBMNH bookkeeper, 24th of month. copy to President? JR- ask Pam Beckely.
TW-will see if Museum can reduce number of acct #s from 3 to 2 or 1.  Is Bacara money being rec’d?
TT-need SBAU Store item request sheet to pass on to Treasurer when not at meetings w/ stuff to sell?
TT-need to do inventory, order low items, report each month to Planning Meeting.  Add color items, long sleeve shirts, polos, etc.  Clothing; coffee mugs; 3”, 1” Color logo Stickers, Patches, Pins?  Good for prizes.
TT-will turn in: $150 receipt for Earth Day; $372.69 for 10,000 new bookmarks (<$0.04 ea!)
TT-Museum membership# ($65, incl: 25 CA museums free) =$10 disc for SBAU 2017. Approved!

Outreach (ChuckM):
-Set monthly dark sky get-togethers?  Gun Club#2845; Figueroa?  TT>google SBAU calendar.
-Astro on TapSB, 1st Wed 409 State Blind Tiger, LCOGT per Iari Arcavi.
CM-June-Sept Thur,Fri,Sat all taken.  -Mon., April 25, 8p,Santa Catalina (El Collegio) UCSB maybe.
CM-Audubon raffle winner has not claimed a $300 outreach yet.
-April 13, 2016 Wed Norte Dame School, 4” telescope from shed for raffle to RubenG.

Webmaster (PaulW) issues (pages, forum, email):  -add to event list: “public welcome”?
PW-teach VP/Pres how to modify webpages using the free MS Expression Web 4.
??-see CCAS members’ telescope articles http://www.centralcoastastronomy.org/catagory/ourmembers/ . TT-Forum can be used for articles like this.  We should write ourselves up and post there.

Newsletter (TomW/Chuck):
TT-need other writers: constellation of month, star hopping, meeting summaries.
PW: use forum to post longer versions of articles that do not fit newsletter!
42 mailed = $21/mo, + 100 printed (b/w) = $30/mo. 4 members w/o email. Rest > outreaches.
TT-Add telescope workshop, TimC contact info to newsletter and calendar.

Equipment manager (ArtH) & Sales Coordinator (PaulW):   
TT-Shed must be cleared by OCT 1; start ASAP to clear unused items; make list w/ AH.
PW-donated stuff usually has 2wk leeway for >1yr members, 10-20% off est. street $s.
-What is for sale & pricing? Meade LX200 (not GPS) 12”, not roller frame and wheels; keep if space found.
AH-has a donated 10” Meade LX3,6,2080? (Offer for Sale to members at $?...get PaulW to price).
-UC2/NexStar 8SE: needs levelers, tires.  Cig lighter cord or A/C adapter? JimW did sign graphics.
JR-Shipman 29” mirror, Open up, examine & photo for sale via CloudyNights.
CM-Celestron 11” w/ Museum sticker by Steve Schmidt but donated to SBAU.  JR-Museum does not use.

Telescope (& Astrophoto, etc.) workshop (TimC,TomW,JerryW):
-Nearly every Tuesday 730-9p, Broder Building. -BobG said 730-9p not best time for him!

Refreshment Coord (Janet/MartinM): PW-computer to Mezas for checking email?  +home wireless? Cheap chromebook?
Providers= May: Janet/MartinM. June: potluck. July:__? Aug:___?
TT-please make suggested snack list (cookies, cake, etc.) for volunteer providers & remind of $25 refund; since Museum kitchen is off-limits, snacks must be easy to clean up.
-JM/MM listed Holiday Dinner venues, prices:  High Sierra Grill chosen for Dec 8, 6pm open menu, seating, no advance$.  TT-no gift exchange: Astro gifts (or +$20?) to Unity House, Toys for Tots? Get recognition of community service?

Excellent work by everyone!

Dobsonian Telescopes / Gail Massey C11 on a Dob equatorial mount
« on: April 08, 2016, 05:51:05 PM »
Did you ever see this Dob setup of a C11 that Gail Massey has?

Download and listen in for the details, commercials have been cropped, but here are some notes:
0:00Starts with a Earth Sky plant nitrogen bit and pre 9am talk waiting for TomW to show.
8:28 TomW gets to describe his Westmont Adjunct Instructor job and Baron asks about metals and electrons.  ChuckM points out that anything above Helium in Astronomy is considered a metal.
18:36 in we mention the upcoming meeting on Friday, April 1 with Sarah Greenstreet talking about Plutoids.  Baron asks about binary stars and TomW does a review of his Lab on Inductors. 
30:35 Chuck talks about the need to write the County Supervisors on revising the lighting standards, Richard Dupre asks what the international organization on dark skies is (IDA?).  TW says Tucson, AZ had restrictions on lights to protect the observatories there.  B asks if Pluto can be observed in small telescopes, yes, but just a dot.  CM says lights just help out the taggers at night!
40:22 CM mentions WE Watch, Women's Environmental Watch trying to reduce bad lighting.  JerryW says foxtails are coming out at Ellwood and $800 to take dog to vet, so he is going to walk on the beach during dry weather.  B asks about dimensions in space and Jerry, Chuck, and TomW give examples of 3D moving thru time.  JW says maybe temperature gets hotter below absolute zero! 
48:58 Baron sees the newsletter outreach list, TW talks about folks taking photos at Westmont.  End at 54:23.
Hope you enjoy...let us know what topics you want to cover?

