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Author Topic: 170911 KZSB radio SBAU show Baron JW CMcP TT BM 9-10am 2nd Monday  (Read 2316 times)


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170911 KZSB radio SBAU show Baron JW CMcP TT BM 9-10am 2nd Monday
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:36:04 PM »

170911 KZSB radio SBAU show Baron JW CMcP TT BM 9-10am 2nd Monday

00:00.000 B-564-1290, AU guys coming in ~830am
00:27.500 music: Doors B-flashback to last night CM-7a huge gully washer TT-lightening, but use earplugs B-hurricanes on Jupiter, want to talk about water surges.  Bahamas areas water was pushed away.  TT-also along Florida coast. B-surge is new term. Wind is counter-clockwise. West Florida, first part of storm pushes water out to sea.  TT-wind ahead of eye was pushing water out to west. CM-low psi in eye has effect. B-Hello Jerry, minutes ready?  JW-low psi causes moisture to condense out of the air. B-what happens on Neptune?  The great red spot? JW-never found a satisfying answer.  B-losing Juno, like Cassini? JW-yes.  CM-last orbit. no camera images, no time to send image data.  TT-folks living in clouds of Saturn will be harmed.  B-break up? CM-burn up, but dipping into rings on last passes.  B-Saturn lighter than water, we need a big bathtub to put it in.  TT-but what happens when you pull it out? CM-it leaves a big ring!  B-we wont talk about Uranus.
07:35.221 Earth-Sky Milky Way will collide in 4B yrs w Andronmeda, mutual pull of gravity and dark matter between them.  Long ago, A encountered another galaxy, M33, Triangulum Gal, they can see trail of gas between them.
09:05.639  Donny, AU finest minds here, not including Tom  TT-alrighty then D-dont let him pick on you
09:40.013 CM-rainbow, orange B-cards to scratch off for free gas.  CM-TomW has classes, special relativity.
12:12.131 B-call up Holst Saturn? TT-Mars, Jupiter exciting. B-great speakers at AU meetings, send your kids, free food.  TT-Saturday Astrovaganza was good. B-construction at Museum. CM-ADA walkways.  B-so much going on at Museum.  Planetarium, Observatory, star parties. 

15:07.484 music:  B-intros TT, JW, CMcP astrophysics front and center of all the sciences CM-+biology B-chemistry JW-Astrovaganza speaker TT-Phil Lubin, Rothman, B-postage stamp sized missions JW-pushed by phased locked lasers B-like Ruby lasers TT-coherent light? JW-yes, stimulated electrons waiting to fall down, all fall at once CM-like lemmnigs JW-  B-  TT-how does photons stick together in narrow beam?  JW-in phase B-mirrors on moon? JW-corner cubes B-pointers red aimed at helicopters?  CM-green JW-now Blu-ray light, data more compacted on disk, UCSB prof got Nobel prize.  JW-postage stamp size, camera, transmitter, bugs in back seat.  B-how can signal get back to earth?  Armada?  CM-several every day JW-thousands at a time.  TT-biologist Dr. Hoffman was to see how life in space works JW-worms, aliens will want deworming medicine. freeze dried bugs. TT-should do this w humans.  JW-Cassini burn up in Saturn to prevent contaminating other moons.  B-no one on phone, Dupree call in! TT-Mom, call in!

25:49.980 music: "once I had enuf mass, i became a star of gas" B-AU name since? CM-1983 or 5  TT-joined 2009 JW-early 2000's. B-how to get more kids to join CM-kids get cars, friends, school as distractions. JW-retirement. Some speakers are professors and students come in to talks.  We keep speakers at public level, no math.  B-AdrianL is VP, 17 at DP. B-Cassini speaker, how long to get to Saturn? CM-7years B-so 20 to Proxima is doable CM-hard to keep staff on project that long. B-Huygens probe dropped on Titan. CM-Huygens discovered rings and Titan going around Saturn.  Titan bigger than Mercury.  JW-atmosphere 1.5x earths. smog atmosphere, methane ethane.  TT-rockets to drop probe?  JW-heat shield.  B-video shows shadow of parachute as it lands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huygens_(spacecraft) .   B-Voyager 1  TT-interstellar space 140AU, JW-hyperbolic orbit never will return.  B-looking at dwarf planets? planet 9 TT-20xEmass, TT-now a planet 10 also.
music: timeless night 1609 Galileo used his telescope for very first time...

38:36.137 music: got my telescope w me, just wait to you see on the shoulders of giants, we'll see beyond.  B-AU tidy little club, run by JW, was TT, real leader is CM, 200 nights a year B-Bacara now will be owned by Ritz Carlton. 2nd Sat star parties  BM on phone, BM-just checked wife flight to Atlanta, looks on time. [30s missing] B-Qs do we know the direction of hurricanes in north?  JW-counterclockwise.  B-storm surge, Bahama water retreated.  BM-beach is shallow at Bahamas.  CM- on Navy cruiser betw islands and they are very low. B-various size hurricanes, more coming  BM-map for 2100 Florida shows tip of Florida disappearing, coastal cities disappear.  BM-Florida described by one #95, 95deg, 95humidity B-and highway 95. 

45:52.909  music: 2001 Strauss, B-intros need it darker in Farrand, but may not see speaker TT-need light at lecturn.  B-Saturn Cassini speaker TT-Bonnie Buriatti JPL  BM-cannot see from Earth the moons of Saturn  B-send bugs to Titan?  TT-yes, terraform moons  JW-Mars, just warm it up, and we know how to do that!  B-Mars moons one will go away and one will crash.  B-Mercury locked? BM-2/3 resonance (59 day rotation vs. 88 day orbit)  B-all bodies planets effect the thing they are orbiting BM common center of mass in Sun for Jupiter.  JW-linear sum of circles for each planets, used to find exoplanets, and doppler effect on light.  B-?  JW-radio hands...think of kids on teeter-totter for balance point as center of gravity.  B-Alpha Centauri is 3 star system  CM-two stars orbit each other, 1 small around both of them. B-fal into ea other?  JW-some systems will do that.  B-no dark sky at Proxima?  JW-all 3 stars could be on one side.  B-Starshot Breakthru mission, how to steer craft?  TT-something does tilt craft.  JW-will shoot laser from back side of moon to avoid hitting earth.  B-events coming up?  CM-Telescope Workshop, Westmont  JW-got a Questar from Sat star party.

56:31.663 music: black hole B-someone very sick came up with this.  B-Sat speaker, I wish I made that, how often?  TT-only Astrovaganza  B-Matrix bar and Sci pub.  JW-Baron on for December to ask Qs, B-present case.  B-Friday end of Cassini  TT-can we see it from Westmont?  B-see the rings  CM-Cassini has great pictures  30ft thick rings.  BM-Encelladus in E ring.  TT-do not cry for Cassini..BM-do not forget theater organ Society open console...
1:01:11.270  end
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