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Author Topic: 180312 SBAU radio KZSB 1290AM Baron JW CM AdrianL 2nd Monday  (Read 7744 times)


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180312 SBAU radio KZSB 1290AM Baron JW CM AdrianL 2nd Monday
« on: March 15, 2018, 12:02:41 PM »

180312 KZSB SBAU radio show Baron JW CM AdrianL terrible transcript/notes:

00:00.000 B-brain trust guys coming in, except TomT and maybe CMcP
00:07.545 B-waiting for guys to show
00:59.652 CM is in; talk to Donny
02:00.010 Richard Dugan daylight savings time discussion, Ben Franklin? CM-doesn't buy you anything.
05:41.798 AdrianL shows up
05:50.050 Earth/Sky true polar wander, not mag field or plate tectonics. very small motion, geophyical theory, volcano may cause imbalance, causing land to shift in latitude.  Earth outer layers shift 0.2% every 1 million years?
07:19.724 B-what shall we talk about? losing VP AL-school excuse, would be programming in engineering class. Booking speakers AL-April has been booked.  JW-some speakers wait until last min.  Isabel Lipartito, UCSB

09:51.014 music: Carl Sagan show. B-bought a patch from Pat. TT-doing planetarium shows. B-our future is leaving us, AdrianL, why not others from HS coming to shows?  AL-usu busy on Friday nights.  applied to CalTech in fall, wrote essays.  AL-major not declared until after Freshman year, but likely Physics. B-schedule already? AL-not until Fall.  B-China space station, CM-Chang deng one, coming down. 30x10ft cylinder. B-need those 2001 rotating artificial gravity stations. JW-high risk connections.  B-was 2001 turning too fast? JW-depends on size.  B-AL-interests?  Cosmology. B-Gravitational lensing, last meeting, CM-using the Sun to bend light.  JW-General Relativity tested that way. AL-from JPL speakers bureau.

19:28.510 music: fuzzy classical.  B-welcome back to SBAU hour.  JW, CM, AL - DPHS physics Miller.  using Algebra, not calculus. JW-we used slide rule. B-any fractals? AL-we use graphing calculators.  JW-exponents in logarithms  AL-3yrs math required in HS.  B-do they use tablets for school. AL-sometimes, but tests, just use graphing calculators. B-are daily news astronomy topics brought up in class?  AL-yes, she was good about that.  B-geo  CM-very deep earth diamond mineral found.  and another form of ice trapped inside the diamond.  B-gases on earth become metals under deep pressure like on Jupiter.  CM-metal usu means conducting electricity.  B-Adrian, what is coming up.  AL-next speaker on MKID (Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector) w/ Ben Mazin at UCSB. ... B-Hubble on last legs, JW-James Webb is next one.  CM-rocket on Hubble to bring it down, but think it should be boosted so Smithsonian can go get it one day. JW-10-12microns, infrared, we look like bright light bulbs in this room.  JW-space telescopes compete with adaptive optics big telescopes on earth.  B-always new stuff to see.

33:00.054 music: Chariots of the Gods instrumental.  CM-cat on Pat's forehead.  AL-will come back to talk B-you did Orbits, also Bruce.  JW-Bruce, Farshad did solar system orbits over a long time period.  B-pics from Cassini show flat rings around Saturn, why not a close up of a water crystal? CM-too dangerous  JW-Shepard moons help arrange rings.  B-gravity should pull rings into Saturn? CM-velocity keeps pieces in rings.  JW-Roche limit tidal forces pull the particles apart.  Stable orbits.  CM-all the gas giants have rings.  B-asteroids have moons? Cm-many.  AL-Roche limit explanation.  B-tidally locked?  JW-similar CM-Roche limit explanation again, distance btw light objects vs. denser. B-Adrian, meet Mike Brown at JPL?  AL-Kuiper belt. CM-IAU might call 140 objects as planets at next definition.

41:59.826 music: was a calm and cloudless night...1609 Galileo used his tele for very 1st time...  B-AU meeting April, 1st Friday.  AL-usu 4 yrs at CalTech.  B-Mike Brown class? AL-probably.  B-join SBAU.org TomT does meetings tech in back.  SBMNH hard to get into during construction.  B-no displays of astronomical stuff, but there is on left side entering planetarium. JW-some museums have beehives inside walls. Chad is whales name. B-updates:  Cassini, Juno around Jupiter wide orbit because CM-radiation intensity around Jupiter, 11x dia of earth.  CM-radiation is particles trapped in its magnetic field.  B-Pluto mission? CM-going for MUxxxx by Jan, 2019.  Voyagers 140AU away.  CM-kuiper belt is disk like, Oort cloud is more spherical shell around solar system.  B-is our star typical? JW-yes for now.  B-AL staying at JPL?  AL-student housing.  JW-danger of doing homework at last minute in class...some day it might require more time.  CM-outreaches listing  Astro Day April 21.  music: Gato europa

52:59.373  music: Chariots  B-Adrian what is exciting coming up?  AL-James Webb  JW-operational team runs 24/7 B-what to see?  CM-edge of universe stuff.  B-galaxies leaving us?  CM-space expanding between objects higher than speed of light for far away objects.  visible edge is Cosmic Microwave background radiation.  Aerospace.org Corbs for orbital debris, relating to china's space station.  JW-hard to predict.  music:star trek enterprise
55:52.276 end of show
« Last Edit: March 15, 2018, 03:15:45 PM by TomT »
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