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Author Topic: 180122 KZSB SBAU radio show Baron, JW, CM, BM, TT 55 minutes  (Read 2104 times)


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180122 KZSB SBAU radio show Baron, JW, CM, BM, TT 55 minutes
« on: January 27, 2018, 01:39:56 PM »

180122 KZSB SBAU radio show Baron, JW, CM, BM, TT 55 minutes attached

00:00.000  TT Baron Style section of paper
01:44.533 Jerry barber
02:44.206 Baron theory on speed vs. limits, bulb-outs
06:22.725 intros, Adrian

08:10.785  9am show start music, Carl Sagan quote wait, intros, SBAU 1st Fri meets, planetarium show, speaker, then eat!  BruceM, AdrianL astrophysics summer science, orbits;  BruceM, orbit talk in Dec, set up scope; JW-scope 25W bulb left in backyard. CM-acromat 2 lense refractor JW, catadioptrics.  SBMNH 2nd Sat Star party.  SkyGlow vs Camino marketplace.  JW-show Sun Astro day.  JW-toddler at telescope difficult to see thru eyepiece BM-moon light on face.  CM-winter lots of objects to see in night sky.  TT-Valentines show at planetarium, Feb 10.  B-want to see Huygens landing on Titan, 17min landing, CM-condensed from 2.5 hrs.  B-rocks of ice, shadow of parachute.  TT-oceans JW-hydrocarbons  TT-spacesuit -281F  JW-suck heat away quickly challenging suit.  B-coldest place in solar system, CM-crater on moon.  B-Mercury poles? 564-1290

21:04.558 music:  BM joining us on phone, Carl Sagan quote: contemplation of cosmos.  BM-have a CS book.  B-now Degrass Tyson. JW-$30K/visit.  echoes?  TT-2nd Sat, 3rd Fri Westmont, Tele Tues, Los Flores Ranch Park?  CM-Palmer road smelled like petroleum.  B-Thatcher school obs, TT-good to have other scopes as well.  JW-BM rewired SBMNH Palmer Obs grounds. bad grnd may corrupt data.  now will reset programs. MikeC w/ BM electr eng reset software needed.  B-Museum Obs is down so some light pollution blocked.  JW-trees help and hurt view. B-hard to Vandenberg launches w/ trees.  JW-balcony at home as good view.  BM-bluffs at IV give good view.  B-anyone built Obs? JW-all the time. CM-roll off roofs.  B-cold?  JW-SB not bad.  BM-I wear ski clothes.  8 inch C8 telescope.  better than Westmont obs.  CM-focus may be bad in obs. B-Q: Galileo, 2 lenses Jw-2inch, now only mirrors? JW-no both types.  B-Hubble has lid on it TT-8ft diameter mirror, .  BM-weight of refractor lenses are very heavy.  CM-catadioptric has a front glass to prebend light for color correction.  adaptive optics.  Music: star of gas

33:28.989  music: as a spaceship flys, endless space, strong embrace of black hole, the engine dies...  B-where to take a bus trip?  CM-CCAS took trip to Mt Wilson, used telescope, price? JW-used to live near there as a kid. B-Hale? JW-Hubble used the telescope. B-dark matter back then? JW-if he knew Fritz Zwicky.  determined missing mass.  B-how calc 4M mass of galaxy BH?  CM-stars orbiting around it. TT-event horizon telescope?  CM-radio telescope. TT-$1000/ 1/2 night 60" telescope at Mt. Wilson.  $2700 for !/2 night 100" scope.  music: Star Trek enterprise...been a long time...see my dreams come alive...not going to hold me down...faith of the heart...

41:00.697  music:  friends of the soul... B-pres of local organ society BM-just had newcomers club, typ. 2nd Sat morning at Arlington, about 170 members.  B-let us combine clubs BM-would raise average age. B-June party? potluck JW-skip meeting.  CM-June 1, 2018.  B-once I get JW picture, Life section pic.  Astro types dont join clubs?  JW-in context, we have Messier Marathon contest in March, faint fuzzy objects. Comets, Astronomers got paid for finding comets by royalty as they foretold events.  Usu show the public.  halley comet, 76 yrs.  In March, all 110 objects could be found from sunset to sunrise.  B-lady has a list.  JW-may be a mistake in list CM-M40.  BM-has 110 pics of them.  B-southern hemisphere? CM-Caldwell list.  local group JW-some galaxies coming together.  B-Andromeda, 4B yrs, do not actually hit?  TT-big rubber band btw us.

49:51.829 music Gato Barberari Europa.  B-reopening freeway today Jan22 (actually a day earlier).  TT-hydromulch. B-Chia pet.  global warming TT-CO2 up 33% in last hundred years.  B-170 members.  BM-Organ society meets at open console 2nd Sat.  B-Hal Conklin?  BM-not often, like Dale Loudermilk for SBAU.  B-what to look at? TT-constellation, early evenings. JW-Blue Comet BM-mag13.  B-all comets regular? JW-no  B-jupiter stucks up some space debris? CM-works like two edge sword.  B- music   TT-telescope workshops Tuesday nights.
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