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Author Topic: 160926 KZSB radio show 4th Monday JW,CM,TT,BM,TC Asteroids, mirror making etc  (Read 2012 times)


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Attached is the cropped radio show.  Here are my quick notes on what was discussed:

0:00.000  AU coming in need to select music
0:53.162  Earth Sky Cassini mission shallow lakes on Titan, methane, poles and tropics, 1M deep, methane cycle, not methane rainfall, but methane aquifers for tropical lakes.
2:23.493  music, Totton, dew
2:44.802  cut off donny a little early, gasoline octane, Jerry, Tom comments, Bruce ping detection, retarding spark, percentage of cost, oct meeting omer blaes, oct 7, waiting for TomW, associate prof?  [Adjunct Prof]
7:53.407  AU hour coming up
8:28.050  1.  Big Bang Theory music by Bare Naked Ladies, recap Wed, Las Cumbres Obs, Center Stage theater, B612, asteroid name from Little Prince book, TomT NASA to find 140M asteroids, new telescopes, Synoptic LSST, NeoWise, BruceM training, Q'd "do smaller telescopes work to find asteroids", need to be outside atmosphere; ChuckMcP occultations of stars by asteroids; Dr. Ed Lu, get them early enough to deflect them.  B-little asteroid around Earth?  CM-appears to wobble around earth.  B-dangerous?  TT- insects of StormTroopers could deflect into Earth.  2013 Chebylinisk, 1908 Siberia damages.  JerryW-studies done, CM-just bits left.  CM-meteorite from Australia.  Lowdermilk asteroids.  JW-some fall into dust.  Amino acids on some.  JW-right/left twisted molecules. BM-mars meteorites, CM-antarctica found, Mars uphill, JW-upcoming speaker project to find life on earth.  B-Mars Opportunity and Spirit finding theses?  JW-part of the spectra of things found.
20:16.521  2.  JW-offline, that was my best stuff!  Stayed in Dormy, England, like to hike w/ wife.  Chuck wife could do Mission impossible talk.  Cezanne is TT wife.  BM has Bonnie supporting him.  B-NASA news conference on TT-Europa.  BM-radiation 25K times earth.  B-getting Juno right orbit?  JW-math to get Juno into orbit around Jupiter discovered in 1600's.  BM talked to Ed Lu about orbits and Nasa uses more details like Sun heat on Earth.  Mercury resonance 3:2.  B-tidally locked is facing planet.  CM-moon libration.  B-losing sec every year?  CM-angular momentum transfer to moon and slows down earth rotation rate and eventually both will be tidally locked. JW-Moon moving away from Earth; if perfect spheres, would not happen.  B-initial dust cloud that formed planets all within ecliptic, wonder if strange asteroids in that ecliptic?  JW-Oort cloud not, Kuiper belt is mostly in ecliptic.  CM-some inclined orbits.  TT-planet nine may be odd orbit? CM-the Kuiper object are, but not that far off for IX.   [Pluto 17deg, IX~30deg from ecliptic]  .  JW-Milky way has halo of globular clusters.  BM-light from cluster never have night. JW-would make people cranky. B-MW galaxy is bigger?  CM-measuring better. JW-I was feeling constrained.  B-Proxima Centauri planet?  TT-grew up w/ only Alpha Centauri, now three stars.  B-star dims? {See http://lcogt.net/blog/proxima-centauri-b/ for details] CM-planet in liquid water range.  B-spectral to detect water? Not in line with Proxima.  JW-Proxima does not dim.  [TT-Doppler shift of color, not occultation].  JW-orbit long term stability.
34:01.062  3.  JW returned from Cotswald.  B-I want to see Sherwood Forest and Nottingham... TT-there is a Totton village. BM-map shows Sherwood and Nottingham.  B-Robin Hood? JW-debated. Was a King Arthur.  B-Julian Nott British?  At B612 talk. TT-Oct 7 talk SBAU 1st Friday Omer Blaes Dark Energy and Supernovas. JW-"Physics is the science of everything, and everything else is just stamp collecting".  Sept 29 JW going to CalStars JW-Whisper campground, used to be at Lake San Antonio.  Lake Lopez.  TT-Also Wed Oct 5 LCO putting on a talk at M8RX bar.  Oct 16, LCO talk Robert Kirshner  CM-great speaker, announced new discovery found, was Dark Energy 1998 at SBAU meeting.  TT-see SBAU.org for events.  CM-October quiet, a couple of schools. JW-order of science in high school physics, chem, bio different...nonsense!
42:12.632  4.  Thus spoke Zara...Strauss  TT-Second Tuesday, BM-telescope workshops. B-aluminum on mirror, why glass?  CM-thermal properties, JW-support.  Mt wilson scope French wine glass. B-no bulging lenses? TT-reflectors vs. refractors.  JW-telescope workshop mirrors can be better than professional units.  BM-Foucault test.  CM-old 10" attempt
48:13.424  5.  B-phone buttons  Tim Crawford call in...getting to be an expert on scratching mirrors.  May take up stamp collecting.  The right way is to grind your own mirror.  B-aluminum coating?  JW-not in town.  B-stuck on side watching at Tues night workshop?  TC-no you can see testing going on.  B-what screwed up Hubble?  CM-1st mirror perfect, set aside, and second one had a pin wrongly inserted, so spherical abberation and that is the one they sent up.  TC-I heard different version.  JW-Hubble takes hours/days to send a picture sometimes.  TomT-"we are not passengers on Spaceship Earth, we are the Crew!" a quote from Rusty Schweickart, B612 Foundation co-founder.
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