250131 SBAU and member telescopes & accessories for sale Steven Faulstich Celestron Telescope CPC Deluxe HD 8 Inch system $1850 https://santabarbara.craigslist.org/pho/d/santa-barbara-celestron-telescope-cpc/7819221683.html David Grossman Celestron 6” SE goto telescope, starbright XLT coating, system $1700 https://santabarbara.craigslist.org/for/d/summerland-incredible-celestron/7819157933.html other SBAU equipment for sale for your donation, call Tom Totton 805-980-7832, cell: Meade 8" SCT F6.3 with Celestron Advanced GT mount - $800 very good Meade 5" Maksutov system - $350 very good Sky-Watcher AllView mount S20150 - $150 can hold 6# for panning, not sure if ever used beyond demo.