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Author Topic: 220107 Draft SBAU - SBMNH MOU Agreement by President JerryW  (Read 1248 times)


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220107 Draft SBAU - SBMNH MOU Agreement by President JerryW
« on: January 08, 2022, 09:28:49 AM »

Download the Word doc attachment to this topic to see a properly formatted and with highlighted modifications from the 14 July 2017 Agreement.

Here is President Jerry's draft in plain text without the formatting and without highlighted changes:

AGREEMENT between the
Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit
and the
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
14 July 2017
Updated 28 June 2021

Whereas the Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit (SBAU) was founded in 1984 with a mission to inform its members and the general public about astronomy and to promote awareness of astronomy related events and activities in and around Santa Barbara County; and

Whereas as an essential part of its mission to inspire a passion for the natural world, the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (“SBMNH” and “Museum”) provides a robust space sciences program consisting of exhibitions, a Planetarium, an Observatory, and numerous programs for both school groups and adult visitors,

Whereas the SBAU and SBMNH have worked in close collaboration to promote interest and education in astronomy. 

Therefore, the SBAU and SBMNH agree to memorialize their collaboration in this Agreement.

SBAU agrees to:

•   Serve as an affiliated organization of SBMNH and inform the Museum of its planned educational and outreach activities.
•   Provide workshops, star parties and other educational activities (as listed in the next section and amended from time to time as agreed to by both organizations) both on and off the Museum campus as an affiliated organization and include the Museum name and logo on promotional fliers and event signage as agreed to by the representatives of the SBAU and SBMNH.
•   When on the Museum campus, comply with all conditions outlined in the Museum’s Conditional Use Permit and other agreements that have been negotiated between the Museum and the City of Santa Barbara. Particular attention will be given to the hard stop of all programs and activities by 10:30 p.m. and all participants shall vacate the site by 11:00 p.m.; and to ensuring a low noise level be maintained by SBAU members and guests on the Museum’s grounds both during programs and when leaving the site.
•   Both on and off Museum property, comply with all rules for staff and volunteers and with SBMNH standards of conduct developed to ensure an excellent visitor experience. SBMNH will provide the necessary guidelines to SBAU.
o   In order to ensure the safety of minors and all of the public the SBAU interacts with and fulfil the requirements of the Museum’s insurance policy, all SBAU outreach volunteers shall review and sign the Museum’s Volunteer handbook and Code of Conduct, as well as pass the standard background check that the Museum uses for other volunteers.
•   Both on and off Museum property, comply with all health and safety rules adopted by the Museum, including taking all necessary preventative actions against infectious diseases.

SBMNH agrees to:

•   Serve as the home and sponsor of the SBAU
•   Assign a member of its professional staff (typically this is the Museum’s Astronomy Programs staff member) as the primary liaison with the SBAU and their designated liaison.
•   Serve as the fiscal agent for the SBAU, provide accounting for SBAU funds, receive and disperse funds on behalf of, and as directed by, the SBAU in accordance with the Museum’s policies related to its service as a fiscal agent.
•   Extend the Museum’s liability insurance coverage for all SBAU events held on or off Museum property. With advanced notice, SBMNH will work with its insurance broker to provide copy of insurance policy, referencing the scope of coverage.
•   Provide real and virtual space at the Museum for various SBAU meetings and activities as mutually agreed to at no cost. Currently SBAU activities that take place at the Museum include:
o   Dedicated, secure storage space for SBAU telescopes and equipment; The Museum will keep keys to access this secure space in the event of an emergency.
o   Monthly telescope building workshop
o   Monthly business meeting of the SBAU
o   Use of the Observatory and adjacent plaza for monthly Star Parties open to the public at no cost
o   Annual membership for virtual meeting space such as Zoom or similar services
o   Use of the Planetarium for shows as mutually agreed to by the SBAU and SBMNH
o   Other educational activities and programs which are agreed to on a case-by-case basis
•   Train and provide access to designated SBAU members so that they may operate the Marschak Telescope in the Palmer Observatory and the Digistar 5 projection system in the Gladwin Planetarium.
•   Promote SBAU activities on the Museum’s marketing and outreach materials (media, print, and digital) where possible with review by an SBAU representative before distribution.

SBAU and SBMNH further agree that:

•   Any proposed SBAU fundraising activities will be agreed to by both parties in advance.
•   Any SBMNH fundraising activities directed toward SBAU members will be discussed with an SBAU representative prior to enactment of said activities.
•   Sale of SBAU branded merchandise sold at cost to members will not require review by SBMNH.
•   Expenses associated with the repair and maintenance of dedicated SBAU storage space will be shared between the SBAU and SBMNH as agreed to on a case-by-case basis.
•   All SBAU flyers, brochures, and exhibit signage used on the SBMNH campus are subject to approval by SBMNH.
•   From time to time, disagreements may arise between the parties.  The first step in resolving disagreements will be between the individuals who have the disagreement. The final step in resolving disagreements will be between the Presidents of the two organizations.  The joint decision of the Presidents will be final.
•   On a regular basis, representatives of the two organizations will have a coordination meeting to review how the partnership and the programs are working in terms of coordination and logistics.  On a periodic basis this agreement will be reviewed and amended as needed.

Force Majeure: Both organizations understand that circumstances beyond our control may affect the ability of either party to fulfill the agreement under this MOU. 

This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of both parties.

For SBAU:   For SBMNH:

____________________   ____________________

____________________   Luke J. Swetland
   President & CEO

____________________   ____________________
Date   Date

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