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Author Topic: June 2016 planning meeting notes attached  (Read 8061 times)


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June 2016 planning meeting notes attached
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:48:24 AM »

Please review the attached June 2016 planning meeting notes Word doc and comment.  Let us know how you can help the club!
Thanks, Tom Totton

Let's see what happens when I paste the text from the Word doc into this message (color text does not show):

June 11, 2016 SBAU Planning Meeting (2nd Sat) NOTES 6-730pm by TT [new information in red]
Attendees:  Pres:TomT, AstroMan:JavierR, VP:JerryW, Treas:ColinT, Sec:Adrians:Lopez/Conrad PastP:MikeF,RubenG,PatM,JimW,TimW Newsletter:TomW, Webmaster:PaulW, Equip:ArtH, Outr/PastP:ChuckM, TeleW:TimC, PastO:EdgarO, Refreshments:Martin/JanetM;Other:BruceM ChrisL, Victoria, ZakD, BobR,; Facebook: Sonja Rodriquez; Twitter:TomT. "Astronomy Service club" Please join Forum! ---Museum CEO: keep noise down for neighbors…out of parking lot by 10:30pm (11pm May-Aug?). 

Past Major Events review since last Planning Meeting:
(2nd/4th Mon) KZSB Show http://morenews.newspress.com/kzsb/radio.html CM,JW,TW (TT Forum notes)
-April 16, 2016, Sat 11a-7p: SB Earth Day $150 10x10 awning (or RG) Solar scopes (CM,TT). 400 folks!
-April 23, 2016, Sat 11a-2p: Earth Day Santa Maria Solar scopes (JW,CM,TT). 80 folks?
-May 6, 2016, 1st Friday: Karl Blasius, retired SBRS, Mars Rover missions.
-May 9, 2016, Monday, Transit of Mercury across Sun, Camino Real, Shoreline? 8-11am? (KZSB). Fog!
-May 14, 2016, Saturday, Astro Day @ Camino w/ raffle? 3p Plan Meet. Eve Star Party session at Museum.
Did not use all 60 prizes, cloudy day to start, good used telescope had 108 sign ups.
-Jun 10, 2016, 1st Friday: 630p: Potluck-34+? ~8p: Planetarium-15?, ~9p: Palmer Observatory-10?

Upcoming Major Events (see Outreach calendars, website, google, NightSkyNetwork, SBMNH):
-July 1, 2016, 1st Friday: Stephen J. Edberg, JPL, Pluto.
-July 26, 2016, Tues. RubenG planning trip Griffith Obs, SB Airbus, Quick: open immed. to Museum, SBCC.
-Aug 5, 2016, 1st Friday:  Todd Boroson, LCOGT network of telescopes.
-Sept. 2, 2016, 1st Friday:
-Sept 17, 2016: Sat Astrovaganza at Museum.
-Oct 7, 2016, 1st Friday:
Oct 28,29, 2016: SBAU campout at Cachuma, new moon.
-Nov 3, 2016, 1st Friday:
-Nov, 2016, Los Prietos Boys Camp, organized by RubenG
--Aug 21, 2017: Total Solar Eclipse; 10:20am E.Oregon? SB: start 9a, 0%,12deg; 10a max. 80%,45deg.

Past Presidents’ (MF,RG,TW,CM,PM,GB,TG,WB,CM,BB,JW):
MF-How to encourage more membership, more to outreaches, and more to volunteer as officers?
MF-Working on club promo video: Chuck and UFO’s. Logo Video done?  TT-see Minnesota club video.

President (TomT):  Retiring after 2016…plan 2017 officers!  Future Q: 7p meet; 9p planetarium or Obs?
TT-SBAU-mission statement?  “Service Club for Astronomy SB”? MM-“Entertain, Inform, Inspire all ages”
TT-Any contracts w/ SBMNH?  See past constitutions, MOU. Share $ w/ museum? Liability insurance?
TT-review officer/appointee duties, update/organize w/ current person, make monthly duty check/lists.
CM-Museum provides rooms, accting, and insurance while club provides volunteers. Other clubs pay $X?

Astronomy Manager (JavierR):  TT-JR to update AU summer monthly meetings for SBNature.org.
-SBAU shed removal by Oct 1 YES. JR-CRC area for rolling units only (4+UC2) was promised to him. 
-Obs status? JR- Rosing 100mm solar donation-not yet. JR to list equip & donor names; JW-Sky Model needed after lower shutter opening.  ADA=cameras only? JR-2 teles, 1 w/ camera will work.
-Javier says CEO-LukeS wants Astronomy to be poster child of the museum.  Need MOU w/ SBAU w/ insurance issues, background checks covered, certification on new obs & telescopes, etc. Q’s: AH-what if SBMNH gets bossy? PM-bad AstroMan? TT-Equip. donations? CM-bad SBAU Pres? TT-Vote 1/yr, recall?  JR-give him call and we can start working on it.
-Astrophoto class planned w/ JerryW, need T-rings. SBAU: make T-scope use proposals, any time.
-Planetarium show w/ Star Party $6/$3? Website says Free? JR-future pay at door.  CT-put out donation box.
JR-Near future: Daily Obs visits 2pm w/ Solar or CM-bright planets.
JR-MOXI thinking Star Party (but bouncy roof area); Museum partnership?, partial solar eclipse?.

