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 on: May 20, 2018, 03:58:15 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
180514 KZSB SBAU radio hour 2nd Tues BaronH JW CM TW TT BM

00:00.000 music: GatoB Europa jazz saz.  Baron intros, June8 potluck, JW-dying to join right then, B-no custom calendars, so generic from ?  CM-Sky & Telescope.  TW-article S&T how detecting 1st galaxies.  B-Hubble deep field, 1 million seconds of exposure. TT-took a few months.  TW-13.4B light is so faint, so use Lyman cut-off of H, image shift of spectrum, 92.1nm UV, image above and below, since Universe expanding, you can watch the cutoff shift into the infrared.  James Webb Tele will be better.  B-light photon leaves a star, 1B stars in a galaxy, so only one star seen?  TW-no the ensemble of light from all the stars in the galaxy.  JW-Milky Way looks like cloud, light is combined.  CM-TimC says ultra deep field was 2 million seconds.  B-how stay aligned to take photo?  BM-reaction wheel torque.  CM-Hubble can point N/S without having earth in the way.  B-Hubble still op?  JW-until funding runs out or breaks.CM-should boost then pick up for Smithsonian someday.  music: summertime 1609, Galileo used telescope for very first time.

11:23.937 music: long road getting from there to here.  B-SBAU hour.  goes by fast.  Last Friday Sean Kelly gave great speech, long, had to hold questions, food would be more important.  TW-SEan talked about magnetism.  B-which is bigger mag field, ac or dc?  BM-relates to peak current  Beta/h amperes going thru coil.  B-Edison vs Telsa ac, Edison electrocute elephant to show danger of ac. JW-public did not like that demo.  BM-dc tends to throw you off.  ac field two directions.  JW-lightning transients go both directions.  B-why not spike onlyin one direction?  JW-fast videos can showthe action due to air breaking down at high voltages.  TW-when at grad student at Uof Arizona, they study that there due to monsoons in Tucson area.  Dr. Kriter's riders to see lightning events.  B-Neptune has even stronger.  TT-lightning rods?  Mark Twain story of adding more and more.  BM-cloud to cloud lightning.  CM-static on radio.  BM-ac +/- 5kHz of 1290KHz.  JW-dc current seems more of nature oddity.  electric eels....JW-evil thots.  music: i became a star of gas..

21:22.469 music:  as a space ship flies tho the endless space...stumbles onto a black hole embrace...B-TW classes finished 4 labs, 65 students.  TT-planetarium shows, 5th graders, 100k yrs across Milky Way text message.  BM-tours of Arlington theatre organ, SBTOS.org. Hal Conklin. B-take bus to Calif Sci Center w/ SBAU club in August.  TT-satellites, Imax CM-aircraft TT-rose garden. $30 bus fee. space shuttle costs.  BM-King Tut exhibit.  near USC.  B-took son to see wrestling, fake, but son loved it.  Exposition park.  B-tar pits? BM-bubbling. JW-bones, things float up.  B-outreaches?  CM-2nd Sat at Museum, etc.  TT-what in night sky?  CM-Jupiter, Venus.  Telescope workshop Broder building.  B-much done in 1.5 hrs?  JW-sure. cheering TimC on 8"  music: Gato Europa.

31:17.837  music:  Star Trek Enterprise tv show music.  B-bees in space?  BM-Beehive cluster, groups of three CM-1100 ly away.  BM-binary star stable, triple less stable over time.  B-alpha Centauri?  CM-two like sun, one red dwarf orbiting others.  B-Proxima like earth?  CM-star barf may cook planet.  JW-globular clusters, planets can be passed around.  B-about every 100yrs, get novas.  not in Globs?  CM-yes it happens, makes blue stragglers.  JW-25K yrs a star will come within 1 ly of our sun, may disturb Oort field of comets.  BM-may be more black holes in universe than stars.  TT-black hole could pass thru sun w/o us knowing.  JW-thru earth...tiny one.  Kip Thorne helped with Interstellar movie.  JW-time passes slowly in black hole field.  B-worm hole is due to black hole?  TW-often found in apples.  Music: Galileo telescope

39:46.712 music:  Gato-Europa.  B-Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit club.  2nd/4th mondays radio show.  B-Webb delayed to 2020.  CM-close pass 2am 300ft across asteroid.  mag 12.  B-gravity assist.  does that happen to passing asteroids?  CM-could be faster or slower after passing.  B-how to program a satellite to go to planets?  JW-all the physics needed to direct by Newton BM-and Kepler.  B-nudge could be way off.  BM-one ft per year over 100k yrs.  JW-course corrections can be done.  BM-thrusters.  B-Voyager 1/2 in Kuiper belt, where going? CM-Aldeberian.  B-how to get near sun?  JW-  B-solar sail?  CM-trouble expanding sails. 

 on: April 09, 2018, 04:28:49 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
180409 KZSB SBAU radio hour 2nd Tuesday B, JW, CM, TW...lousy notes by TT:
-so download and play back cropped 50 min of show time audio file attached.

00:00.000 B-DelTopia beach problem
00:17.391 B-AU hour blurb
00:43.791 Earth/Sky moon halo
02:13.566 TomT not here, doing planet shows, new person Danny here,  Chuck M8RX talk, B-well done, but had to leave. CM-music to astro data talk also was great.

03:34.175 music: 2001 movie.  B-Kubrick ship going too fast to be accurate. TomW, JerryW, ChuckMcP, B-was your speech to be about anything? CM-speak about modern Am Astro and contribute to Science.  B-3 types of teles? CM-refract, reflect, cat. (has both lens and mirror).  JW-workshop does mirrors. TW-started it.  TimC cancelled this week.  He was working on f/5 8"  focal length 40".  JW-like camera light coming in.  B-like Hubble? CM-use reaction wheels, as rocket contaminate area. TomW-lost two Mike Dilley, f/2, 12.5 port hole and Mike Chibnick 14" port hole glass. B-some members only come out rarely.  This show counts as an outreach.  B-what to write in news?  JerryW-   Isabel Lipartito was Friday speaker (distortion) talked about superconductors at low temps, BruceM gave some extra description in emails.  maybe write about superconductors next time. B-computers faster? JW-is a heat issue. 70s Cray-1 was fast, compact, but hidden chiller room.  SBRC computer rooms were air conditioned, but operator in hot room. B- 25yr old lady, Lipartito, w/ her lab people, has her camera been done before?  JW-new one is a little different, but been done before, but superconductors are faster. saw pulsar at 33/second. CM-patent may be Jerry's!

