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Messages - jgabriel

Pages: [1]
SBAU Telescope Workshop / Looking for Refractor Collimation Help
« on: January 11, 2017, 02:39:36 PM »
Hello SBAU members!
I have recently acquired two older refractors - 60mm and 76mm.  I freely confess I do not wish to buy a quality laser collimator to test the alignment of their focusers, and would very much appreciate getting some help with collimation of these at one of the ATM workshops.

1.  If someone regularly attends the ATM workshop has a laser collimator and some expertise in refractor testing, I would love to bring these scopes down to the SBNHM on any Tuesday that they would name and come to help me out.

2.  I note that my newt Cheshire creates 'doughnut' reflections off the 76mm primary (F=1200mm) that look basically centered.  However, the reflected images are SO Small, and my eyes are not nearly good enough to detect if these multiple refections are truly concentric. The cell does have collimation screws if needed.

There are a couple of tricks that have been posted on the Cloudy Nights forums that look like they would help with this latter issue, but I am on new ground here and would very much appreciate some help getting these old refractors tuned up.

Thank you!
John Edkins

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