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Author Topic: 160711 KZSB 2nd Monday SBAU CM, JW, TT, BM on phone; Pluto & Jupiter  (Read 2154 times)


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160711 KZSB SBAU radio program...listen to attached...download file and play 57min w/o commercials!
0.000 mention of sbau guys entering studio
11.485  disco sucks etc, JW and TT talk w/ B
5.08.579 Earth Sky fireball above Siberia Tunguska event
6.38.379 B talk w/ JW, TT, mention BruceM, Arlington organ, Hal Conklin, CM enters
9.24.662 JW bubble lady
9.54.473  TT elections Dec members ph# 564-1290
11.06.028 Start 9am show:  Strauss, stratosphere, intros, telescope workshop discussion, making mirrors, JW explains telescopes to get light into the eye, Broder building, Sue the Dino, we help folks with their telescopes. B-telesopes w/o tubes?  CM-truss structure. $167 telescope?  CM-probably flimsy telscope, maybe ok optics.  JW-telescope not needed to join the SBAU.  B-binocs, CM see Andronmeda.
20.03.444 2nd Section: B-Milt Larson, Magic Castle Founder Buys Former Cafe del Sol, 4 horsemen of the asteroid belt, SB Star Cluster, B-update books all the time for astronomy?  Science in general?  JW-all the time.  B-Arlington organ w/ BM.  Conklin announcement run for mayor.  lady police chief bet w/ John Palminteri.  Griffith trip, James Dean movie there.  B-Pluto flyby  TT-described some discoveries Tholins, speed of Juno vs. New Horizons; CM-Pluto king of Kuiper Belt, B-discovery of Pluto?  CM- Clyde Tombaugh, Percival Lowell calculations of large planet; so found by accident.  Other dwarf planets?  Ceres + others in Kuiper Belt.  CM-1850's 18 planets, like rats out there, so demoted to minor planets.  B-Pluto has moons, Charon.  CM- 1 million miles ave distance between asteroids.  B-Comets from Oort Cloud?  JW-comets from other areas as well, Kuiper, outer solar system.  Harry Hausen did T-Rex stop motion and asteroid.  1 atom per cubic meter.  JW-It Doesn't Matter.  B-out to reach us TT-564-1290, become a member? wwwwwww.sbau.Org. B-AU? JW- Earth to Sun
33.19.102 Strauss...3rd Section: Hindmann Collating machine for comparing documents.  B-parallax view  CM-using triganometry, Hubble can go out 300M Light Years;  Kepler?  smaller (55" mirror) to find exoplanets.  CM-solar psi to stabilize failed reaction motors on Kepler.  B-most stars are binaries? CM-yes.  B-go to google news, technology section, free, found gas planet going around 3 stars.  CM-naming
of Pluto, by Virginia, but include Percival Lovell initials.  B-dogs all fours, upright? CM- Disney cosmology.  B-Jupiter, Juno? CM-Juno can look thru clouds.  Moons? Io, closest?  Galilean moons. BM-97% of the mass of Jupiter moons.  67 moons around Jupiter.  Moon descriptions. Sci-Fi fans, did Arthur C Clarke write 2010?  "Something wonderful" "stay away from Europa"  CM-icy crust, liquid salt water underneath.  B-recap when we come back, Pluto discoveries.  CM-drive by shooting.  Pluto diet.
42.54.433 4th Section: B-dancing in space, prof haywood floyd, 2001, scientists coop, except HAL. BM-Jupiter moons cutaways Az site.  Size of moons, Pluto.  B-exoplanets wobble around their suns.  our sun also wobbles. BM shift in spectrums. B-why Oort cloud not flat in the solar system disk?  CM-far away.  B-Uranus on side?  CM-possibly hit.  B-our Moon is heavier on Earth side?
50.50.679 5th section: B-who? Richard: do all countries agree on names of solar system stuff?  CM-IAU has naming committee. B-BM, could have come in.  Tablet takes pictures?  BM-no downloaded to it.  B-new Jupiter info not in yet? CM-right.  TT-30-50AU.  Planet Nine objects...CM-calculating.  Icy.  TNOs, B-finding more?  yes.  B-how to planets get moons?  CM-collisions and initial eddies.  JW-the big Splat.  B-more rogue planets... BM-9-11 at arlington, B-see you at telescope workshop
57.05.722 stop
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 10:33:50 PM by TomT »
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