15:32.924 music: "on a calm and cloudless night...1609 Galileo..." B-felt earthquake?  JW-maybe a cat fight, but wife ran out of shower.  TW-class schedule.  B-reading BruceM email re: TT Q .   JW-disagree any stumble.  CM-just a detector like any new camera.  Several large telescopes they attach to.  B-is Hubble same cold?  CM-not cold enuf.  JW-James Webb will be a little cooler, but will run out of coolant.  Cm-gets away from earth heat and noise.  Lipartito is down to milliKelvin.  TW-trying to direct image, not using wobble or transit techniques.  B-look at firefly Fl to Seattle?  JW-if enuf light, get spectra for exoplanets, like she showed for Venus vs. Earth.  B-Gliese 581 rocky planets? in habitable zone, 20LY away.  TW-Sun.  JW-we are looking for intelligent life.  CM-4K exoplanets so far w Kepler.  B-basics of electr:  inductance resist change in current?  B-ohms?  JW-that is resistance.  B-why delay when JohnP reports?  CM-microwave system.  B-anti-electron, positron? JW-neg stuff moves, current is tech opposite of electron flow, eng vs sci talk.  BM and JW email.  j is imaginary, complex number, discuss.  JW- Chuck has pw that uses last three digits of Pi.  music: black hole

26:21.873 music: "so the frieghtened crews stranded fall into a black hole"  B-great SBAU members: CM amazing outreach guy.  AdrianL going to CalTech.  Isabel young ladies, hope they attend more.  TomW-bread, fabulous rye based on SF bakery, no Knead.  starter, real sour dough, slow fermentation.  B-rye and other grains make whiskey?  TW-  B-work at Panera? TW-I make better bread.  TW-James Webb, going up in 2020.  concerned about sunshield unfolding.  B-always face away from Sun? TW-yes.  B-13th constellation? CM-variance from orig astrology over thousands of years.  TW-Ophiuchus.  B-Webb up from Canaveral, but local?  CM-Insight mission from Vandenberg.  JW-picked a spot to drill on Mars.  CM-hit a golf ball to NY City from here.  JW-Mars Curse.  B-Venera to Venus.  TW-April Sky/Tele, article on 1st galaxies, well written. B-Hubble deep field, CM-Ultra.  B-earliest galaxies?  CM-13.8B old universe, see 13+ back.  B-can we look complete sky? CM-they have done some different parts of sky.  Univ has expanded since begin.  JW-10^-32sec.  CM-everywhere is the center of the universe, just diff view for everyone.

36:18.963 music: Gato-Europa.  B-talk with brighter bulbs in town.  TW-teaching 4 labs this semester.  2 others in dept. Summerland and Kihlstrom.  JW-Goleta corridor, Voyager has signiture on it.  Built spectrometer, etc.  B-works perfect?  JW-rovers work better close up.  CM-blueberreis on Mars.  B-can we land on Olympus Mons on Mars?  JW-want to look for water.  CM-landed on poles.  B-lava tube on Moon.  JW-Mars also.  TW-earth also, near Lassen Volcanic park.  B-Sea of Tranquility, CM-frozen lava lake.  B-meteor strikes, fry on earth, but hit moon.  CM-people look for those on Moon.  B-CM does Occultation viewing.  star blinks out as asteroid goes by.  peanut shape. CM-if a number of people along path of shadow, can determine shape.  Some Trans-Neptunian objects, not all in the ecliptic.  B-are all occultations on zodiac?CM-a lot due to asteroid belt is there.  folks doing since early 70's.  564-1290

44:46.278 music: Gato-Europa.  B-club, summarize like CM talk at M8RX, no tele needed.  JW-trip.  CM-2nd Sat, 3rd Tues, 3rd Fri Westmont, April 21, Sat., Intl Astro Day.  Not at Earth Day.  JW-should put Tesla stickers on telescopes.  TW-students today at 2p, lesson plans ready, modify every year. Spring next yr, teaching cosmology, part of astrophysics.  origin of universe.  B-hit a time when we know too much.  TW-want to cover Hawking radiation, black hole evaporation.  B-SBAU stuff.  Thx. music: 2001.
49.35.266 end

 on: April 09, 2018, 04:26:35 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
attached:  Raw audio from 180326 KZSB SBAU radio hour with Baron, JerryW, ChuckMcP, and AdrianL

bad notes:
180326 KZSB SBAU radio Baron JW CM AL TW 4th Tues

Earth sky: habitable zone around stars, too narrow?  Cal-Tech, eliptical orbits, might have planets has brief periods of extreme heat, extremophiles might exist. jose alazar, deborah bryd.
CM-just us chickens
SpaceX picture, page 3, CM-old iridium satellites had reflective microwave antennas, new ones do not.  B-10 satellites, how done?  CM-all on one bus JW-get off bus line,...maybe spring off.
Pat sent CM message Flagstaff 6000 ft.  LCO? CM-one at Sedgwick.