VP-Programs (JerryW):  -see spreadsheet for upcoming speakers and honorarium gifts to be given.
-speaker bio/topic advertising to webmaster, newsletter, no later than 20th of month, but earlier better.
JW-several requests for speakers, but “No” from JHJones, Polchinsky, Howell, Todd Hurt
Possible Speakers: JR-Mike Bennett, PhD A-P.  CM-Dr. Rus Belikov, Moffitt SF, past SBAU member.  TT-RTMC speakers?  [Board OK’d up to $200/speaker (depends on factors). TT-offer tax write-off receipt?]

Secretarys (Adrian: Conrad&Lopez):  TT-Facebook access? Contact w/ JR-will provide pw.
JimW- https://www.facebook.com/Wheelchair-Accessible-Telescope-207735975936051/
-number of members & paid?  AL-159 members CT-(31 free), +2life +4 comp. 4-5 do not have email. 20 free outreachers, ~30 due, review periodically. 50 friends/past speakers get meeting notifications only. 
MM-Have club issue Year (5,10, etc.) pins? Need cost estimate. $3ea? Maybe modify existing SBAU pin? CT-will ask / determine “join” date first (see old lists?).  May add special interest column for members (photo, etc)
TT- Historian events/meetings? Who can add to history of club? CM-past newsletters—who has <2007?
TT-SBAU Lanyard w/ 2-sided nametags instead of monthly sticker printing?  JR-$ Museum?, see photo.

Treasurer (ColinT):  Fed Grand Jury duty 1/wk next 6 months
Acct:  $2600, 4/1/16 per museum sheet.  --Are we 501(C)3 w/ Museum?  JW-SBAU budget worksheet?
TT-monthly spreadsheet? SBMNH bookkeeper, 24th of month. copy to President. JR- ask Pam Beckely.
TW-will see if Museum can reduce number of acct #s from 3 to 2 or 1.  Is Bacara money being rec’d?
TT-need Treasurer to pass on SBAU Store item request sheet w/ stuff to sell at meetings?
TT-need to do monthly Store inventory.  Get costs and Offer other color clothing items, long sleeve shirts, polos, etc.  15oz Coffee mugs; 3”&1” Color logo Stickers (give to members), Patches, Pins?
TT-Museum membership# ($65, incl: 25 CA museums free) =$10 disc for SBAU 2017. Approved!
TT-Astro Day dinner receipt $227 OK?

Outreach (ChuckM): 
-Set monthly dark sky get-togethers?  Gun Club#changes, call CMcP; Figueroa?  TT>google SBAU calendar.
-Astro on Tap SB, usually 1st Wed 409 State M8RX, LCOGT per Iair Arcavi. July 27 next one.
CM-June-Sept Thur(Bacara), Fri(Westmont+Refugio), Sat(Parks) all taken.    CM-Audubon raffle winner has not claimed a $300 outreach yet.

Webmaster (PaulW) issues (pages, forum, email):  PW-teach VP/Pres how to modify webpages using the free MS Expression Web 4.
TT-see telescope articles http://www.centralcoastastronomy.org/catagory/ourmembers/ .
TT-SBAU Forum can be used for articles like this.  We should write ourselves up and post there.

Newsletter (TomW/Chuck):  newsletters out before 1st of month for Secretary copying/ addressing/ mailing.
TT-need other writers: constellation of month, star hopping, meeting summaries.
PW: use forum to post longer versions of articles that do not fit newsletter! 
42 32 mailed = $21 16/mo, + 100 printed (b/w) = $30/mo. 4 members w/o email. Rest > outreaches.
TT-Add telescope workshop, TimC contact info to newsletter and calendar.

Equipment manager (ArtH) & Sales Coordinator (PaulW):  Need more shed large telescope operators!
TT-Shed must be cleared by OCT 1; start ASAP to clear unused items; make list w/ AH. Broken C8?
PW-donated stuff usually has 2wk leeway for >1yr members, 10-20% off est. street $s. 
-What is sold, for sale, & prices?  Meade 2080? 2120? Eyepieces? Big Red Odessey 13” Dobsonian? JW friend, George Chapman, C8 and SBIG ST-7 camera donation?  TT will ask Paul for pricing & sales status.
JR-Shipman 29” mirror. TT-SBAU Facebook inquiry 6-11-16.  Is museum putting $ into SBAU accts?
-UC2/NexStar 8SE: needs levelers w/ tires.  Check if Cig lighter cord & A/C adapter? JimW made h/c signs.
JR-Celestron 11” w/ Museum sticker by Steve Schmidt but donated to SBAU. Museum does not use.

Telescope (& Astrophoto, etc.) workshop (TimC,TomW,JerryW):
-Nearly every Tuesday 730-9p, Broder Building.  Future: Obs practice & using large SBAU rolling telescopes?

Refreshment Coord (Janet/MartinM): retiring from duty by Jan, 2017
Providers= July: PatMcP?  Aug:___?  Janet wants rest of year..NO!  Please ask for volunteers!
TT-Suggested snack list (cookies, cake, etc.) for providers? Remind of $25 refund. Museum kitchen is off-limits, snacks must be easy to clean up.  -JM/MM listed Holiday Dinner venues, prices:  High Sierra Grill chosen for Dec 8, 6pm open menu, seating, no advance$.  TT-no gift exchange: Astro gifts (or +$20?) to Unity House, Toys for Tots? Recognition of community service?                             Excellent work by everyone!
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