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Author Topic: 160808 KZSB 2nd Mon Baron, CM, JW, TW, TT radio show  (Read 1837 times)


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160808 KZSB 2nd Mon Baron, CM, JW, TW, TT radio show
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:50:43 PM »

download and play attached audio file from 8-14 Sunday 3pm replay of the 8-8 Monday 9am show, 1290AM, KZSB

Notes on show topics.
00:00  Baron -intros, Tyson flying thru universe, LCOGT Todd Boroson talk, JW-previously on radio.  Where do they put the telescopes?  CM-if you were on high mountain on equator, you could see everything.  B-do you all have telescopes?  Yes.  What is coming up?  TT-2nd Sat. Star Party SBMNH Palmer Observatory, 3rd Fri..Westmont  CM-plus Tue Telescopes, Wed, Thur, Fri...
B-T-Rex?  TT-$10 SBAU memb fee if Museum member.  Griffith trip was great.  JW-article in Astro News.  Richard Dupree call in about not seeing the Milky Way from the harbor.  Camino Cielo better. B-dark areas in Milky Way, we are in CM-Orion Spur, JW-glob star cluster would be really bright.  B-if two stars collide or around/around, but Nova? CM/JW-depends on size CM-Blue stragglers in Globular Clusters made from old stars coming together.  B-multiple star systems TT-call Jup/Saturn failed stars.  CM-Juno orbiting Jupiter.  New Horizons past Pluto.  B-comet fell into Sun? CM- Kreutz sungrazer 

10:10  B-planet dream, just plannt life?  CM-sounds like New Zealand.
B-Bennu asteroid? CM-Near Earth Object.  B-what is it?  CM-carbon rich, so NASA picked it to visit.
B-next speaker? TT-McPartlin Asteroid occultations. 
B-JW orbits of 2 golf balls article in SBAU newsletter.  17K mph, B reads article.  JW-if tethered, they would act like one.  Hard to shoot ball down to earth, must shoot backward to slow it down.  Astronaut could not throw hard enough to escape Earth, just goes to another orbit.  B-limit of distance between 2 objects that are tethered?  JW-space elevator is tether.  But no material will work yet, maybe Graphene.  B-Arthur C Clarke proposed? 23K miles up geosync orbit? (~22,236mi up).  What else is graphene used for?...gap in radio....B-golf ball on moon, how far did it go? TW-6 times as far (1/6 gravity of earth) 

22:42  B-Starman music, Jeff Bridges waking up.  TW-story of alien taking on body of deceased husband of widow (Karen Allen), Lazarus story comparison.  T-last speaker was Todd Boroson, LCOGT.net, about telescopes around the world and remote data collection. TW-interesting that are non typical proposals for study time on the telescopes.  CM-Goleta Valley Junior High locally. B-locations?  Australia, Chile, Texas, etc.  B-why these locations?  TW-usually established sites, good weather.  B-sizes? 2M, 1M, .4M.  CM-looks like one big telescope to observer from around the world.  TW-70 projects at once going on. JW-fogged over last night after 90min for me.  B-Starman, like Naked and Afraid.   

30:42  CM-asteroid occultation, star winks out, asteroid shadow left on earth so size shape can be determined. 
Star types, smallest one, life of star.  B-conservation of energy, where will energy go?  CM-expanding universe, material spread apart.  B-solar wind at speed of light? No, particles vs. photons.  B-steve martin said he is getting smoke detector when Sun expands towards earth. 

37:41  B-barely hanging on w/ tomT.  Exoplanets? detecting by spectrum the atmospheres?  CM-star spectrum vs. added/subtracted planet spectrum.  CM-fiber optics to match each star viewed its spectra.  JW-set of lines.  B-how many elements? 92 reg, but 118 total, short half lives.  B-we are made of CM-Star barf.  TW-spectra of hot sun, exoplanets cool atmosphere absorb.
3489 exoplanets confirmed. B-gas bag planet JW-takeaway light of star.  CM-close planets might reflect light from the star.  B-track dimming of light?  CM-maybe even moons of exoplanets.  JW-flower disk in space to block star light to directly see exoplanet.  45:16 end

« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 09:55:15 AM by TomT »
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