B-JW-worked at many research companies

906am music: "galileo used his tele for 1st time".  B-intros AL, JW, CM BruceM on telephone, went skiing previous week.  SBAU meetings have free planetarium show, food after meeting. AdrianL took VP job for 2nd time, leaving for Cal-Tech in 6 months. going to DPHS.  B-any Katy Perry pics?  AL-she donated recycle bin recently.  B-CM schedule?  1st Friday meeting MKID speaker  JW-turn light into electrical signals. 10th sci at Mtn view etc etc Sat, April 21 Astronomy day at Camino Real Marketplace.
BM-Tuesday Telescope Workshops.  B-went to a school w/ Mezas once w/ kids running around.  BM-lots of different types of telescopes.  JW-telescope workshop: when people bring in a scope they get attention.  BM-woman brought in a out of collimation telescope and TimC fixed with laser collimator.  BM-small telescopes can be refract or reflector.  B-can see Jupiter's moons? CM-some kids can see one moon of Jupiter.  69 moons total.  Galileo.  CM-Pope said to take it slow, but Galileo poked the dragon.  B-how big? CM-2.5inches.  B-BM-April 14 next theater pipe organ open console, concert at arlington in August. B-Cap Nemo at home with organ bothering neighbors? BM-no, pretty acoustically isolated. music: Gato Europa.

920am music: star trek enterprise theme  B-Ashley Judd in one.  SBAU talk.  CM-SB Astro club merged w/ SBAU.  TomT Astronomy comment, just scratching stars as to how they tick.  AL-MKID speaker JW-super lattice detectors, but high temp super conducting detectors discovered.  B-Prof Lubin has prototype micro space ships for sending to nearest star?  B-why interested in Astronomy?  AL-pretty good question, started when i was very young, so much to learn, new and extraordinary.  Cosmology origins of the universe.  BM-vacuum not a vacuum. B-what is it?  JW-may be no analogy to describe it for us.  B-JW-oddball in science class...father when 5, getting carried home, rural area, looked up at night sky (Sunland) and was amazed.  B-saw 3 sisters in Orion, not moved in 60 years (CM-yes a little).  CM-Australians call Orion belt and sword, the Frying Pan.  BM-tour of Alice Springs and great sky pictures taken, so many stars.  CM-center of galaxy is over S. Hemisphere.  CM-in May, MW galaxy..
Sagitarius black hole, center of Milky Way. BM-see with radio telescope. B-AL you can grow up and be pushy likek the rest of us. BM-who says we have grown up? 
music: "and the space ship flies thru the endless void of deep space...stumbled onto the embrace of a black  hole..."

935am music: crew fall into a black hole.  B-AdrianL launch SBAU calendar w/ TomT.  JW is Pres, elected after hard fight.  CM-appt position.  Colin is Treasurer. B-what got CM into Astronomy.  CM-got a Telemar junior, Newtonian 4", wobbly. sparked an interest.  commuting to UCSB on Tues, Halley Comet coming, bought telescope.  Met Pat and said another club in town, Dave Carry phd got CM into showing public night sky. standing on shoulders of giants to help find new things.  Other internet crowd sourced astronomy available. getting people excited about astronomy. B-Astronomy mag? CM-no Sky and Telescope mag.  B-be back to get BM.  music: "once I had enuf mass, i became a star of gas"

945am music: Gato B-BM orbits?  BM-C8 telescope with wide field view of sky, public outreaches w/ 5th graders or older, the ones that look and look.  laser pointer points right to area to show them naked eye view.  B-can you see the size of Betelguese?  BM-just red.  like to look at globular clusters.  B-how close would stars be to each other?  CM-maybe light-weeks apart.  B-finding planets around stars, like our solar system.  BM-average gal has 200B stars  x 2T galaxies.  huge number 10-23rd stars, must be at least that number of planets.  B-why mass in cloud, circles around in clumps. BM-drawn by gravity, but not straight in, like satellites around earth.  B-planets crash to make our moon, but we do not see it?  CM-produces a hot cloud of dust that can be seen.  BM- neutron stars collide.  JW-remember why space is called space.  B-trillions of galaxies? never see collisions?  JW-just too far away.  Next speaker will talk about those things.  JW-coveted cup.  music: Gato

955am music:  star trek enterprise tv show theme.  B-SBAU Museum of Natural History  JW, CM, AL, BM.  JW-appreciation of what looking at.  B-pink on monitor that CM telescope camera picks up?  BM-eyes not sensitive to color in dim light.  B-star colors?  JW-dull red to bright white.  no green stars.  Antares used to be thot green. but contrast effect with white star nearby.  best view averted vision using side of eyes.  B-Sun looks white?  JW-sets what is white.  B-Betelguese going to explode CM-TT says sometime after midnight.  AdrianL-phd in astrophysics, but physics in undergrad.  CM-astro day April 21..lost sound...BM-organ Aug  JW-CalStar April 12 at Lake San Antonio overflow campground, have to avid astronomer, not an SBAU event, run by San Jose club.  B-bus trip?  JW-Science Center.  music: Gato Europa.

 on: April 09, 2018, 04:22:35 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
download and listen to attached raw audio from 180226 SBAU radio hour, 4th Tuesday, KZSB the the Baron, JerryW, ChuckMcP, and TomT.  Sorry did not edit audio or do text.

 on: March 15, 2018, 12:02:41 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
180312 KZSB SBAU radio show Baron JW CM AdrianL terrible transcript/notes:

00:00.000 B-brain trust guys coming in, except TomT and maybe CMcP
00:07.545 B-waiting for guys to show
00:59.652 CM is in; talk to Donny
02:00.010 Richard Dugan daylight savings time discussion, Ben Franklin? CM-doesn't buy you anything.
05:41.798 AdrianL shows up
05:50.050 Earth/Sky true polar wander, not mag field or plate tectonics. very small motion, geophyical theory, volcano may cause imbalance, causing land to shift in latitude.  Earth outer layers shift 0.2% every 1 million years?
07:19.724 B-what shall we talk about? losing VP AL-school excuse, would be programming in engineering class. Booking speakers AL-April has been booked.  JW-some speakers wait until last min.  Isabel Lipartito, UCSB

09:51.014 music: Carl Sagan show. B-bought a patch from Pat. TT-doing planetarium shows. B-our future is leaving us, AdrianL, why not others from HS coming to shows?  AL-usu busy on Friday nights.  applied to CalTech in fall, wrote essays.  AL-major not declared until after Freshman year, but likely Physics. B-schedule already? AL-not until Fall.  B-China space station, CM-Chang deng one, coming down. 30x10ft cylinder. B-need those 2001 rotating artificial gravity stations. JW-high risk connections.  B-was 2001 turning too fast? JW-depends on size.  B-AL-interests?  Cosmology. B-Gravitational lensing, last meeting, CM-using the Sun to bend light.  JW-General Relativity tested that way. AL-from JPL speakers bureau.

