161226 KZSB radio show notes, audio attached
00:00.000 B, ChuckMcp, arrived, TomT arrival, Passenger movie, B-ask TomW what class start is like. Ben Hayes, KZSB start.
04:48.096 Amos new years song;
11.39.055 Trail quest Big Caliente Hot Springs; earth/Sky ad
13:04.574 Frank Sinatra, Richard Dupree football score Miami of Ohio vs Mississippi State 3-0; "mass driver" TT-sounds like a coil, RD-1977 definition: large EM catapult, CMcP, Heinlein story? B-use Wikipedia to see Rail Gun. Ralph Roster Doster.
16:22.559 B
16:42.401 Holst-Jupiter B-sounds like a western; BruceM on phone,Organ society Pres; TT intro TomW, ChuckMcP; B-can handle more members? Fleischmann? TT-only 45 show normally; B-free membership if outreach; TT-KZSB is outreach; Westmont outreach was cold; B-start w/ ask TomW about Westmont class day one talk: TomW--lab, life sci majors, list experiments, computer driven experiments; Newton's law of cooling, Galileo gravity; honor students helping at Observatory. B-hygrometer w/ hair; BM-organ dates;
Holst-Mars B-Nat Geo Mars series on; half doc, then year 2033; BM-cox stupid little box; B-speaker on Novaes, supernovas, sun will not end like that; why does explosion occur, over gravitational collapse? TomW-core collapse, depends on mass CMcP-B asking why rebound and explosion. CMcP: neutron star fr electrons fuse w/ proton, rigid ball, gigantic flood of neutrinos creates shockwave plus outer onion skin thermonuclear explosions. B-fission vs. fusion TT-proton of H to He two protons+neutrons. CMcP Degenercy pressure B-if star size of earth orbit, 8min for explosion? CMcP neutrino detectors give pre-warning of explosion. 100 supernovas ea night. Milky Way, 1/century, we are overdue. CM-Betelguese astro seismology can be seen. Tenuous. JerryW said it gets hot.
Holst-Mars B-drama on Mars series, humans fighting, guest speaker, TT-Jan 6 Josh Garber, geology of exoplanets, CM-earth in context. TT-we need people to call 564-1290. B-this is a renaissance time, so many missions. Juno, Cassini, TT-ISS CM-MRO; B-live NASA. B-BruceM? BM-so many, pictures on wall of various Shuttle missions, over 100. Cal Sci Center. B-lost shuttles, Columbia, CM-predicted # of losses. B-Nat Geo series shows people in confinement, only 2 of 12 come out OK. B-Vandenberg has unmanned shuttle. Kelly brothers, talk in town, hard on body coming back to earth. BM-Lu talk. BM-astronauts over 6months, eyes get flat. BM-my telescope focus seems to match people even if they take glasses off. CM-accomodation. B-Saturn CM-close to sun, 29 yr orbit. B-farther planet from sun, the slower it goes. Jupiter spins once per 10 hours.
Holst-? CM-Star Cluster in 1950's, Joe Danley call w/ Q: full moon rainbow ring, what causes that? ice crystals? TT-22 degree ring, CM- Atoptics.uk webpage pictures of various effects. B-see circle if in a plane. TomW-ice crystals are hexangonal. B-solar eclipse next year? TomW-August 21, no telescope, just binoculars for trip. Annular eclipse vs. total. TomW-Sundogs prismatic refraction hexangonal on either side of Sun 60 degrees. B-spectrometer? RGYB. BM took pic of ring around moon.
Holst-Mercury B-AU society, will explain it if something seen; solar eclipse? TT-Oregon across US to Carolinas. TomW-east of Cascades. CMcP-Sheridan, Wyoming, just use eyeball. TomW-Venus is pretty right now. B-window to launch to Mars? two weeks, no gravitational assist needed. Juno & Cassini missions did use that. CM-RTG power, crash to Saturn in 2017. Voyagers, New Horizons, record attached, Hawking says not a good idea. BM-organ play, jan 14, CM-evening Star Party also.
62:32.613 end