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Author Topic: 160111 KZSB Baron Chuck Jerry TomW recording 47min January 11, 2016  (Read 5190 times)


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Attached is the Monday, 9am, January 11, 2016 KZSB SBAU Hour (cropped out commercials/news to make it 47minutes) radio show with the Baron Ron Herron talking with ChuckM, JerryW, and TomW.  Starts with (Stars Wars music) the Baron asking about the great Sean Kelly SBAU meeting on Comets that he missed; TomW and Westmont; JerryW background; other Astro clubs; Chuck explains the latest USPS stamps to be issued on planets, ringed planets, Pluto's active geology. 

Then JerryW refuses to give spoilers on the new Star Wars movie; Chuck brings up the topic of UCSB discovery of magnetic fields around red giant stars; Baron asks tough questions on the 4 forces and why the electron seems to never fall into the proton, but Chuck says supernova collapse can create neutron stars; TomW brings up a show called "Particle Fever" ( http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/seven-years-500-hours-footage-capture-particle-fever/ ) that explains the Higgs boson and the Std Model; Baron brings up black holes, photons sticking inside atoms; the solar sail is mentioned; and the electro-magnetic spectrum is touched. 

Part 3 starts with more Storm Trooper music; CM mentions the article on particles being larger than expected in forming solar systems; 3 star systems can be found to be 6 with major telescope advances; Richard Dupree calls in and mentions the Harold Gatty book, "Raft Book Lore of the Sea and Sky". 

Part 4 of the show has CM talking about constellations; Baron mentions non-euclidian geometry of the earth; black hole barf and event horizons, and TW teaches BH math; JW talks 4 dimensions and string theory might have 23 per CM. 

Finally, the last few minutes has TimC calling in to ask JW about multisegmented mirror construction; and CM tells Baron about the 100th anniversary of the Museum of Natural History.

Hope you can download and play back the attached file successfully!
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