170925 SBAU radio KZSB 1290am BaRon, JerryW, ChuckMcP, TomT, BruceM sloppy notes:
00:00.000 Baron-saw Mark Giles? John Denver music; ChuckMcP in studio, over anti-biotics, B still doing his. Cassini dived into Saturn, Juno circling big planet, C-deliberate orbit to avoid radiation. B-Webb telescope segmented. C-AU 1983 start, joined 1987
02:44.021 Earth Sky 2012 Volcanos caused cooling 1380AD, made little ice age 1600s, not change in Sun. John Denver playing in background w/ Beatles.
04:29.239 TT in Chevy Spark, Donny re: John Palminteri ships in channel
06:53.630 music B-we will catch up on probes in space
07:14.656 music B-AM1290, only club I have joined, Key club in HS not in, but editor of paper. Did mobile DJ for reunion. compare JW Pres style to TT C-calm and collected B-but what is JW's. B-photos for calendar, JW eclipse, JW-Flickr ones best. B-Bacara changing owners, when SBAU outreaches? C-June-Aug Thursdays. TT-hopefully in 2018 also. C-Sedgwick for UCLA Thurs. B-Steve: you were member of club, breakfast club
11:36.305 music: "it was calm and cloudless night" Galileo 1609. B- TT singing along, JW- SBRS, CMcP-TT outreach in Wyoming, BruceM 127 outreaches last year, B-how to get into Bacara? JW-security gate question "here for astronomy". B-Summer start at 8pm? CM-depends on moon, planets. B-gray haired group JW-more than one HS'er. BM- theater organ usually 2nd Sat, SBTOS.org. retired EE. [JW-taking pic] B-Cassini wake, CM-13 years around Saturn. B-slingshot around planet, seems it would whip you 180deg? JW-depends on distance from planet BM-gravity diminishes Dist squared. CM-suck momentum out of planet. TT-launch 1997, but how many years before in planning? JW-many. B-Galileo ever found out what ears of Saturn were? CM-not likely. TT-Kittens going around Saturn, 60 of them in outer rings, moonlets. JW-too close to Saturn, under Roche limit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roche_limit] JW-two objects, slightly different orbits, gravitational attract of larger object vs. coming apart CM-depends on what the object is made of; B-is Roche on that list of famous astronomers for the calendar? CM- No. B-Mars moons, tidally locked go farther away, vs non-tidally locked? Mercury JW-2:3 resonance? pull into Sun? CM-elliptical orbit precesses. B-T always on cell (tablet). music Gato B jazz.
21:43.533 music: "it has a been a long road, a long time, time is finaly here" Star Trek Enterprise. TT-new Star Trek show Discovery, on CBS all-access for $$. TT-summary of first show, lady related to Spock Father 10 yrs before original show, Klingons. B-Cassini break up? JW-breaks up, heat vs. oxidation. plasma [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics)] B-BM how many telescopes? BM-2 C8, 1-5" Maksutov. B-talk about star parties. Cannot see colors? CM-Red giants. Betelgeuse. CM-1B volume of sun, so outer surface is cool. JW-sent video of ocean levels rising over earth if all ice on earth melts. B-flare coming our way? JW-large solar eruption, gave nice auroras. CM-1859 Carrington event, caused fires at telegraph terminals. BM-Sun CME's at various angles, so only some hit earth. music: "as a spaceship flies, strong embrace of a black hole, the engine died..."
33:44.791 music: "the thriving crews not to fall into a black hole" CM-Kazoo music B-nerds never get visited by beauties. Club very active. CM-top 3 in nation TT-most clubs do not have radio shows. B-most action in Astro? JW-no, biology. Tech, nano structures revolutionizing the world. JW-possible to image an individual atom and pick it up and put it somewhere else. Trouble for nightly news to translate to public for high ratings. B-1T stars in Milky Way? CM-maybe 1T solar masses. Smallest stars 80x Jupiter. 2001 movie mass added to Jupiter to turn it into a star. B-Kubric, studio in London for apes. CM-ISS passing 757pm SW to NE by 803, very bright. B-medical changes of astronauts? Kelly brothers, CM-small amount of calcium change. B-SpaceX docking to ISS? JW-just for cargo, Russians do people. TT-russian engine for Atlas 5. BM-artificial gravity could be made for ISS. CM-more problems than worth. JW-must be standing on floor to feel gravity of rotating space station. Running and jumping. B-Passengers movie? JW-wakes up passenger. TT-Andy Howell of LCO, has Science vs. Cinema on YouTube, analyzes movies and ruins them for me. B-Aliens movies. TT-like A vs Predators. music: "I became a star of gas"
45:54.162 music: "Once I had my hydrogen gas slowly fuse to helium" BM-Bonnie sits w BM in front at meetings, but has a detached retina, so hard to look thru telescopes. B-what is status of Juno? CM-53 day orbit around Jupiter. radiation from trapped particles in magnetic field. JW-Earth has Van Allen belts of radiation. TT Q's about radiation. B-sunspots JW-cooler areas. B-eight minutes for light from Sun to reach us. Thousands of years from core to surface? TT-sounds strange, but core gamma ray photon actually changes into other photons? JW-absorbed re-emitted. BM-photon/wave duality. B-starts/stops on a dime! JW-laser on moon [to push StarChip] is phased locked. BM-light amp by stim emiss of rad. JW-Phil Lubin phase locking to prevent divergence. B-beach tanning is a lot of beating down. TT stops on a dime on your DNA. Music: "Galileo 1609 saw mountains and craters on the moon, jupiter with 4 tiny moons" "got my telescope w me" "shoulders of giants"
54:50.459 music: "beyond..." TT-next speaker for October? JW-not sure B-December, just ask a couple of Q's. How much do we learn from the speakers? CM-always something and some folks are new to club. B-AdrianL busy w school, like a job. JW-older folks are retired, so have time to attend. CM-events coming up...40 UCLA students.B-see you all at the meeting.
57:39.105 end