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Author Topic: NEW MEMBERS PHOTO GALLERY !!!! PLEASE READ  (Read 14508 times)

TT (wasPW)

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  • Paul at telescope
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    • Astrolights by Paul Winn
« on: August 02, 2014, 07:51:59 AM »

I went ahead a purchased a Plugin for the SMF Forum that will give us a easer interface for members to post there own photos to the Forum. Each member that signs up for the forum will have there own personal gallery, were you can upload your own photos too. You can even create sub-catagories in your personal gallery.

Here are some of the features of the Gallery
•User Galleries - User's can create their own personal galleries with unlimited categories
•Subcategory's (Unlimited levels)
•Rating pictures on scale of 1 to 5 stars
•Gallery admin's can delete ratings and view who rated a picture
•Gallery stats page for keep track of most viewed images, top rated and more!
•EXIF image information support requires EXIF module in php
•Album/Category level permissions for viewing, adding picture, editing picture, deleting picture, and adding a comment
•Reporting of comments and editing own comments
•Bulk adding of images. Controlled by permissions and setting to allow the number of upload fields
•Thumbnail, medium, full size image sizes are supported
•Importing images from a folder on your server
•Category options for posting topics in a forum board when a picture is uploaded
•Comment approval listing which lists comments that need to be approved, and reported comment listing
•File Space Manager shows how much space a user is using and allows you to delete pictures
•Upload Quota limits for member groups
•Gallery navigation on view picture
•Unviewed image list allows users to keep track which images that they have not seen yet
•Slideshow of images at up to 50 images at a time inside a category
•Notify by email if comments posted user's image
•Watermarking of images uploaded by text or image
•Lightbox and highslide support built in!
•RSS support for image categories
•Picture area tagging like Facebook
•Multifile select upload option
•Simple picture favorite system
•XML support for recent images, getting a single picture, category listing, getting a single category
•New permissions: Rating Pictures, Edit own Comment, Auto Approve Comments, Personal Gallery, Bulk Uploads
•Tons of settings to customize your gallery: Images per page, Max thumbnail width, Max thumbnail height, Display newest comments first, Control blocks that appear on the gallery main page, image listing options, picture view options and many more!
•SMF Gallery Pro support forums with additional modifications and guides.
•And much more!
Paul Winn deceased SBAU Webmaster, April, 2019
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