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Author Topic: 170213 KZSB SBAU radio B,JW,TW,CM,TT 2nd Monday solar eclipse, Titan, etc  (Read 2023 times)


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170213 KZSB SBAU radio show hosted by Baron, Ron Herron,  see attached audio file to download and play back:

Sloppy notes:
00:00.000 TomT in; Supremes music; TT impressed w/ lack of problems on crowded highway; B-telescope society? TT-AU, B-ParSec, JerryW entering, =parallax angle of one arcsecond

02:52.761  Earth-Sky NASA Aug 2012 launched mission studing Van Allen Belts, two doughnut shaped rings, radiation belts, twin spacecraft will sample area, Donny Vegas
04:45.403 Donny pool playing, JW voice recording for promo; B-Sat meeting, JW-Admin, TT-planning; B-trip anywhere?  JW-maybe not this year; TT-Allosphere at UCSB? ChuckM-30 foot sphere, like Star Trek Holodeck;
07:10.252 scary space news, first daily donald trump news 
07:34.201 I feel good; B-4 movers/shakers of club; TomW teaching lab on E-M for Life Science students, Pre-Meds; B-electricity/gravity questions later;

09:58.223 Chuck kazoo music, star of gas; B-pizza; AU unit, bigger group called the Parsec unit, intro's; JW-member of LA astro group at Griffity Obs B-where they danced into the sky; CM-credits to galaxy photo in background.  B-SBAU went down there last August, very crowded.  B-tells us schedule of events...TT-Westmont 3rd Friday, but looks to be a rainout. B-what goes on there?  TomW-teach at Winter Hall, bio, physics, psych, computer sci; teach labs, circuits.  TW-wanted JerryW to come out, but JW going to France.  JW taught before at UCLA, doctorate Condensed Matter Physics.  Chuck, stand up comedian.  TT-I can do up to 3rd grade.  B-i check out Google and Youtube info, latest space; CM-talk Feb 22 Lars Bilsten, helioseismology, at SBMNH.  Black Hole music.

19:20.771 Black Hole music...traffic announcement re: Turnpike. B-big eclipse, Aug 21, partial in California. JW-Oregon, taking solar telescope for viewing before the eclipse, near Salem.  TW-eastern Oregon or Wyoming. TT-any science during the solar eclipse? JW-Corona, CM-solar size variation. TW-Lockheed labs looking at solar corona, eclipse in Philipines, combined data.  B-rest of world does not see eclipse? CM-71% in SB, events in SB at MNH, Moxi; JW-use a collander for many eclipses at once. B-space station saw a black shadow on earth.  CM-just moon shadow. JW-may have been a conspiracy website.  B-What is Nibiru? giant planet past pluto? Planet Nine.  B-sun, just hydrogen?  but 90 other elements in Sun.  CM-star barf.  B-but where in Sun? JW-just trace elements. CM-H,He,Li,Be at Big Bang.  B-planets at that point? CM-gas planets.  TW-elements shown in spectrum emission lines.  B-what is surface at sun, fusion?  CM-layers. B- after 100K years, photons at surface.  Corona 1M degrees, but tenuous.   discuss element formation in stars.  fusion vs. fission.  TW-"gone fission". Star Trek Enterprise music: not gonna hold me down, got faith of the heart"

32:55.690 Star Trek Enterprise music: not gonna hold me down, got faith of the heart"  B-CM on drugs when picking the songs?  B-told in school, stars just Hydrogen.  hydrocarbons. B-Titan, moon of Saturn, is fog covered in this stuff.  talk at Farrand by [Mike Malaska JPL]. JW- human powered wings would work in thicker atmosphere and less gravity. But very cold, 70K.  Degrees discussion. C, F, K, not metric.  300K in room.  B-surface of Titan, liquid hydrocarbons? JW-Yes.  B-Hydrogen can be liquified? JW-Yes, but not on Titan. B-solids burn? JW-wood, Na, Cs, Mg.  CM-62 moons of Saturn. JW-some in rings. CM-some retrograde, highly tilted orbits.  CM-PHobos, Deimos of Mars thot to be collisional objects.  jazz

41:42.893 "it was a calm and cloudless night...1609 Galileo" CM-Astrocapella. B-something pushing on galaxy?  JW-great repulsor, objects tend to move away, a dipole field, maybe a huge black hole.  see: http://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/02/04/ask-ethan-if-gravity-attracts-how-can-the-dipole-repeller-push-the-milky-way/#45198d144ed4  B-are not all galaxies moving apart? TT-clusters of galaxies JW-in zone of exclusion.  CM-local group TT-local neighborhood of galaxies.  CM-motions like eddys in a creek going different directions.  JW-universe like foam with empty bubbles.  B-like a filament? JW-Yes.  we can see 13.5B LY.  CM-everywhere is the center of the univers. TT-is this due to some Quantum Mechanic out there?  JW-quantum mechanics music: "Copernicus was right...telescope w me, on the shoulders of giants"

48:13.505 music: star of gas.  B-to join a group like the AU, is to see nighttime stuff.  Venus, is it closest planet? CM-yes.  Mars second.  CM-Kuiper is disk of stuff, Oort is a cloud.  Venus in evening.  JW-best to see Venus crescent in early evening.  CM-eclipse sun every 110 years.  B-planets not on same plane? CM-all vary.  B-Uranus turned sideways? cM-Yes.  Pluto comes closer than Neptune, in ecliptic?  CM-no, very tilted. B-Planet Nine. JW-they need to know distance or mass to find it.  B-dwarf planet? CM-spherical JW-and not cleared its orbit.  B-3? CM-5, but not Sedna. B-Voyagers off course? CM-an anomoly velocity caused by infrared pressure.  Arrival movie, Heptapods.  Feb 22 LCO talk at Museum.  56:01.497 end
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