19:28.510 music: fuzzy classical.  B-welcome back to SBAU hour.  JW, CM, AL - DPHS physics Miller.  using Algebra, not calculus. JW-we used slide rule. B-any fractals? AL-we use graphing calculators.  JW-exponents in logarithms  AL-3yrs math required in HS.  B-do they use tablets for school. AL-sometimes, but tests, just use graphing calculators. B-are daily news astronomy topics brought up in class?  AL-yes, she was good about that.  B-geo  CM-very deep earth diamond mineral found.  and another form of ice trapped inside the diamond.  B-gases on earth become metals under deep pressure like on Jupiter.  CM-metal usu means conducting electricity.  B-Adrian, what is coming up.  AL-next speaker on MKID (Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector) w/ Ben Mazin at UCSB. ... B-Hubble on last legs, JW-James Webb is next one.  CM-rocket on Hubble to bring it down, but think it should be boosted so Smithsonian can go get it one day. JW-10-12microns, infrared, we look like bright light bulbs in this room.  JW-space telescopes compete with adaptive optics big telescopes on earth.  B-always new stuff to see.

33:00.054 music: Chariots of the Gods instrumental.  CM-cat on Pat's forehead.  AL-will come back to talk B-you did Orbits, also Bruce.  JW-Bruce, Farshad did solar system orbits over a long time period.  B-pics from Cassini show flat rings around Saturn, why not a close up of a water crystal? CM-too dangerous  JW-Shepard moons help arrange rings.  B-gravity should pull rings into Saturn? CM-velocity keeps pieces in rings.  JW-Roche limit tidal forces pull the particles apart.  Stable orbits.  CM-all the gas giants have rings.  B-asteroids have moons? Cm-many.  AL-Roche limit explanation.  B-tidally locked?  JW-similar CM-Roche limit explanation again, distance btw light objects vs. denser. B-Adrian, meet Mike Brown at JPL?  AL-Kuiper belt. CM-IAU might call 140 objects as planets at next definition.

41:59.826 music: was a calm and cloudless night...1609 Galileo used his tele for very 1st time...  B-AU meeting April, 1st Friday.  AL-usu 4 yrs at CalTech.  B-Mike Brown class? AL-probably.  B-join SBAU.org TomT does meetings tech in back.  SBMNH hard to get into during construction.  B-no displays of astronomical stuff, but there is on left side entering planetarium. JW-some museums have beehives inside walls. Chad is whales name. B-updates:  Cassini, Juno around Jupiter wide orbit because CM-radiation intensity around Jupiter, 11x dia of earth.  CM-radiation is particles trapped in its magnetic field.  B-Pluto mission? CM-going for MUxxxx by Jan, 2019.  Voyagers 140AU away.  CM-kuiper belt is disk like, Oort cloud is more spherical shell around solar system.  B-is our star typical? JW-yes for now.  B-AL staying at JPL?  AL-student housing.  JW-danger of doing homework at last minute in class...some day it might require more time.  CM-outreaches listing  Astro Day April 21.  music: Gato europa

52:59.373  music: Chariots  B-Adrian what is exciting coming up?  AL-James Webb  JW-operational team runs 24/7 B-what to see?  CM-edge of universe stuff.  B-galaxies leaving us?  CM-space expanding between objects higher than speed of light for far away objects.  visible edge is Cosmic Microwave background radiation.  Aerospace.org Corbs for orbital debris, relating to china's space station.  JW-hard to predict.  music:star trek enterprise
55:52.276 end of show

 on: February 12, 2018, 09:53:31 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
180212 KZSB SBAU radio show Baron JW TW CM TT
00:00.000 B-TomT recording promo, forgot to mention 2nd/4th Monday radio shows. Brain trust wil be here.
00:52.930 Earth Sky mass of the Milky Way = 1.6T solar masses, based on speed of Leo I satellite galaxy.
02:22.817 ChuckMcP is here  200+ outreaches per year. 
03:22.794 Donnie Telsa in space, etc.  CM to record
07:43.529 Ratzo Midnight Cowboy TT everyone is a showman, Ben Ferguson, works at SB Honda.  B-had a phase "B on the Prowl" was an idea, J. Cason set on the street.

09:37.062  SBAU radio show start: music-"It was a calm and cloudless night" Summertime 1609, Galileo...2nd Monday of the month gathering to break bread...TomW bread.  TT  TomW prof at Westmont, newsletter; Pres JW, Outreach Coordinator CM.  TW-sourdough bakery in SF, 3 wheats, Central Milling, Petaluma. Teach lab Mon aft.  JW sick 4-5days.  TW-delayed start for Westmont due to fire and slides.  3rd Friday Star party at Westmont.  B-angle of Milky Way?  looking at center? CM-now, edge; summer-center.  [Q: which direction of solar system is heading around the MW?  Sun-N pole?]  JW-Australia  TT-blood rush to head.  CM-explaining MW orientation in sky.  TW-Orion belt stars on Meridian (equator?).  CM-stories good to tell at planetarium shows.  TT-CM several stories on Pleaides.  Little Dipper.  B-car into space? music-Gato

20:44.793  music-Gato Europa. B-off air conversation, no idea, dark matter, dark energy, universe getting bigger?  CM-  B-earth rushing up to meet you?  JW-earth gravity feels like in a elevator.  CM-Time may be slowing down instead of space expanding at an accelerating rate.  JW-universe, random number of universes, we have the right fundamental constants.  intriguing speculation.  the scientific method.  B-Hubble found other galaxies red shift.  speed of light away?  JW-cant travel faster than speed of light.  but are some galaxies moving faster than SOL.  CM-space itself can expand faster than speed of light.  B-which direction?  JW-only in respect to other things.  CM-maybe a big rip in future.  B-dark matter/energy diff?  JW-not sure what it is.  B-what is winning?  JW-maybe other dimensions, time begins and travels in two directions.  TW-Linday, at Stanford, talks about multiple universes.  has to be tested.  B-Geo Gamov 1,2,3 infinity book.  diff infinities, geometric curves, like multiverses?  JW-handy to have a few beers when discussing this.  JW-Einstein had two principles to start...hunch, develop a theory, he thot some things would never be proved.  Special Rel vs General Rel, tried for Unified Field Theory.  JW-lots of books on this.  B-bible does not mention.  TT-sci method. JW-easier to just do physics.  CM-Turtles all the way down.

