180924 SBAU hour KZSB radio B JW CMcP TT BM 2nd Monday
00:00.000 star trek ship corridors light therapy
00:39.538 butterflies
01:18.883 Oumoamoa asteroid
01:44.794 GVAA , state banking
04:54.036 bud bottoms, jerryW, pic to News press? talk to; docent training today, butterflies, B-did not have one land on him.
09:05.080 B- inflation: craig allen jerryw trump chuck; crypto currency
13:13.437 B-what to talk about? JW-you said Oumuamua? go after? japan landing jumping on asteroid. philea in crevice, other craft landed also.
16:37.267 butterflies are free except at sbmnh museum $10, or member $65?
17:30.239 tiger woods is back, fame is fleeting. Earth/Sky volcanoes little ice age? 1275-1300ad. others say sun changed, but volcanoes better.
19:15.225 chuck outreach history, number of constellations.
20:57.140 music: it was a calm and cloudless night...galileo B-
31:33.578 music: it's been a long road, getting from here to there...
music: and the engine died
44:07.478 music: freightened crew...black hole B-what happens if you fall in?
52:23.233 music: GatoB "europa"
62:47.196 music: it's been a long road... star trek enterprise tv show
66:56.513 end