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Author Topic: 161114 KZSB SBAU hour JW,TW,TT,CM,BM Holst music, supermoon, favorite stuff 57mn  (Read 2090 times)


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161114 KZSB SBAU hour scrap Notes, see attachment to listen to program, cropped of commercials:

00:00.000 JerryW entering studio B-does big telescope help see Supermoon?  Eta Carina Hypernova?  watching Cosmos.  Steelers lost to Cowboys.  Son might say science stuff is not too bad TT-science of football.  B- lots of stuff in space, sun mission going within 4M miles.  B-carbon foam? titanium.  JW-SR-71 used that. Blastoff of rocket? JW-heard it from backyard.
03:26.207  Earth Sky wound cells flocking
04:56.618  Chuck entering Denise in Germany worried about election, science will be in trouble w Trump B-he is a puppy dog, lots of space missions going on.
07:04.001 rocket
07:16.922 weather
07:49.365 supermoon, BruceM on phone
13:16.460 1.  Holst Mars music B-space the final frontier, Venus next, TT-enuf fuel to get to both. B-Mars program Nat Geo Tv tonight.  BM-not using Cox mini boxes, no commercials on Netflix B-no news, BM-lots of docs. TT-Westmont this friday, JW-solar observing Thursday? CM-daytime event. BM-I did not realize solar event. TT-did not want to mention to public. Wed AOTSB by Las Cumbres Obs, like science pub, no charge, bad acoustics.  B-filter in front of telescope, JW reflects the light, BM-has to be optically correct. Griffith has Coelostat solar scope http://www.griffithobservatory.org/exhibits/telescopes.html sometimes not aluminized, but Griffith probably is.  Risk of damage to eyes and telescope due to heat. TW-eyepiece CM-if opaque.  B-Camino Real outreach? CM-next year 1st Tuesday. B-filters, buy?  1/100,000 of light gets thru, 10^-5, BM-bader filter, glass is best. TW-when I was a kid, the filters would break inside and kids eyes could be damaged.  JW-they were like welder's glass.  TT-JW you can talk about scopes, pinhole style. CM-tinfoil gives clean edge. TW-cardboard box on shoulders, light from behind you.  B-sunspots visible?  CM-not very many at the moment.  B-you teach kids at Carp St beach?  CM-PTA organized.  B-you had two outings same night? Pat could do it?  TT-Pat is smart, makes CM do all the work.

24:21.885 2.  B-believe it or not there is music here (Holst Venus), how to do another phone call, press buttons twice? B-how do you guys rank all the things going on, what is most important to you?  JW-ESA trying to figure out Schaperelli Mars landing problem.  B-space agencies cooperate? JW-JPL makes a lot of space vehicles.  B-Jupiter got hit by comet, but had to wait for spots, would there be an explosion?  CM-yes.  B-ESA Mars mission why problem? CM-software glitch. JW-parachute let go too soon BM-to err is human, to really screw up it takes a computer.  B-large parachute? JW-largest yet.  Russian launch. CM-they have launched from Australia. JW-Depends so can launch over water to avoid population.  B-anyone see launch on Friday? JW-heard it, BM-saw it, but only steam from rocket, so it dissipates quickly.  _____ JW-Keri Bean JPL talk on Dawn Mission was very good talk.  B-JPL on Caltech campus? JW-no.  B-occultations if own a telescope? CM-all kinds of citizen science you can do.  JW-get credit.  CM-report to Intern Occult Timing Assoc.  Usually the picket fence person that did not see anything.  TT-how big a path on earth?  CM-30 to 60Km.  B-see star diameters? Tom use Youtube to see comparison of star sizes? TT-see this in planetarium.  B-shows at Museum?  CM-do every other Sun, TT-do school shows during week.  [Alice projector, now Digistar]

36:26.999  3. Holst music Jupiter B-saw planet radio waves and turned them into audible sound, JW-they have done that for the whole universe, colors and sound.  CM-shift frequencies.  JW-Hartle did LIGO gravitational waves into sound. BM-LIGO is about 100Hz.  B-only 2 black holes do this?  BM-measuring a fraction of a proton. JW-interferometer CM-WA, LA locations.  B-how do they know it is 2 black holes?  JW-they model what to expect.  BM-huge energy, 40M suns. CM-like on edge of pond seeing waves of pebble tossed in from other side.  B-waves from hypernova? CM-light and radiant energy. BM-coupling between gravity and ordinary matter is 10^-43 .  B-speed of light? JW-yes, space-time oscillates, like waving hand in room.  DARPA request for proposal SBIR, for grav wave radio. CM-thinking ahead. JW-grav wave go thru everything.  B-neutrinos go thru everything, from Big Bang.  CM-proof sun is thermonuclear.

44:17.628  4. Holst music Saturn.  B-2nd, 4th Mon of month.  Amazing, how to keep up on this?  What excites you?  TT-Cassini mission around Saturn.  Cassini, scientist.  Titan probe.  TW-teaching at Westmont about size of space, sense of scale, Alberio is 430LY away, 34.3 arc-sec apart,  so 4500AU.  Saying 26 days to have light go between the binary stars, the Cub Scout stars.  light around earth 7x in sec.  Ask students to close eyes and clap hands 3 sec apart to show light time to go to moon and back.  B-Juno mission, probe to Sun, camera btw Earth Sun looking at Earth (discovery mission). JW-correction: Blue Yellow star name is UCLA star.

50:31.210  5. Holst music Uranus  B-BM,JW,CM,TW,TT Westmont 30yr tradition.  B-what is TT going to bring for SBAU food?  TT-Milky Way bar, Mars bar. CM-just get others to bring food.  JW-James Webb telescope? Infrared, far from earth, B-look thru dust? see BH?  JW-my career was involved with instruments for space missions.  Had one launch from Vandenberg, but shroud did not eject, so it sleeps with fishes.  I like to image with telescope, but marine layer.  CM-Kepler spacecraft, took 30yrs to get launched for exoplanet detection.  Determined planets are very common.  TT-not able to do from earth?  CM-too much atmospheric interference.  B-Bruce?  BM-LIGO system for grav wave detection.  2 arms 90 deg apart, 1.4Km long, laser beam 280 times bounce, 239mile optical path for detecting small movements from grav wave.  shed to protect from sun.  mirror suspension to avoid noise.  B- JW-will talk about solar eclipse 8-21, first across US since Carly Simon sang "you're so vain".  Moon pass in front of sun, get dark, chickens lay eggs, cows will go home.

57:52.064 end

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