33:46.058 music-once i had enuf of a mass i became a star of gas... B-pass a law that you can not send stupid stuff in space.  car to land on mars?  JW-just orbit out to Mars. CM-Musk wanted to show he could lift that much mass. [Q:what could you send up that would be good for science, but not too much cost to monitor?] Richard Dupree: Falcon Heavy..  CM-Saturn V was biggest.  RD-Russian rocket is biggest?  CM-Proton just man rated.  JW-SpaceX going for that rating, w/ Dragon capsule.  B-just 3 rockets tied together, nothing new. CM-but a new system.  RD-BFR?  JW-will lift a heavier load.  B-moth on side of rocket? shuttle?  CM-too dangerous.  o-ring in booster, wing insulation problems. JW-Nasa was not concerned w cost cutting with reuseabiilty.  CM-computers are better now. 

41:27.394  music-Carl Sagan, on this shore, we have learned most of what we know....Cosmos is within us, we are made of star stuff...ship of the imagination...anywhere in space and time...come w/ me.   B-Cosmos hour.  TT-is the Tesla the fastest vehicle in space?  B-17K low earth orbit, 25Kmph to leave earth.  B-slingshot effect...some taken back?  CM-yes, but use the angular momentum of the planet.  JW-all the math to do that was developed in the 1600's.  Newton Principia (sic)  JW-1st explained his calculus.  TW-math of change.  JW-have sliderule in glass case in case of emergency...break the glass..  B-long formulas on board, can JW understand that?  JW-doing some luminosity right now.  B-is E=MC2 used now? TT-nuclear weapons research  CM-solar physics.  TW-doing labs Arduino modules permability of free space measured by coil mag fields extract value of Mzero(?) 10-5 Tesla...Gauss...TT-how strong is Earth?  1/2 Gauss.   B-like deGausing?  JW-unit of strenght.  TW-German mathematician.  music-as a spaceship files...strong embrace of a black hole...

51:01.794 music-Gato-Europa... B-share w vast audience, cosmos telsa TW-outreach at Westmont this Friday...hwy 192 is open from the W to Cold Springs...not sure about Hot Springs access up from Montecito.  Find 5 pts circle..Eucalyptus hill rd comes up to just E of Cold Springs.  B-how telescope compare to Museum's.  JW-pulling dagger out..need to re-initialize.  B-Beatrice Farrand Hall B-reverse Q lecture JW-save for potluck in June TT-keep standards up to Adrian Lopez's talk. 
55:51.186 end

 on: January 27, 2018, 01:39:56 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
180122 KZSB SBAU radio show Baron, JW, CM, BM, TT 55 minutes attached

00:00.000  TT Baron Style section of paper
01:44.533 Jerry barber
02:44.206 Baron theory on speed vs. limits, bulb-outs
06:22.725 intros, Adrian

08:10.785  9am show start music, Carl Sagan quote wait, intros, SBAU 1st Fri meets, planetarium show, speaker, then eat!  BruceM, AdrianL astrophysics summer science, orbits;  BruceM, orbit talk in Dec, set up scope; JW-scope 25W bulb left in backyard. CM-acromat 2 lense refractor JW, catadioptrics.  SBMNH 2nd Sat Star party.  SkyGlow vs Camino marketplace.  JW-show Sun Astro day.  JW-toddler at telescope difficult to see thru eyepiece BM-moon light on face.  CM-winter lots of objects to see in night sky.  TT-Valentines show at planetarium, Feb 10.  B-want to see Huygens landing on Titan, 17min landing, CM-condensed from 2.5 hrs.  B-rocks of ice, shadow of parachute.  TT-oceans JW-hydrocarbons  TT-spacesuit -281F  JW-suck heat away quickly challenging suit.  B-coldest place in solar system, CM-crater on moon.  B-Mercury poles? 564-1290

21:04.558 music:  BM joining us on phone, Carl Sagan quote: contemplation of cosmos.  BM-have a CS book.  B-now Degrass Tyson. JW-$30K/visit.  echoes?  TT-2nd Sat, 3rd Fri Westmont, Tele Tues, Los Flores Ranch Park?  CM-Palmer road smelled like petroleum.  B-Thatcher school obs, TT-good to have other scopes as well.  JW-BM rewired SBMNH Palmer Obs grounds. bad grnd may corrupt data.  now will reset programs. MikeC w/ BM electr eng reset software needed.  B-Museum Obs is down so some light pollution blocked.  JW-trees help and hurt view. B-hard to Vandenberg launches w/ trees.  JW-balcony at home as good view.  BM-bluffs at IV give good view.  B-anyone built Obs? JW-all the time. CM-roll off roofs.  B-cold?  JW-SB not bad.  BM-I wear ski clothes.  8 inch C8 telescope.  better than Westmont obs.  CM-focus may be bad in obs. B-Q: Galileo, 2 lenses Jw-2inch, now only mirrors? JW-no both types.  B-Hubble has lid on it TT-8ft diameter mirror, .  BM-weight of refractor lenses are very heavy.  CM-catadioptric has a front glass to prebend light for color correction.  adaptive optics.  Music: star of gas

33:28.989  music: as a spaceship flys, endless space, strong embrace of black hole, the engine dies...  B-where to take a bus trip?  CM-CCAS took trip to Mt Wilson, used telescope, price? JW-used to live near there as a kid. B-Hale? JW-Hubble used the telescope. B-dark matter back then? JW-if he knew Fritz Zwicky.  determined missing mass.  B-how calc 4M mass of galaxy BH?  CM-stars orbiting around it. TT-event horizon telescope?  CM-radio telescope. TT-$1000/ 1/2 night 60" telescope at Mt. Wilson.  $2700 for !/2 night 100" scope.  music: Star Trek enterprise...been a long time...see my dreams come alive...not going to hold me down...faith of the heart...

