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Author Topic: 180326 KZSB SBAU radio hour with B JW CM AL TW 4th Tues March '18  (Read 2488 times)


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attached:  Raw audio from 180326 KZSB SBAU radio hour with Baron, JerryW, ChuckMcP, and AdrianL

bad notes:
180326 KZSB SBAU radio Baron JW CM AL TW 4th Tues

Earth sky: habitable zone around stars, too narrow?  Cal-Tech, eliptical orbits, might have planets has brief periods of extreme heat, extremophiles might exist. jose alazar, deborah bryd.
CM-just us chickens
SpaceX picture, page 3, CM-old iridium satellites had reflective microwave antennas, new ones do not.  B-10 satellites, how done?  CM-all on one bus JW-get off bus line,...maybe spring off.
Pat sent CM message Flagstaff 6000 ft.  LCO? CM-one at Sedgwick.

B-JW-worked at many research companies

906am music: "galileo used his tele for 1st time".  B-intros AL, JW, CM BruceM on telephone, went skiing previous week.  SBAU meetings have free planetarium show, food after meeting. AdrianL took VP job for 2nd time, leaving for Cal-Tech in 6 months. going to DPHS.  B-any Katy Perry pics?  AL-she donated recycle bin recently.  B-CM schedule?  1st Friday meeting MKID speaker  JW-turn light into electrical signals. 10th sci at Mtn view etc etc Sat, April 21 Astronomy day at Camino Real Marketplace.
BM-Tuesday Telescope Workshops.  B-went to a school w/ Mezas once w/ kids running around.  BM-lots of different types of telescopes.  JW-telescope workshop: when people bring in a scope they get attention.  BM-woman brought in a out of collimation telescope and TimC fixed with laser collimator.  BM-small telescopes can be refract or reflector.  B-can see Jupiter's moons? CM-some kids can see one moon of Jupiter.  69 moons total.  Galileo.  CM-Pope said to take it slow, but Galileo poked the dragon.  B-how big? CM-2.5inches.  B-BM-April 14 next theater pipe organ open console, concert at arlington in August. B-Cap Nemo at home with organ bothering neighbors? BM-no, pretty acoustically isolated. music: Gato Europa.

920am music: star trek enterprise theme  B-Ashley Judd in one.  SBAU talk.  CM-SB Astro club merged w/ SBAU.  TomT Astronomy comment, just scratching stars as to how they tick.  AL-MKID speaker JW-super lattice detectors, but high temp super conducting detectors discovered.  B-Prof Lubin has prototype micro space ships for sending to nearest star?  B-why interested in Astronomy?  AL-pretty good question, started when i was very young, so much to learn, new and extraordinary.  Cosmology origins of the universe.  BM-vacuum not a vacuum. B-what is it?  JW-may be no analogy to describe it for us.  B-JW-oddball in science class...father when 5, getting carried home, rural area, looked up at night sky (Sunland) and was amazed.  B-saw 3 sisters in Orion, not moved in 60 years (CM-yes a little).  CM-Australians call Orion belt and sword, the Frying Pan.  BM-tour of Alice Springs and great sky pictures taken, so many stars.  CM-center of galaxy is over S. Hemisphere.  CM-in May, MW galaxy..
Sagitarius black hole, center of Milky Way. BM-see with radio telescope. B-AL you can grow up and be pushy likek the rest of us. BM-who says we have grown up? 
music: "and the space ship flies thru the endless void of deep space...stumbled onto the embrace of a black  hole..."

935am music: crew fall into a black hole.  B-AdrianL launch SBAU calendar w/ TomT.  JW is Pres, elected after hard fight.  CM-appt position.  Colin is Treasurer. B-what got CM into Astronomy.  CM-got a Telemar junior, Newtonian 4", wobbly. sparked an interest.  commuting to UCSB on Tues, Halley Comet coming, bought telescope.  Met Pat and said another club in town, Dave Carry phd got CM into showing public night sky. standing on shoulders of giants to help find new things.  Other internet crowd sourced astronomy available. getting people excited about astronomy. B-Astronomy mag? CM-no Sky and Telescope mag.  B-be back to get BM.  music: "once I had enuf mass, i became a star of gas"

945am music: Gato B-BM orbits?  BM-C8 telescope with wide field view of sky, public outreaches w/ 5th graders or older, the ones that look and look.  laser pointer points right to area to show them naked eye view.  B-can you see the size of Betelguese?  BM-just red.  like to look at globular clusters.  B-how close would stars be to each other?  CM-maybe light-weeks apart.  B-finding planets around stars, like our solar system.  BM-average gal has 200B stars  x 2T galaxies.  huge number 10-23rd stars, must be at least that number of planets.  B-why mass in cloud, circles around in clumps. BM-drawn by gravity, but not straight in, like satellites around earth.  B-planets crash to make our moon, but we do not see it?  CM-produces a hot cloud of dust that can be seen.  BM- neutron stars collide.  JW-remember why space is called space.  B-trillions of galaxies? never see collisions?  JW-just too far away.  Next speaker will talk about those things.  JW-coveted cup.  music: Gato

955am music:  star trek enterprise tv show theme.  B-SBAU Museum of Natural History  JW, CM, AL, BM.  JW-appreciation of what looking at.  B-pink on monitor that CM telescope camera picks up?  BM-eyes not sensitive to color in dim light.  B-star colors?  JW-dull red to bright white.  no green stars.  Antares used to be thot green. but contrast effect with white star nearby.  best view averted vision using side of eyes.  B-Sun looks white?  JW-sets what is white.  B-Betelguese going to explode CM-TT says sometime after midnight.  AdrianL-phd in astrophysics, but physics in undergrad.  CM-astro day April 21..lost sound...BM-organ Aug  JW-CalStar April 12 at Lake San Antonio overflow campground, have to avid astronomer, not an SBAU event, run by San Jose club.  B-bus trip?  JW-Science Center.  music: Gato Europa.
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