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Author Topic: 161024 4th Mon KZSB TomW, ChuckMcP, JerryW w the Baron, many topics, weird songs  (Read 2145 times)


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161024 KZSB SBAU hour+ notes  ~8:40am start.  Download attached file to play back show w/o commercials!

00:00.000  Earth-Sky: New Horizons approaching Pluto 2015, new moons, >30K mph, collision w/ pebble could destroy it.  Just 10 days before reaching planet may change path.  B-You two guys can talk while I talk to Donny.

01:37.239  B-what is on the agenda? JerryW-1951, I was 7 yrs old, the Hit Parade was on. [KZSB blurb]

02:58.436  AU hour coming up after 9am:

03:12.490  1.  Galileo song 1609 telescope. B-what drugs are you on McP? B-Jerry you suggested? Big Bang Theory, by Bare Naked Ladies. B-JW was guest at "Judge for Yourself" Friday. B-everything is happening in space. used to be months between events.  Now missions to Mars, Pluto, Jupiter.  JW-Saturn Cassini.  CM-will kick bucket, crash it into Saturn to protect. [TW arrives] B-Q: are rings of Saturn like Star Wars scenes?  CM-pretty dense, smoke particles to mobile homes. B-shepard moons. B-TomW what is diff btw General & Special Relativity. TW-Special Relativity involves inertial frames, constant velocity frames; general involves accelerated frames. B-TomT out due to cold.  SBAU members 180.  Farrand holds? 80. Planetarium 45. TW-used to have seats in a circle CM-Spitz projector. B-seems like half the audience would see things upside down?  CM-special effects can only be shown on one side, so that is why the seats are facing one side.  B-used to put a grid on the sky? CM-that can still show coord systems.  B-what is next? CM-SBAU campout this weekend will help generate rain, Saturday potluck.  B-TomW bringing bread?  TW-no, but camp alot, grew up camping learn history around pennsylvania.  B-how is the seeing at Cachuma?  CM-dark skies.  B-how late staying up?  CM-Doing six occultations during the night.  B-asteroid belt has big? CM-Ceres, 1/3 mass of entire asteroid belt. B-gas come together to make planets? JW-still a research topic, how to get things to stick together to make asteroids. B-Juno slow for Jupiter, do they know rocks in advance? CM-usually in sleep mode for most of the trip.  B-want to ask about Juno and ExoMars, Chaperilli crash. 564-1290 song: Faith of the Heart, Star Trek Enterprise TV show theme song.

14:51.898  2.  Gato Baberari song: Earth cry, Heaven smile.  B-talking with friends from SBAU, TW, JW, CM, just a software weiny, computer nerd.  B-many competing space agencies.  Nasa almost out of it? CM-Insight mission to Mars. JW-we buy Russian rockets.  B-Mars ownership? JW-they have agreement not to.  CM-They coordinate missions to not overlap. B-usually land on flat areas, not Olympus Mons? CM-not that steep. JW-if there is something interesting, they will find a way to get there.  B-could land in a flat crater and be surrounded by mountains?  B-Europeans taking off from Guyana?  B-Russia seems in charge of everything now.  Shuttle mission was for 20 years? CM-terminated due to cost JW-and higher risk, not a quick reusable rocket.  JW-China making hypersonic plane to use runway takeoff.  B-Shuttle fuel?  JW-inside just for retro rockets. [ https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070522153505AA1LBdi ] CM-fuel tanks were considered for space station.  B-moneyed people Musk, Bezos, making reuseable rockets.  JW-Russian millionaire, Yuri Milner, launching little satellites w solar sail. Phil Lubin, prof UCSB. Nanosats, push w/ laser light (directed energy). B-photon JW-wave/particle duality.  B-photon in star takes? CM-100K-300K years. TomW-random walk out, higher energy to lower, gamma ray to visible.  TW-16M Kelvin, in innner 30% of sun core.  TW-only outer 100km is seen of Sun rest is opaque. B-what is Sun making? H-He? TW-30% of radius is core.  TW-chemistry vs plasma states. B-He to Li? JW-Carbon B-why Samsung phones getting hot? Lithium?
song: "Black Hole...sucks to have gravity"

27:36.605  3.  song: "fragile ship begins to stretch out thin, without a word was a little closer to a black hole". Adrian taking over VP from Secretary.  Peter Olmos call in, Trekkie from way back, can not help but stare out into space, phenominal show, B you are very knowledgeable.  Q-Are there any recent discoveries up in space, is there a light shining up in space, 50x brighter than galaxy? 10mi across? CM-Quasar, PO-Q: BH emits GW? PO-what are new discoveries?  CM-exoplanets 4000, B-4 day orbit, CM-hot jupiter.  B-set off frenzy.  CM-then planet found around a pulsar, neutron star. size of a city. B-something that bright?  JW-Supernovas and also a HyperNova.  JW-Speaker for 1st friday, Nov 4 meeting will talk about Dawn Mission.  Salt on Ceres reflects light, ice mountain.  Keri Bean of JPL.  Another terrible song: "once i had enough mass, i became a star of gas"

35:04.612  4.  song: B-get well TomT and BruceM. B-CM you are a wizard. Meet at Westmont 3rd Friday.  B-how long to do Rock from Space talk?  CM-took a few years and now it is fixed.  5# rock.  B-Omer Blaes, Novae.  so many things, dark matter, energy. cannot explain.  wish it would not have happened. B-what were we covering? JW-diff space programs, Japan launches south island.  B-Chinese, Russians CM-ESA, both Guyana (heavy payloads) and Russia JW-also launch from platforms from ocean. Musk landing on ocean platform. CM-like wind in atmosphere.  B-trip to Proxima Centauri? JW-next few years. JW-also India is another space program.  Launch sites set to minimize energy to space and not go over population center. B-can't get together?  JW-International Space Station.  B-what is priority of these?  Juno?  JW-Problems: camera and safe mode, valve problems.  preprogrammed diagnositics will take place. Juno till 2018.  B-Cassini into Saturn recording? CM-collecting data as it goes in.  B-strange north pole clouds on Saturn.  B-strange shapes on comet, Philea mission? JW-lots of volatiles on comet. B-more water on outer solar system objects?  CM-Ceres, Europa.  song: Gato

43:47.145  5.  song:  "it was a calm and cloudless night...summmertime 1609, when Galileo used his telescope for the very first time"  B-our own version of the Big Bang Theory show.  TomW from Westmont, JerryW SBRS VP, ChuckMcP-outreach coord.  B-200x/yr must get tired?  CM-has not happened yet. JW-i have way too many telescopes, according to my wife. Tues evening workshop.  B-what is coming up?  CM-Nov 4 meeting, Camino Tele Tues Nov 8, 2nd Sat Nov 12 Star party, 3rd Fri Nov 18 Westmont; bacara nov 26.  SBAU.org  show up at any of the outreaches, no telescope needed.  B-Cachuma busy?  CM-yes even w/o water. several campers.  B-camp? telescope cover?  fire allowed?  Cm-technically ok.  TW-Stevens park no open fires anymore.  B-see you 2nd Mon in Nov.  next meeting:  Keri Bean of Dawn Mission, JPL.  song:  faith of the heart song playing over the news!

« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 09:44:45 PM by TomT »
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