41:00.697  music:  friends of the soul... B-pres of local organ society BM-just had newcomers club, typ. 2nd Sat morning at Arlington, about 170 members.  B-let us combine clubs BM-would raise average age. B-June party? potluck JW-skip meeting.  CM-June 1, 2018.  B-once I get JW picture, Life section pic.  Astro types dont join clubs?  JW-in context, we have Messier Marathon contest in March, faint fuzzy objects. Comets, Astronomers got paid for finding comets by royalty as they foretold events.  Usu show the public.  halley comet, 76 yrs.  In March, all 110 objects could be found from sunset to sunrise.  B-lady has a list.  JW-may be a mistake in list CM-M40.  BM-has 110 pics of them.  B-southern hemisphere? CM-Caldwell list.  local group JW-some galaxies coming together.  B-Andromeda, 4B yrs, do not actually hit?  TT-big rubber band btw us.

49:51.829 music Gato Barberari Europa.  B-reopening freeway today Jan22 (actually a day earlier).  TT-hydromulch. B-Chia pet.  global warming TT-CO2 up 33% in last hundred years.  B-170 members.  BM-Organ society meets at open console 2nd Sat.  B-Hal Conklin?  BM-not often, like Dale Loudermilk for SBAU.  B-what to look at? TT-constellation, early evenings. JW-Blue Comet BM-mag13.  B-all comets regular? JW-no  B-jupiter stucks up some space debris? CM-works like two edge sword.  B- music   TT-telescope workshops Tuesday nights.

 on: December 31, 2017, 10:04:25 AM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
171225 KZSB SBAU radio show BaRonH JerryW PatF ChuckMcP PatMcP TomT.  Show repeated and recorded 3am Sunday Dec 31, 2017

01:29.940 music jingling bells and galileo; Ed Giron TT mentioned SkyGlow 1st Fri meet Jan 5, CM Bacara, Ed repeats 12 days of Gratitude made by Mayor and Friar;  Ron gets fruit cake from Jerry Wilson & Pat Forgerty.

10:19.040 music jingling bells, Ron opens fruit cake container.  PatF Friendship Center Chair, also Consulting: Path Forward. PatMcP merchandising manager, bookmarks, calendar. JW-AdrianL upcoming talk Summer Astro camp science, going to college next year. SBAU meeting Jan 5 Skyglow.  B-upcoming space rockets James Webb.  JW-infrared telescope, Hubble visible above atmosphere to prevent wiggle, now adaptive optics "rubber mirrors". CM-lasers sodium artificial stars.  B-data has to be converted? JW-false color can be changed.  infrared googles vs starlight amplifiers.

22:45.249 music.  Xmas AU hour Bringing in Pats.  TT-564-1290 to tell us about their new telescope.  B-stories of old xmas's.  We were poor, Lubbock Tx, wanted a big train set...got a tiny one.  As teen asked for microscope, pond scum.  Did you have telescopes before meeting husbands.  PatMcP, no, but Dad pointed out big dipper, etc. married? CM-seems like forever! CM-had a orange C8 telescope.  PMcP friend dated CM first. PM would tell folks about constellations. B-Orion 3 stars.  PatF-1st date, leaving Biltmore 4 Seasons, JW started pointing out stars.  After marriage, telescopes populating house.  music: galileo used his telescope...

32:14.652 music Gato Europa CM- B-saw CC prof on TV. SB Star Cluster started 1955. CM-other clubs, meet at expos. Two Pats married to astronomers.  B-dinner talk on astronomy or ?  B-tunnel on moon, CM-lava tube.  planetarium shows. Incoming rocks Oumuamua. phone call Peter Olmos? opinion on humans only creatures in universe looking up at stars?  CM-Yes, but not coming here to make crop circles.  JW-life is sparse and short lived CM-we work on killing ourselves.  B-supernovas CM-stat 300B stars in our galaxy w/ planets.  CM-technology may not be best for life as we work on poisoning ourselves.  JW-we may have lucked out w/ another planet hitting earth for our spin.  Carl Sagan said single cell life easier than multicellular.  B-signal from alien civilization? JW-could be pretty old.

42:12.388 music star trek its been a long road... B-life is good, i have a fruitcake.  Javier knows his stuff? CM-Yes.  Richard Dupree called How come stars have 5 pts?  B-telescopes show 4  JW-Newtonian telescopes have 4 vanes holding secondary mirror.  refractors do not have.  B-smiley face?  Gravitational lensing.  RD-man in the moon, but Japan says rabbit.  B-what is coming up TT-Skyglow
47:21 end of show minus commercials

 on: September 28, 2017, 01:29:55 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
170925 SBAU radio KZSB 1290am BaRon, JerryW, ChuckMcP, TomT, BruceM  sloppy notes:
00:00.000 Baron-saw Mark Giles? John Denver music; ChuckMcP in studio, over anti-biotics, B still doing his. Cassini dived into Saturn, Juno circling big planet, C-deliberate orbit to avoid radiation.  B-Webb telescope segmented.  C-AU 1983 start, joined 1987
02:44.021 Earth Sky 2012 Volcanos caused cooling 1380AD, made little ice age 1600s, not change in Sun.  John Denver playing in background w/ Beatles.
04:29.239 TT in Chevy Spark, Donny re: John Palminteri ships in channel
06:53.630 music B-we will catch up on probes in space
07:14.656 music B-AM1290, only club I have joined, Key club in HS not in, but editor of paper.  Did mobile DJ for reunion.  compare JW Pres style to TT C-calm and collected B-but what is JW's.  B-photos for calendar, JW eclipse, JW-Flickr ones best.  B-Bacara changing owners, when SBAU outreaches?  C-June-Aug Thursdays.  TT-hopefully in 2018 also.  C-Sedgwick for UCLA Thurs.  B-Steve: you were member of club, breakfast club

