161010 KZSB SBAU radio show quick notes...see attached file to play back cropped show
00:00.000 B-"brains are arriving" JerryW in
00:20.821 Vandenberg fire, TT-reminds me of my smoking days
00:30.392 Traffic, bicycles, AU guys here, Tony agog at AU meeting Prof Blaes
02:04.086 B-Prof UCSB come on show? JW-they are busy, ideas at 4am; ChuckMcP did good.
03:02.184 B-Stephen Hawking Santa Barbara?
04:36.843 stand by
04:50.864 Omer Blaes, novas
06:04.367 1. B-intros, AU vs. Local Group, Andromeda galaxy approaching, TT-Vera Rubin, dark matter, JW-our solar system may be thrown out of new galaxy; our Sun 1 Billion years will be red drawf; Prof Blaes talk on pulsating novas, accretion disk heats up; Sun gas vs. plasma? B-Q to Blaes, how we get higher elements, TW-some data was given by a kid in AVS, American Variable Star group, TomW had to check if he had data from his past as well on SS Cygni; some data from 1880, cycle of 120 days, CM-V404 Cygni black hole flickering
18:11.254 2. Beatles, Across the Universe, star classification, dimming tracking, light curves; CM-I do short blibs of asteroids occulting stars; TT-Prof. Blaes said our Sun varies? TW-5 minutes; CM-solar cycle, sunspots lower temperature. B-blasts? CM-CME's B-cycle CM-22 years magnetic B-star sizes? CM-Sun in middle B-blow up? ours? TW-above 1.4 solar masses get novas. CM-above 8-12 neutron star, above 12 solar mass, get black hole. TT-why did not SS Cygni go to 1.4 solar mass and go Type 1A supernova? JW-temp reaches fusion before 1.4 and cools again. CM-Globular Clusters have blue stragglers, B-how close are stars in GC's? CM-light days apart. B-proof of stars going around each other? CM-Yes multiple star systems, JW-stars can separate in telescopes over time. CM-Herschel measured B-Alpha Centauri? CM-three stars, Proxima orbits other two. B-never collide? B-send nano satellites? TW-61 Cygni, Piazzi's flying star, discovered early 1800's, CM-see it move against background stars. B-stars occult? CM-Algol, eye of Medusa, eclipsing binary, fast orbit. JW-dust disks w binary star change greatly. B-have we found a rogue planet? CM-brown drawfs. Fuzzy definition, about 13 Jupiter size, has heat, but not fusion anymore. JW-Jupiter does have heat. B-2010 movie? JW-obilisks added mass to turn on as a star. Arthur C Clarke
28:43.103 3. B-5 members here, sometimes BruceM, see all 180 members? CM-some members far away. B-contest on music? T-just use YouTube and Astronomy. Saturday? T-plan meet and Star Party. B-Tony impressed with planetarium show. T-Telescope Tuesday, Westmont Saturday, T-Oct 16 talk by LCO, Robert Krishner, Dark Energy. CM-great speaker, Jay Leno like, in 1998 he spoke to SBAU and hinted at Dark Energy findings. CM-DE space expands, but has same pressure. JW-property of space. B-vs. Regular energy/matter? JW-unfortunate naming, just see effects. B-Dark matter has mass, Dark energy spreading us? JW-if no Dark Energy, universe would collapse CM-gnabgib = Big Bang backwards. B-Omer Blaes will come up with theory CM-unified theory JW-theory of everything. B-preists should get into this...CM-they do not deal in facts. JW-for good discussions you need beer.
36:36.277 4. AU hour, dinner for members coming up, TT-campout for members coming up end of October. JW-CalStar, 80 campsites and telescopes, near Lake San Antonio. JW-taking pictures thru scope, but M33 galaxy naked eye visible. CM-naked eye limited magnitude. B-Prof Blaes, supernova more light than whole galaxy? CM-three weeks. B-nebulas? JW-star guts. B-elements? JW-supernova, 118 elements TW-ferris wheel is iron. CM-higher elements made at supernova iron taking more neutrons. B-layers in stars? CM-Sun has one layer. JW-higher elements made, then degrade to lighter elements. B-Lithium?
TW-3rd, B-4, Be-5 JW-satellites made from Beryllium, toxic when machined to BeO, gets in lungs. B-Radon? JW-is radioactive and bad for lungs. B-Blaes electrons throw out x-rays? 0-186,000mi/sec in no time. JW-"when they stop on a dime, the dime gets real hot" TW-x-rays assoc w/ inner shell electrons. B-electrons neg? JW-photons neutral. B-Lysol alpha blobs?
45:44.171 5. B-SBAU.org website for more info. B-Google Astronomy, Europa skipping...TT-darn, want to see if fish are there, B-water shooting off Europa, "colder than polar bear snot", B-deep ocean? CM-20km ice, then water, then core. B-why water blast off? CM-temp/psi. B-how to land on ice? T-very carefully. JW-JIMO program was going to Europa w/ nuke reactor to melt thru ice and trail wire behind to send signal. Then Prometheus mission, Now Juno mission. CM-pathogens survived
B-how to join AU? TT-sbau.org. Maker's Faire at Marymount school coming up. B-I'm the only signal one here, TT-but also cats.
52:03.161 end