more fun on the radio...see attached file to play back the conversations

Rationally discussing the irrational number Pi, outreaches, telescopes, Westmont labs taught by TomW, science fair projects, Astronomy on Tap at Blind Tiger, vernal equinox, call from New Jersey and northern lights, gravitational waves (not gravity waves), solar telescopes, and space-time and dimensions.

Notes from audio file attached, but I suggest downloading and listening to the attached 52:30 minute audio file.   Enjoy...TomT

0:00 Baron starts day w/ Wizard of Oz music;833am, he used to go by Captain Boogy Boogy? Chuck/Tom due w/ LCOGT, forgets name of telescope in Saturday Discovery channel program (James Webb).  Says Chuck does not have a TV.  Ken Boxer interviewed Billy Mumy "danger will robinson". 2:10 LCOGT.net Lorna due, my old drinking buddy. 2:36 Earth/Sky infomercial on red giant stars.  4:00 Guests arrive, Andy Howell and Lorna Boyd, B-saw newspress article 3wks ago. Saw Telescope program on Discovery; talk today of Goleta based network of world telescopes. High Tech Monday. 5:40 this is AU Hour (featuring Richard Dupre)

6:05 Telstar (by the Tornados, 1962 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B7ypA1fSwU ) music: greetings.  Goleta based telescope society, LCOGT, Lorna Boyd & Dr. Andy Howell, doctor of philosophy.  Headquarters in Goleta and work at UCSB teaching.  Todd Boroson is director of LCOGT.  35 people.  Lorna, on board 5mos ago, sucked in like a neutrino.  Director of philanthropy. B-deep pockets in Montecito, telescope freaks.  AH-group with only time-variable astronomy and multiple telescopes, about 17 telescopes in field with more in future, Chile, Tibet, Israel, Texas, Australia, etc.  Wayne Rosing vision, while in silicon valley, to partner with astronomers, contracts with NASA, LB-we want to raise awareness in community of LCOGT, AH-2005 started in Goleta, everything put together and on officially in 2014.  B-TomT SBAU has had LCOGT folks to speak.  564-1290.  CM- in Berlin, use area code 866, Denise Fritz.

14:45 B-AU name owned? CM-maybe Museum. TT-March 11 meeting, James Hartle, Quantum Origins of the Universe.  B-missed ISS pass, CM-Fri pass was bright (Westmont). AH-Las Cumbres was Wayne neighborhood name.  LB-doing events, Astronomy on Tap, at Blind Tiger, March 2, 400 State, Andy will talk, funnier when audience has a couple of drinks in them. Free, just building awareness for LCOGT, then hoping for contributions later.  CM-free at first then charge to get out.  LCOGT Lectures, May 18, SETI, Seth Shostak (at Museum?), B-who contacted you from news-press? LB-LCOGT sent press release on scientist getting [National Academy of Sciences] Watson medal (Dr. Tim Brown http://lcogt.net/blog/dr-tim-brown-to-receive-distinguished-watson-medal/ James Craig Watson, rich astronomer, 1880d).  LCOGT 501(3)c lcogt.net .  UCSB has dozen faculty, plus post docs, say 35, more physics vs. same number with LCOGT; UCSB in top 5 schools in world for physics.  22:30.  AH-did bar talk in Austin Texas, people can come ask their Q's.  B-can't see Dark Energy... AH-but you can infer that it is there, the expansion of the universe, expanding faster, energy must be there.  B-Telescope program, James Webb, but Hubble 3 weeks of exposure found thousands of galaxies in "empty" patch.  How can we see back to the Big Bang?  AH-I teach this, the BB happened everywhere at once, explosion everywhere in space, all of space very close together.  Explosion everywhere on surface of balloon, photons take a long time to get across, CM-rapid inital inflation, faster than speed of light.  B-matter expand, space-time grid also.  Does that mean, somewhere out in space, we can not reach, where BB started?  AH-happened everywhere, only 13.7Billion years of past photons that we can see. B-amazed we can see anything.  CM-red shift.  B-photons stop on dime, AH-right in your eye.  B-any mass? AH-no B-how many in room? AH-we could calculate.  More energy in short waves x-rays. CM-they are on caffeine.

29:25 B-4 people, 3 headphones, Bruce Murdock on phone.  TT- dues $20, but free if doing 6 outreaches with club.  Lorna Boyd, used to drive up/down State St as SB Don high school days.  B-used to see cheerleaders in cars from Balboa building.  BruceM-listening with great enthusiasm, want to plug outreaches, 228/year, telescopes owned by members.  Young people in awe when looking thru telescope.  I visited Sedgwick LCOGT observatory. AH-we use that for testing. B-selling (12") telescope? BM-losing space at Museum. Webb telescope assembly to micron accuracy. 