11:36.305  music: "it was calm and cloudless night"  Galileo 1609.  B- TT singing along, JW- SBRS, CMcP-TT outreach in Wyoming, BruceM 127 outreaches last year, B-how to get into Bacara?  JW-security gate question "here for astronomy".   B-Summer start at 8pm?  CM-depends on moon, planets. B-gray haired group JW-more than one HS'er.  BM- theater organ usually 2nd Sat, SBTOS.org.  retired EE.  [JW-taking pic] B-Cassini wake, CM-13 years around Saturn.  B-slingshot around planet, seems it would whip you 180deg? JW-depends on distance from planet BM-gravity diminishes Dist squared.  CM-suck momentum out of planet.  TT-launch 1997, but how many years before in planning?  JW-many.  B-Galileo ever found out what ears of Saturn were?  CM-not likely.  TT-Kittens going around Saturn, 60 of them in outer rings, moonlets.  JW-too close to Saturn, under Roche limit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roche_limit] JW-two objects, slightly different orbits, gravitational attract of larger object vs. coming apart CM-depends on what the object is made of; B-is Roche on that list of famous astronomers for the calendar? CM- No.  B-Mars moons, tidally locked go farther away, vs non-tidally locked?  Mercury JW-2:3 resonance? pull into Sun? CM-elliptical orbit precesses. B-T always on cell (tablet). music Gato B jazz.

21:43.533 music: "it has a been a long road, a long time, time is finaly here" Star Trek Enterprise.  TT-new Star Trek show Discovery, on CBS all-access for $$.  TT-summary of first show, lady related to Spock Father 10 yrs before original show, Klingons.  B-Cassini break up? JW-breaks up, heat vs. oxidation.  plasma [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics)] B-BM how many telescopes? BM-2 C8, 1-5" Maksutov.  B-talk about star parties.  Cannot see colors? CM-Red giants. Betelgeuse.  CM-1B volume of sun, so outer surface is cool.  JW-sent video of ocean levels rising over earth if all ice on earth melts.  B-flare coming our way?  JW-large solar eruption, gave nice auroras.  CM-1859 Carrington event, caused fires at telegraph terminals.  BM-Sun CME's at various angles, so only some hit earth. music: "as a spaceship flies, strong embrace of a black hole, the engine died..."

33:44.791 music: "the thriving crews not to fall into a black hole" CM-Kazoo music B-nerds never get visited by beauties.  Club very active. CM-top 3 in nation  TT-most clubs do not have radio shows. B-most action in Astro? JW-no, biology.  Tech, nano structures revolutionizing the world.  JW-possible to image an individual atom and pick it up and put it somewhere else.  Trouble for nightly news to translate to public for high ratings.  B-1T stars in Milky Way?  CM-maybe 1T solar masses.  Smallest stars 80x Jupiter.  2001 movie mass added to Jupiter to turn it into a star.  B-Kubric, studio in London for apes.  CM-ISS passing 757pm SW to NE by 803, very bright.  B-medical changes of astronauts?  Kelly brothers, CM-small amount of calcium change.  B-SpaceX docking to ISS?  JW-just for cargo, Russians do people.  TT-russian engine for Atlas 5.  BM-artificial gravity could be made for ISS.  CM-more problems than worth.  JW-must be standing on floor to feel gravity of rotating space station.  Running and jumping.  B-Passengers movie?  JW-wakes up passenger.  TT-Andy Howell of LCO, has Science vs. Cinema on YouTube, analyzes movies and ruins them for me. B-Aliens movies.  TT-like A vs Predators.  music: "I became a star of gas"

45:54.162  music: "Once I had my hydrogen gas slowly fuse to helium"  BM-Bonnie sits w BM in front at meetings, but has a detached retina, so hard to look thru telescopes.  B-what is status of Juno? CM-53 day orbit around Jupiter. radiation from trapped particles in magnetic field.  JW-Earth has Van Allen belts of radiation.  TT Q's about radiation.  B-sunspots JW-cooler areas.  B-eight minutes for light from Sun to reach us. Thousands of years from core to surface?  TT-sounds strange, but core gamma ray photon actually changes into other photons?  JW-absorbed re-emitted.  BM-photon/wave duality.  B-starts/stops on a dime!  JW-laser on moon [to push StarChip] is phased locked. BM-light amp by stim emiss of rad.  JW-Phil Lubin phase locking to prevent divergence.  B-beach tanning is a lot of beating down.  TT stops on a dime on your DNA.  Music: "Galileo 1609 saw mountains and craters on the moon, jupiter with 4 tiny moons" "got my telescope w me"  "shoulders of giants"

54:50.459 music: "beyond..."  TT-next speaker for October?  JW-not sure  B-December, just ask a couple of Q's. How much do we learn from the speakers?  CM-always something and some folks are new to club.  B-AdrianL busy w school, like a job.  JW-older folks are retired, so have time to attend.  CM-events coming up...40 UCLA students.B-see you all at the meeting.
57:39.105 end

 on: September 11, 2017, 11:36:04 PM 
Started by TomT - Last post by TomT
170911 KZSB radio SBAU show Baron JW CMcP TT BM 9-10am 2nd Monday

