180813 KZSB SBAU radio show poor notes, using VLC to record stream
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Baron Ron Herron, JerryW, ChuckMcP, RubenG by phone
00:00.000 B-heck of a deal, $10, half full a/c SB Airbus, leave Museum of Natural History by 8am, Science Museum, has Endeavor, King Tut is extra,
01:26.841 TomT not coming in
02:02.805 bus trip and sept astrovangza
03:42.218 JW, Donny, CM
06:13.678 Parker solar probe
06:43.502 KZSB
07:32.331 earth sky advert
08:10.050 what to talk about, 8sec, solar probe
08:38.997 music: Gato Europa. B-after viewing meteors all night. CM, outreach; JW-back from class reunion, Pat seemed most popular of 600 people in class, 200 showed up. B-spouses loneliest people in world at reunion. JW-people were very friendly, did not break up in clics. Van Horn HS, Independence Mo. CM-Pat San Marcos grad. jw-august dog days, sun in canis major CM-Sirius. doldrums. brh-sept 7, 8 1st Fri meet, Astrovangza at Museum, solar scopes, plan meet, star party. Sept 10 radio show. CM-solar cycle CM-but quiet phase, 11 or 22 yr cycle. brh-Parker (91yr old physicist) solar probe, what for? CM-corona, why 1.5MKelvin, what is energy transport, maybe micro flares, magnetic reconnections? corona is not dense. B-trajetory, gravity assist? CM-downhill B-elliptical like jupiter juno. B-carbon used CM-peak around shield JW-hide behind the shield and side away from Sun is cold to dump heat. CM-Sun is 880,000miles in dia. B-Mercury hot B-hard to get signal back, sun noise on signal? CM-directed beam back. B-how long in space? B-postponed, but up next day. Webb is postponed years. Earth shadow on Webb? CM-not likely, in Lagrangian point. B-nice blankets geing sold. music: Gato Europa. JW-seats avail? CM-30, M&J might get 3 more. music: Gato- Europa.
18:47.466 music: Galileo used his telescope for the very first time. RubenG-called B-interview Q's to Ruben about Calif Sci Center trip. CM-looked at meteors of Perseid shower last night, seem to originate from Perseus constellation. JW-comet orbit Sun and leave dust behind the Earth runs into. Leonids from Leo. Halley's comet leaves trail the Orionids. B-what size reaches the earth surface? JW-Chelybinisk CM-60ft across. B-how to take photo of meteors? B-some people can hear sizzling? B-where were you looking at meteors? CM-end of west camino Music: strong embrace of a black hole (Kazoo playing).
32:11.253 music: star trek, faith of the heart. B-TT will do planetarium, like CM. B-love to see Huygens probe landing, Cassini mission. hits Titan atmosphere CM-heat shield. B-Europa is another one, more water there. B-Huygens took time to float down w/ parachute. JW-pics taken in diff directions Cm-rocks looked like they had been eroded by water. B-Juno will crash into Jupiter, like Cassini into Saturn? JW-Juno trying to get under clumps of radiation in Jupiter mag belts. B-four forces: Strong nuclear JW-binds quarks to form protons, Weak nuclear JW-holds nucleus of atom together, electromagnetism, and gravity. B-my brain in mid of night, why 0-186Kmps instantly photons? B-photons do not need to be pushed? CM-self pushed, generated B-will next speaker talking about quantum physics be appreciated.
CM-bartender says we do not serve your type around here, then a tachyon walks into the bar. music: Gato: Europa
42:10.657 music: it was a calm and cloudless night, summertime 1609.. B-galileo looked at meteors? CM-if summertime, must be looking at Perseids. JW-i use chaise lounge. JW-LaGrange points. Webb telescope. several pts around the earth 5pts, Sun-Earth 1 & 2, ahead and behind, pts 3&4,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_point Hubble failures cannot be fixed by Shuttle missions anymore.
B-what are deep fields? JW-photos taken by space telescopes. 110 messier objects, depending on political views.
"B- visit Cal Sci Center, show up Museum by 8am $10. music: Once I had enuf mass, I became a star of gas, firery blast.
49:54.684 music: Gato B-Perseids? CM-go on 2wks either side of peak. 3rd Fri at Westmont, Cachuma, 3rd Tues at Camino, Thurs 23, 30, sept 2 at Bacara. Sept 1 wed carp. Sept 7 meeting, Sept 8 Sat: Astrovangza, star party...etc. B-$20 for two tomorrow trip. how to become a member? CM-www.sbau.org B-Prof Wm Van Damme next meeting, two places at once? CM-superposition.
54:22.223 end