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Author Topic: 161128 KZSB 4th Mon SBAU radio JW,TW,TT,CM,BM James Webb etc  (Read 2135 times)


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161128 KZSB 4th Mon SBAU radio JW,TW,TT,CM,BM James Webb etc
« on: December 04, 2016, 08:29:38 PM »

11-28-16 KZSB SBAU radio show 4th Monday of month, 830am-10am,  cropped radio audio attached to this post, download and play with your audio player program:

00:00.000  Baron mentions AU coming in
00.11.228  song Soldier Boy, AU mention
01:47.963  ChuckMcP in, Big Bank Theory, meet Fri night, Black Hole talk see variations using small telescope.
02:52.191  Ben Hayes, Earth Sky, human blood, worlds oldest, ice man's.  victim of oldest know crime.  song.  B-this shows topic? CM-James Webb.
05:08.341 JerryW Sudoku
05:53.646 TomW James Webb, CM-reaction wheels failing

08:41.047  B-read screen, Univ of Space, top 5 most well known galaxies.  2-toms 1 jerry 1 chuck + Bruce. T-slate of officers for approval; T-Jerry to do Eclipse talk.  Bruce organ.  JPL trips.  Chuck-outreaches. BM-out last night, high altitude winds make for wiggly mess, clear, but not good seeing.  B-Q?  Air transparent, why bad seeing?  CM-  JW-refractive index of air varies with temperature variations and wind density changes.  B-compensate for that?  adaptive optics.  SBIG used to make a tip tilt device for amateur telescopes. T-adaptive optics.  TW-Westmont end of year.

20:14.442  "5 planetary bodies that can sustain life"  B-we're on one, CM-if we do not mess it up.  JW-presentation Eclipse CM black hole oscillation.  B-Tt did good job as pres.  TW-James Webb, up 2018, JW-mirror assembled.  18 segments, TW-opens like a flower.  TW-7 times the collecting space, infrared.  info from back in universe shifted to infrared.  B-all photons the EM? JW-visible is 550nm, radio at 7m, infrared 5microns wavelength.  TW-sits at Lagrange 2, 1M miles away, so it has to work.  5 lagrange sites.  B-one in front of earth? T-Discovr mission.  JW-Hubble will not be serviced anymore. BM-gryoscopes, reaction wheels.  JW-also gives axis you can push against.  B-not synchronous at 23K miles? JW-higher than ISS, hard to reach.  James Webb to get away from Earth infrared heat BM-shielded from sun.  B-infrared below red, also ultraviolet? JW-some animals can see into infrared: rattlesnake pits, and misquito TW-bumblebees see into UV.  BM-yellow patio lights do not attract mosquitos, but bug trap lights do.  B-infrared sees galaxies going away from us BM also visible like Hubble used.  TW-6 shift. CM-space expansion for far away galaxies shifting into infrared.  TW-may be looking at first stars created, Pop 3 stars, low metal.  B-are we seeing stuff we are made of?  CM-1st 10-36sec...

34:09.405  B-youtube video background.  B-NY Times article on James Webb, 18 hex segments.  JW-little positioners on each mirror.  B-explosive bolts?  BM-not good for debris.  CM-testing positioning the first month.  JW-a lot of risk management. B-housed in tube?  CM-fits inside a bullet shaped shroud.  B-Keri Bean talk on Dawn Mission to asteroids, big solar panel, how do they roll it up?  CM-some roll, some fold.  TW-James Webb has heat shields that fold out.  B-is Hubble protected by earth mag field?  JW-van allen belt.  CM-sometimes pockets of mag field traps particles.  JW-Jupiter has bigger magnetic field.  BM-Cosmos 24 episodes, evolution occurs even bottom of ocean or thermal vents at Yellowstone.  B-life could start there?  CM-Europa water. B-needs sunlight? CM-no just energy and different. B-size CM-21ft across to fold up.  B-18 flat mirrors?  BM-sections of a curve.  "thanks to this the Kepler space telescop, the most powerful planet hunter ever built"

43:48.320  "twin planets emerged"  B-AU BruceM on line, BM-open console is this Saturday, anyone can play.  B-requested Bach's contata.  9-11am.  B-SBAU meeting?  JW-iron gate to Museum, sign to Farrand hall.  B-Westmont Obs? TW-ken Kilstrom chair of physics.  Finals. TT-what are some of the Q's you will be asking?  TW-absolute mag, properties of stars, optics, kids have been doing research on variable stars.  TT-nova in sagittarius visible? CM-bunch of fun stuff out there.  B-of billions of stars in Milky Way, only a supernova rarely. CM-Eta Carina maybe next.  JW-Other galaxies have supernovas going off.  CM-1604 was last in our galaxy.  BM-M81 lasted 2 wks.  B-Kepler supernova 1604.  CM-some reflections maybe Tycho supernova remnant.  B-diff btw super and hypernova  CM-beam of radiation from Hypernova.  B-our sun white? JW-it defines white.  JW-used to refer to it as a yellow dwarf, but so many now just in the middle.  TW-mean light is 504nm yellow green wavelength.  TT-bigger than 88% of stars.  B-red dwarfs have more goldilocks zones?  CM-easier to find, but not always a good star to have a planet around.  BM-Drake equation.  B-all these conditions for life.  Neil degrass tyson say no place on earth is as hostile as Mars.  "as we have gazed upon the stars..."

54:41.749 end

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