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Author Topic: 180611 KZSB SBAU radio 2nd Monday Baron, JW, CM, TW, TT Asterisms etc  (Read 7813 times)


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180611 KZSB SBAU radio hour Baron, JW, CM, TW, TT crumby notes, download attached audio file to listen in.

00:00.000  JW-Nasa found organic compounds on Mars that might indicate life once existed there.  Also a fluctuation in atmospheric methane in different seasons.  B-JPL organic molecules, means was from living organisms.
01:33.687  be right back
01:46.862 Money: craig allen, TT - SpaceX as a good investment? B-Boring Co tunnels? Trump Singapore G7 1-805-898-1400.   Risden B's dentist
07:56.404  Earth/Sky Pandas food and climate change
09:26.187  B- JW-back on air TT-program on Polo Wednesday? like Croquet?  JW-crossword puzzle says only played right handed.  B-lots of questions.  What today for Astrophysics?  Mars? CM-mudstone.  B-Blueberries? CM-magnetite, lots of iron.  B-joined now by TomW bringing bread...off for the summer at Westmont? TW-fresh baked.  B-this was found on Mars?  TW-baking bread for the summer.  Went to Ojai music festival, director female violinist, orch from Moldova (next to Romania).  jazzy bit. went Thurs, Fri, Sunday.  missed SBAU potluck.  Bread to CM since they brought cookies to Tues telescope workshop.

15:04.501 music: it was a calm and cloudless night...1609 Galileo.  B-where did you get? CM- web Astro Capella.  Intros, CM, JW, TW, Westmont grades last May 9, TT.  B-relationship to local observatories? CM-volunteer arm for Museum, no pay.  JW-several worked on tweaking telescope. CM-closed recently due to construction.  B-nice pathways.  B-What dept runs Westmont Obs? TW-Physics, 200yds away. B-how to decide whre to put Obs?  TW-best place would have been tennis courts where previous scope was.  CM-baseball folks wanted to paint Westsmont  obs black, but that would have been worse for heat.  TW-I wanted to put up net.  CM-sprinklers. B-take students over to obs? TW-yes students solar and variable star work.  B-most lectures electrical?  TW-person retired on electrical circuits, so happy to take over. B-grand time at planetarium at Museum by TT. B-July meeting, Julian Nott to talk about balloons, July 6.  TW-Sky & Telescope, naked eye astronomy articles, Venus, Mercury will be available, but low in the east.  B-will share my Q at the planetarium next. music: Gato Europa.

24:36.380 music: ?  B-back w a vengence, poss becoming vp by the end of the year. TT, TW, JW, CM.  TW-June S&T mag, asterisms to view w/ naked eye.  Big Dipper, just a part of Ursa Major. Summer Triangle belongs to 3 constellations.  3 leaps of the Gazelle, the paws of Ursa Major, three pairs of stars have Arabic names.  CM-poke hole in bottom of dipper and it drips onto Leo.  B-Mr. Trotter sent story on double doubles, CM-those were eclipsing pairs, all gravitationally related.  JW-fairly easy gravitational calculations. B-wish I could show what you are doing with your fingers.  B-supposedly our solar system came from group of dust,  how to get two stars?  CM-see Jupiter.  JW-turbulences in disks, swirls condense.  B-how many asterisms?  CM-huge # if going telescopic.  B-planets on ecliptic? CM-projection of our orbit into the Sun.  JW-planet X possibly.  CM-may argue that it does not exist also.  B-Neptune CM-plane widens farther from Sun.  TT-Pluto way off, so Dwarf Planet.  B-New Horizons.  JW-high reliability, fewer parts, reaction wheels.  CM-just woke up New Horizon for next object.  B-also MakeMake out there?  CM-yes.  B-not on itinerary.  B-asteroid belt, kuiper belt, Oort all the same?  CM-more ice away from Sun.  B-Oort cloud, typical of most stars.  JW-may be another star will pass thru within a few years.  music star trek enterprise tv show...not gonna hold me down

38:15.490 music: as a spaceship flies, thru the endless void, black hole..and the engine died... B-SBAU hour, 93M miles, give or take, 2or3%.  TW-coming up on Solstice. newsletter. TT-RubenG info on Cal Sci Center.  TT-what is TNO? CM-trans neptunian object.  beyond Neptune, incl kuiper, scattered disk, oort.  B-Jupiter gravity JW-12x TW-sun 30x.  JW-stand on Jup, everything pulls on you.  but inside, pull evens out.  JW-drill a hole all the way thru the earth and jump in, you weigh nothing at center of earth (no air resistance for fall).  TW-90 min to go thru, just like orbiting earth.  B-Jules Verne story.  all the gold in the middle of earth? CM-Juno mission says Jupiter is not that concentrated in the core.  B-radar? CM-gravitational pull. B-how long will Juno orbit? CM-53 day orbit.  JW-if they lose fuel or lose funding, they will crash it into Jupiter.  B-intelligent life orbiting earth?  how do you know? TT-I love Lucy broadcasts. music: same

46:54.671 music: once i had enuf of a mass, i became a star of gas...B-from CM collection of silly songs of the cosmos. CM-Westmont 3rd Friday, ...etc events.  B-telescope clubs up Calif? CM-y.  JW-any events related to Mars. CM-Mars opposition end of July, best might be Refugio.  Cachuma events.  B-Lisa Osborn met at campout
TT-go to sbau.org events page.  B-looking for Ibrahim giving poem on bus to Cal Sci Center trip.  July 6 1st Fri meeting.  7p sharp planetarium show.  JW-thinking of Capital Steps show.  B-200x events year? CM-about that.  B-star party? CM-about 80 people.  B-SBAU blanket? CM-$20-25  B-TT doing food...TT-Cezanne doing most of the work.   music: helium...

56:17.605  music: burning so fast...B-going to see Dr Lance Boil.  B-SBAU best club name. B-groups? TT-ASP, CM-Western, AL TT: NSN? CM-night sky network.  B-asterisms seen against club purpose? JW-we look at anything up there.  made flashcards of constellations as a kid.  TW-coathanger  B-learned about Leonids meteor shower  TT-Tuttle comet debris CM-Swift-/Tuttle.  B-what TW doing this summer? TW-banjo, electronics.  TT-banned our electronic music at museum potluck, maybe have banjo?  B-Holst Mars only one that is loud enuf.  B-what talk at home?  JW-wife wants car in garage...208inches avail, car is 200in.
01:03:18.382 end

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