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Author Topic: 160509 KZSB Astro radio 2nd Monday Baron,JW,TW,TomOswald,CMcP,TT+Mercury transit  (Read 2170 times)


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Attached is cropped audio file from May 9, 2016 SBAU Astronomy radio show on KZSB with the Baron.

0:00 JerryW arrives & talks w/ Baron Ron Herron KZSB, 1290AM
1:32 start of Earth-Sky light pillars info
3:02 Donny talks to JerryW interferometers in solar telescopes for Mercury transit
4:32 AU mention
4:40 Tom Oswald with TomW, his scope under awning & JerryW, Chuck call-in from Camino Real loitering
8:17 KZSB id
8:31 SBAU program start TomW teacher, JerryW stuff on Mars, Tom Oswald music dulcimer, Science Program?, Camino has Hydrogen Alpha telescopes, refractors, JW interferometer filter vs. neutral density filter, Baron stuff dangerous to be by Sun; TomW-OK to go at night by the Sun!  Camino food court is location. Tom Oswald did science presentations 10yr ago saw TO and wife at late Gary Woods + wife Honeybunny, classical, TO wife played viola & cello.  TomW & TomO play at Alice Keck Park daylight savings, Wed eve 5pm, raised area old time music.  TomO did professional development for science teachers during summer breaks.  Post-doc in Toronto cell membrane, SF, SB to teach 1982.  JerryW not at SBAU meet Fri night house un-warming.  Potluck shifted to June 10 McVeigh.  TomW Westmont electronic course.  Mercury transit to discuss
18:31 B:"pls stand for AU pledge" Ricard Strauss music from 2001 movie.  TomW electronic circuits upper level, Baron Q: Taser volts 50K, doesn't kill, but 120Vac does?  JW-10ma current ac can kill.  Batteries 1.5V, how to get to 50KV?  JW-circuit in Taser and transformer to change voltage.  Need current to kill.  5000V from static.  JW-high frequency stays on outside of body.  Baron nothing in body / nature has electrical...TomO: the nervous system!  JW-energy from ATP chemical process.  B-Nature, no square waves?  TomO crystals, Saturn 6 sided pattern, JW-Mandelbrot sets geometry, TomW grew 6 sided crystals; JW now they have 5 sided crystals also.  TomO: make sugar crystals, or salt crystals.  B: no electricity channeling in nature?  Lightning!  conductive path.  B: but TomW class is circuits, breadboarding, OrCAD software without physically building.  Arduino modules, FPGA, raspberry Pi, program using code.  Superconducting.  B: circuit used to light bulb TW: now computer control.  Llamas say Ohm.  Watts rate of energy. B:spot future Neil Degrass Tyson? TomW: sure, one had perfect score.  B: lecture vs lab?  TomW: overlap.  B:make a light work...sometimes failure? TomW sure we troubleshoot.  B:Engineer vs Science? JerryW-both teach, corp depts have both.  JW-condensed matter physics degree.
33:04 AU has 149 members?  JerryW: ~170.  Farrand holds 85.  B:Aliens see Mercury and transit?  JW-see as Sun light output drop.  TW-testing sensitivity of some spacecraft today with the Mercury transit.  B: odds of planet being in line?  JW-odds low, but alot of planets.  B:closest star Polaris? JW-Alpha Centuri.  TomO: sci mags on extraterrestial searches.  TomW used to be star wobble to see exoplanets. TomO: gases in exoplanet atmospheres will be measured by next telescopes...even life on other objects in our solar system.  B: comets dirty water to earth; JW-everything from space.  B:water in accretion disk? JW-hot planets would initially vaporize water. Spacecraft to Mars has to be sterilized.  JW-Extremophiles.  Richard Dupree.
39:53 call from TomT from Camino, lots of visitors shown Arizona Slooh view on laptop.  JW-cost of H-Alpha scope $4300, B: what seen? Arizona online, rock from space.  TomW-photons take 1M years to escape from Sun core + 8 min to get to Earth.  TomT-Neutrinos. B:Cosmic rays
46:58  Richard Dupree, Mex guy digging up asteroid in Yucatan? TomO yes.. equipment offshore drilling. 65M yrs ago.  B: Iridium?  JW-more common in asteroids. B:metal?  trigger metal detector?  TomO found around earth in layer.  TW-Italians, Alvarez, found 1980.  Gold on earth.  RD-Iridium satellites.  B- Sun coming out after transit? TW-Mercury tipped orbit 11deg? 2/3 resonance of orbit to revolution on axis.  TomO will work w/ schools, US edu is poor. 
54:30 end
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 12:27:31 PM by TomT »
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