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Author Topic: 160208 KZSB Astro show BaRon, ChuckMcP, JerryW, TomT 46min Sunday replay  (Read 1786 times)


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Attached is the commercial cropped audio file from the show replay on Sunday, Feb 14th, 3am, of the 2nd Monday KZSB SBAU Astronomical Unit radio program with Chuck, TomT, and JerryW, who has quite a bit of time explaining his work history to the Baron Ron Herron.  This is a Sunday replay as my Monday live recording stopped early on for some reason.  Here are some quick notes about the show, but download the file and listen in for the entertaining science discussions (easier than reading these notes?):

00:00 Star trek music this session, TomW did not show due to locked shoulder pain, B gets J to talk about his work history again, who mentions one of the satellites he worked on "sleeps with the fishes" and that "physicists look at how the world as it is, engineers trying to remake the world as they want it".  TT got to mention the last meeting about exoplanets and C explains.

10:35 J-talks about his consulting work and Cyan Systems cameras with smart focal planes.  B gets lost with all the new concepts in astronomy and J paraphrases Shakespeare "there are stranger things under the sun than are dreamt of by man's philosophy" [“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ] and brings in the subject of near earth objects, asteroids, 90% found larger than 1km, but of those >40m only 1% found.  J says "as someone pointed out, we are here because the dinosaurs did not have a space program"

21:30 Richard Dupree calls in to ask about Bose Condensates, which J explains.  He also asks about the Antikythera mechanism, and C says they are still looking for more.  Chumash guy Peter Olmos calls in to welcome back Baron and says that the Chumash really love cosmology. And what is latest on Planet X and C explains that they are looking for it, T says 10x farther out than Pluto.  Still trying to start topic of LCOGT C-"keeping you in the dark 24hrs a day".

30:20 C friend Denise calls in from Germany, B says this is the farthest call he has every gotten, and she asks how often the "moon in seventh house and Jupiter align w/ Mars"? and C says often planets are in the same part of the sky.  TT wants to know if snow in Berlin, and Denise says only a few weeks ago, but not now [TT-i thot germany would be snowy this time of year].  Denise keeps looking at the stars and constellations and thinking of Chuck.  B asks about the constellations of the ecliptic and C explains that pre-astronomy science people trying to make sense of the universe.  B wonders about the view from the southern hemisphere and toilet water spin, but C says Coriolis force is only about large scales.

39:30 B-stars bend when traveling at speed of light? J says that the light would look like bending all the way around you.  LCOGT network, C explains that they have telescopes around the world gathering data, J-professionals doing research and SBAU has them for meeting talks. B asks about use for interferometry, but C says that is for radio telescopes.  T-mentions that LCOGT looks for Supernovas, B asks how many, C says 100's each night if big enough telescopes.  T mentions sbau.org and that Museum will have Valentines Day planetarium show this Saturday with chocolats for $10.  46:00 end
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