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Author Topic: 170522 KZSB 1290AM SBAU radio hour 4th Monday  (Read 2256 times)


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170522 KZSB 1290AM SBAU radio hour 4th Monday
« on: May 27, 2017, 11:32:37 PM »

170522 KZSB 1290AM SBAU radio hour 4th Monday notes w/ Baron Ron Herron, JerryW, ChuckMcP, TomT, BruceM
see attached file to download and playback
tt--if a spaceship lands on Uranus, will that make you itchy?
00:00.000 Teresa Brewer "Let me go" song, Baron preview SBAU
02:07.057  TT where should I put my millions?
02:43.701 f-bomb?
02:56.741 B-in my studio, names, star party last saturday at Museum, JW-famous pic of Einstein taken at Museum; CM-after 1915 Einstein world famous; B-special relativity? JW-sure;

04:58.967 music: Galileo 1609; B-how do we know that? CM-he wrote about it, refractor.  JW-eyeglasses led to telescopes.  CM-seafarers did not have scopes until after Galileo.  B-Ben Franklin kite ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kite_experiment ); 400Hz freq for airplanes;

08:12.675 music: Star Trek; B, BruceM-June 3 next open console for Arlington Theater organ; B-Nemo's organ? TT, JW, CM intro suggested by Richard Dugan, AntiKythera Mechanism, an Orrey, B-needs oiling? BM-xray'd and replicated; B-Chariots of the Gods guy will claim something else; BM-60Hz used for carbon arcs; 400Hz used in aircraft for weight reasons.  JW-real bright lights were carbon arcs, and before light bulbs, Lime burned in theaters "limelight", and miners used underground. BM-acetylene to burn the lime; Edison bulbs; B-Edison direct current, Tesla A/c championed by Westinghouse.  BM-D/c needed power every mile.  JW-A/c electrons slosh back and forth.  B-lightning?  Exoplanets show lightning.

17:25.050 music: ST space, the final frontier; Richard Dupree call during break.  JW-earth one of most active lightning planet suitable for life, but Jupiter has much more; B-Sprites? JW-above the clouds, and go up. ISS has taken pictures.  B-uneven electrons amounts.  BM-Calcium Carbide for lamps. TT-3 types of sprites, jellyfish, column, carrots. B-JW do not believe in Dark Matter? JW-need to test and get evidence to support postulate.  DM is a simple explanation.  TT-may be MOND.  CM-no evidence.  JW-I think we will be surprised with final answer. B-Black holes, many solar masses...missing stars?  JW-are not enough to be dark matter BM-I heard opposite, more BH than stars. TT-maybe early in universe more massive stars that collapse to BHs.  JW-graviton not found yet. but cleverly made up.
BM-neutrino can go thru a light year of lead w/ 30% chance of hitting.  JW-produced in core of Sun, detected on earth.  3 types of neutrinos. Could account for missing numbers.  B-come from all stars.  CM-2 sec early warnings of supernova due to neutrino detection.  B-neutrino travel at speed of light, solar wind comes later.

30:00.401  music: Gato Barbieri.  B-SBAU potluck June 2 for members. Chips/Dip; Mac/Cheese.  CM-outreach 6-3 REfugio, 6 tele tues....Bacara, Museum, Westmont, Lopez Lake, Carp St Beach; Asteroid Day June 31 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia.  TT-RTMC.  B-eclipse story, Aug 21  JW-Hi to daughter Laura in Port Hueneme, texted back.  BM-gravity has waves, why not a particle involved? B-spacetime continum? JW-rubber sheet not literal.  TT-spacetime, 4D? JW-time is c x T....  B-special general relativity next

38:33.971  music: McP song collection; B-banjo space music; back w/ BM on phone, card carrying members, JW-"cannot lose it" not in my spacetime.  July meeting Yair Arcavi, Aug-Karl Blasius Mars. B-monolith. Genius TV show on Einstein..how can something go thru nothing.  JW-just wrote on that in SBAU newsletter, zero in math. Can vacuum exist?  no motion in vacuum?  1644 Torrecelli made vacuum with mercury in tube.  Barometer.  B-spec/gen rrelativity? JW-special is at constant velocity, zero acceleration, e=mc2, time dilation, twin paradox. General is with acceleration taking place, elevator falling.  grav mass = inertia mass.  JW-space ships that rotate to make gravity. B-earth? JW-want to travel in straight line, feel gravity from mass.  BM-gravity sucks JW-there is no gravity the earth sucks.  B-so?  JW-expl the universe  CM-then quantum mechanics.  LHC and Fermi Lab chicago.  Texas was too expensive for a LHC during Vietnam war.  B-anti-matter in LHC?  JW-can hold in magnetic bottle.  Star Trek Enterprise amount? JW-copius amount maybe in another method. Classical vacuum take everything out.  B-anti-protons, positrons = explosion? BM-energy.

49:14.323 music: star trek tv;  B-why not more members for AU?  many listeners TT-millions on internet.  B-trojan asteroids?  CM-occulations  TT-how many looking at same occultations? CM-up to 80, but usually just a few.  B-billions of rocks?  how to nail one?  CM-100Ks know.  TT-only in belt?  CM-also near earth objects.  CM-trojans in same orbit as planet BM-lagrange point. B-Ceres, dwarf planet.  B-wrap up hour outreaches, Museum, Westmont. CM-Cachuma in July. JW-Neil Degrasse Tyson, Physics not a belief system.
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