SBAU Awards
2010 "Out-of-this-world" Award

To the SBAU for the UC2 Telescope and
many Outreaches.

Read all about it
Winslow's a 2020 RGO Winner!
SBAU member Winslow Barnwood, a junior at Dos Pueblos High
School in the Engineering Academy, had two of his images
shortlisted with one winning third place, ‘Highly Commended,’ in
the Royal Greenwich Observatory’s “Insight Investment
Astrophotography of the Year -- Young Competition 2020”. The
photos and award listing are shown here:
You can also see a photo of Winslow with his equipment and his
images on Edhat:
SB Co. Science Fair winner, Daniela Castleberg
, who also took
the Gold Medal and award for Best Project In It's Division
(Junior Mechanical and Earth Sciences) and will move on to the
State Finals for her project (Testing The Habitability of
Exo-Planets). What makes Daniela Castleberg (she's only in
8th grade) even more special is that she told me she was
inspired to get involved in astronomy and do this project
because of a star party the SBAU did at her school (SB JrHS) and
talking to the "astronomer" running it. She will received a
Check for $150.00 as part of her award along with a 1 Year
family membership to the SBAU.
can find out more info about the SB County Science Fair by
clicking of the following link

Henk Aling (on left) winning an award at RTMC 2013
He won this award for his autoguider barndoor type tracker that
he uses with his Dobsonian telescope
left is his unique autoguider barndoor style star tracker for
his telescope. Some of the innovations are an Arduino controller
and bungee cord tensioning system. He also uses a star
tracking camera system connected to his laptop.
Awards Continued
SBAU receives SBMNH Legacy Award
--Dinner January 17th 2013

SBMNH 2012 Legacy Award
The Museum's Legacy Award is usually given to
individuals who have made significant contributions to the
Museum's mission to give people a sense of wonder for the
natural world. This was one of the few times it has been given
to a group, and it recognized our outreach efforts, recent
national and international awards, and the
development of the UC2 handicap accessible telescope.
Row Left to Right: Chuck & Pat McPartlin, Art Harris, Mike
Farris, Ruben Gutierrez, Edgar Ocampo. Bottom Row
Left To Right: Tom Totton, Tim Crawford, Jim Williams, Javier
Click here to see more Photos and a Video

2012 Las Cumbres Amateur Outreach Award
The Las Cumbres Amateur Outreach Award, established in 2001 by
Wayne Rosing
and Dorothy Largay, seeks to honor outstanding educational
outreach by an
amateur astronomer to K-12 children and the interested lay
"Amateur" is understood to mean someone who does not receive
(other than expenses) for their activity and does not receive
the majority
of their income from a profession in astronomy.
Chuck McPartlin receives the first of
a limited edition SBAU lapel pin honoring his national award.
Hi Chuck,
hearty congrats for winning the Las Cumbres Award! Vivian told
me she had a chance to chat with you at the ASP conference -
sorry I missed you.
published an article about the award on the NSN website and it
is also the internal (login side) article.
see also:

State Parks Appreciation Plaque
This plaque was given to the Astronomical Unit by the Park
at Refugio State Beach, in October of 2006, in appreciation for
10 years
of hosting astronomy programs there. They also had a cake.