00:00.000 B-564-1290, AU guys coming in ~830am
00:27.500 music: Doors B-flashback to last night CM-7a huge gully washer TT-lightening, but use earplugs B-hurricanes on Jupiter, want to talk about water surges.  Bahamas areas water was pushed away.  TT-also along Florida coast. B-surge is new term. Wind is counter-clockwise. West Florida, first part of storm pushes water out to sea.  TT-wind ahead of eye was pushing water out to west. CM-low psi in eye has effect. B-Hello Jerry, minutes ready?  JW-low psi causes moisture to condense out of the air. B-what happens on Neptune?  The great red spot? JW-never found a satisfying answer.  B-losing Juno, like Cassini? JW-yes.  CM-last orbit. no camera images, no time to send image data.  TT-folks living in clouds of Saturn will be harmed.  B-break up? CM-burn up, but dipping into rings on last passes.  B-Saturn lighter than water, we need a big bathtub to put it in.  TT-but what happens when you pull it out? CM-it leaves a big ring!  B-we wont talk about Uranus.
07:35.221 Earth-Sky Milky Way will collide in 4B yrs w Andronmeda, mutual pull of gravity and dark matter between them.  Long ago, A encountered another galaxy, M33, Triangulum Gal, they can see trail of gas between them.
09:05.639  Donny, AU finest minds here, not including Tom  TT-alrighty then D-dont let him pick on you
09:40.013 CM-rainbow, orange B-cards to scratch off for free gas.  CM-TomW has classes, special relativity.
12:12.131 B-call up Holst Saturn? TT-Mars, Jupiter exciting. B-great speakers at AU meetings, send your kids, free food.  TT-Saturday Astrovaganza was good. B-construction at Museum. CM-ADA walkways.  B-so much going on at Museum.  Planetarium, Observatory, star parties. 

15:07.484 music:  B-intros TT, JW, CMcP astrophysics front and center of all the sciences CM-+biology B-chemistry JW-Astrovaganza speaker TT-Phil Lubin, Rothman, B-postage stamp sized missions JW-pushed by phased locked lasers B-like Ruby lasers TT-coherent light? JW-yes, stimulated electrons waiting to fall down, all fall at once CM-like lemmnigs JW-  B-  TT-how does photons stick together in narrow beam?  JW-in phase B-mirrors on moon? JW-corner cubes B-pointers red aimed at helicopters?  CM-green JW-now Blu-ray light, data more compacted on disk, UCSB prof got Nobel prize.  JW-postage stamp size, camera, transmitter, bugs in back seat.  B-how can signal get back to earth?  Armada?  CM-several every day JW-thousands at a time.  TT-biologist Dr. Hoffman was to see how life in space works JW-worms, aliens will want deworming medicine. freeze dried bugs. TT-should do this w humans.  JW-Cassini burn up in Saturn to prevent contaminating other moons.  B-no one on phone, Dupree call in! TT-Mom, call in!

25:49.980 music: "once I had enuf mass, i became a star of gas" B-AU name since? CM-1983 or 5  TT-joined 2009 JW-early 2000's. B-how to get more kids to join CM-kids get cars, friends, school as distractions. JW-retirement. Some speakers are professors and students come in to talks.  We keep speakers at public level, no math.  B-AdrianL is VP, 17 at DP. B-Cassini speaker, how long to get to Saturn? CM-7years B-so 20 to Proxima is doable CM-hard to keep staff on project that long. B-Huygens probe dropped on Titan. CM-Huygens discovered rings and Titan going around Saturn.  Titan bigger than Mercury.  JW-atmosphere 1.5x earths. smog atmosphere, methane ethane.  TT-rockets to drop probe?  JW-heat shield.  B-video shows shadow of parachute as it lands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huygens_(spacecraft) .   B-Voyager 1  TT-interstellar space 140AU, JW-hyperbolic orbit never will return.  B-looking at dwarf planets? planet 9 TT-20xEmass, TT-now a planet 10 also.
music: timeless night 1609 Galileo used his telescope for very first time...

38:36.137 music: got my telescope w me, just wait to you see on the shoulders of giants, we'll see beyond.  B-AU tidy little club, run by JW, was TT, real leader is CM, 200 nights a year B-Bacara now will be owned by Ritz Carlton. 2nd Sat star parties  BM on phone, BM-just checked wife flight to Atlanta, looks on time. [30s missing] B-Qs do we know the direction of hurricanes in north?  JW-counterclockwise.  B-storm surge, Bahama water retreated.  BM-beach is shallow at Bahamas.  CM- on Navy cruiser betw islands and they are very low. B-various size hurricanes, more coming  BM-map for 2100 Florida shows tip of Florida disappearing, coastal cities disappear.  BM-Florida described by one #95, 95deg, 95humidity B-and highway 95. 

45:52.909  music: 2001 Strauss, B-intros need it darker in Farrand, but may not see speaker TT-need light at lecturn.  B-Saturn Cassini speaker TT-Bonnie Buriatti JPL  BM-cannot see from Earth the moons of Saturn  B-send bugs to Titan?  TT-yes, terraform moons  JW-Mars, just warm it up, and we know how to do that!  B-Mars moons one will go away and one will crash.  B-Mercury locked? BM-2/3 resonance (59 day rotation vs. 88 day orbit)  B-all bodies planets effect the thing they are orbiting BM common center of mass in Sun for Jupiter.  JW-linear sum of circles for each planets, used to find exoplanets, and doppler effect on light.  B-?  JW-radio hands...think of kids on teeter-totter for balance point as center of gravity.  B-Alpha Centauri is 3 star system  CM-two stars orbit each other, 1 small around both of them. B-fal into ea other?  JW-some systems will do that.  B-no dark sky at Proxima?  JW-all 3 stars could be on one side.  B-Starshot Breakthru mission, how to steer craft?  TT-something does tilt craft.  JW-will shoot laser from back side of moon to avoid hitting earth.  B-events coming up?  CM-Telescope Workshop, Westmont  JW-got a Questar from Sat star party.

56:31.663 music: black hole B-someone very sick came up with this.  B-Sat speaker, I wish I made that, how often?  TT-only Astrovaganza  B-Matrix bar and Sci pub.  JW-Baron on for December to ask Qs, B-present case.  B-Friday end of Cassini  TT-can we see it from Westmont?  B-see the rings  CM-Cassini has great pictures  30ft thick rings.  BM-Encelladus in E ring.  TT-do not cry for Cassini..BM-do not forget theater organ Society open console...
1:01:11.270  end

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