36:50 TT-pls send donations to...LB-LCOGT forming group, Friends of LCOGT, $250/couple, etc.  another call: Denise Fritz, from Germany,  only telescope I know is Hubble, I am a teacher in Berlin.  CM-she will not retire.  D-Andy very convincing.  Germany was in a tizzy due to Einstein gravitational wave discovery.  David found explanation on internet that was good. Q-two black holes frolicking, what if one gets close to Earth?  Any chance and when?  AH-working on tv show for history channel on astronomical Armageddons.  Supernovas, from large stars, collapse to black holes, which merged together for this event when it happened Sept, 2015.  600 sq. degrees of sky.  Probably LCOGT cannot see black holes, but neutron stars might cause visible.  TT-how often does this happen? AH-more often than predicted as this was seen very quickly.  Two 30 solar mass black holes have made a bigger one for first time.  But if black hole is coming for us, we would see x-rays, and very unlikely.  D-when Venus aligns with Mars?  CM-billions of years.

45:25  B-how to tie 17 telescopes together?  AH-using internet, make request, scheduler fits your observation to a telescope; you do not have to wait, can be seen at one of the telescopes.  TT-what is more important for LCOGT? AH-supernovas most important to me, but yes we look for asteroids, black holes, and exoplanets and any other changing item.  B-only one telescope at a time?  AH-multiple B-same item? AH-can be done, but not usually, but maybe for exoplanets.  B-water?  AH-can be done with other telescopes.  B-can not see? AH-images can be seen.  B-very large array, parallax done with LCOGT? CM-LCOGT not networked into a interferometer.  AH-cost efficient to have more small telescopes.  These robotic telescopes can be used without the need to be directly at a remote observatory.  B-Prof. Andy you look like a student  52:35

Andy Howell upcoming Griffith Observatory program:  "Dark Energy, Zombie Stars and the Robotic Future of Astronomy" Monday March 7, 2016 http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Dark-Energy--Zombie-Stars--and-the-Robotic-Future-of-Astronomy---Lecture-at-Griffith-Observatory.html?soid=1101711440680&aid=sGC58O5JdFE

Attached is the commercial cropped audio file from the show replay on Sunday, Feb 14th, 3am, of the 2nd Monday KZSB SBAU Astronomical Unit radio program with Chuck, TomT, and JerryW, who has quite a bit of time explaining his work history to the Baron Ron Herron.  This is a Sunday replay as my Monday live recording stopped early on for some reason.  Here are some quick notes about the show, but download the file and listen in for the entertaining science discussions (easier than reading these notes?):

00:00 Star trek music this session, TomW did not show due to locked shoulder pain, B gets J to talk about his work history again, who mentions one of the satellites he worked on "sleeps with the fishes" and that "physicists look at how the world as it is, engineers trying to remake the world as they want it".  TT got to mention the last meeting about exoplanets and C explains.

10:35 J-talks about his consulting work and Cyan Systems cameras with smart focal planes.  B gets lost with all the new concepts in astronomy and J paraphrases Shakespeare "there are stranger things under the sun than are dreamt of by man's philosophy" [“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ] and brings in the subject of near earth objects, asteroids, 90% found larger than 1km, but of those >40m only 1% found.  J says "as someone pointed out, we are here because the dinosaurs did not have a space program"

21:30 Richard Dupree calls in to ask about Bose Condensates, which J explains.  He also asks about the Antikythera mechanism, and C says they are still looking for more.  Chumash guy Peter Olmos calls in to welcome back Baron and says that the Chumash really love cosmology. And what is latest on Planet X and C explains that they are looking for it, T says 10x farther out than Pluto.  Still trying to start topic of LCOGT C-"keeping you in the dark 24hrs a day".

30:20 C friend Denise calls in from Germany, B says this is the farthest call he has every gotten, and she asks how often the "moon in seventh house and Jupiter align w/ Mars"? and C says often planets are in the same part of the sky.  TT wants to know if snow in Berlin, and Denise says only a few weeks ago, but not now [TT-i thot germany would be snowy this time of year].  Denise keeps looking at the stars and constellations and thinking of Chuck.  B asks about the constellations of the ecliptic and C explains that pre-astronomy science people trying to make sense of the universe.  B wonders about the view from the southern hemisphere and toilet water spin, but C says Coriolis force is only about large scales.

39:30 B-stars bend when traveling at speed of light? J says that the light would look like bending all the way around you.  LCOGT network, C explains that they have telescopes around the world gathering data, J-professionals doing research and SBAU has them for meeting talks. B asks about use for interferometry, but C says that is for radio telescopes.  T-mentions that LCOGT looks for Supernovas, B asks how many, C says 100's each night if big enough telescopes.  T mentions sbau.org and that Museum will have Valentines Day planetarium show this Saturday with chocolats for $10.  46:00 end

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